
Krypton Reborn: Dragon of the Sun

Reborn as a Kryptonian in the Dragon Ball universe, Hal is living his dream! Follow his adventures as he walks the path of power and rebuilds both the Kryptonian and Saiyan Empires. None can stand in his way as he grows to the limits of his multiverse and beyond! This is an alternate take on my other Krypton Reborn, with a different MC than Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story. It takes place in the same greater outerverse as all my Krypton Reborn web novels and will be the fastest paced of the series (so far anyways lol!) This story and all my other fanfictions are available for free on my Patreon, alongside my other web-novels. It will have a very loose upload schedule, as I am focusing my efforts on seven chapters of Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story per week. If this web novel gains enough support in my monthly Patreon polls, it may move to the top spot in the priority list! Thanks to all the readers out there! All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!

VendakSoth · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
35 Chs

Chapter Two, Part One

"On your left," Hal drifted at the edge of the battle, eyes focused on Goku as he faced off against Master Roshi. Goku responded instantly to his warning with a twitch of his feet, just ahead of Roshi's high speed kick. "Step back, left again…"

The Saiyan dodged another blow, then followed Hal's instructions and lashed out with a backhand. Roshi's fist was deflected, pushed to the side enough for Goku to lash out with a kick of his own.

"Keep pressing, he's on the backfoot now," a quick glance at the potential futures showed they were on the correct path, headed for a greater diversion from the plot. "Behind you… now right…"

Hal directed Goku with his future-sight, his instructions enough for the less experienced Saiyan to match the old Hermit blow-for-blow. Roshi took a breath and stamped his foot to gain distance, hands pulled behind his back. Before he could even begin his chant, Goku mimicked his pose.

"Kaaa… meee… haaa… meee… HAAAAA!"

The fighter's words overlapped, both armed with a beam of blue-white light. Goku's attack slowly encroached towards Roshi, but the Turtle Hermit only smiled. A serious expression overtook his grin as the old man opened his mouth and roared. 

The clothes on his back shredded free, ripped apart by a massive expansion of muscle. The Kamehameha wave in his hands tripled in size, a blast that rampaged toward Goku's wide eyed form. Before the Saiyan could react, he was hammered into the beach by the explosion of ki.

"Very impressive!" Roshi's muscled figure shrank back to his regular size as the old man released a peal of laughter. He removed his sunglasses and gave Hal a deep stare. "You've got very impressive insights for someone so young, almost supernatural."

Hal smiled as he shrugged his shoulders and moved to help Goku free of the sand.. The Three Second Sight was a biological ability, but it certainly touched on the definition of magic. Like Kryptonian physiology, it was science that seemed as magic to most observers.

"It's a natural ability, but it can only take me so far," Hal gave a tug and his Saiyan brother popped free of the ground, ruffled up but no worse for wear. "So, did we pass your test?"

"More than passed," Roshi shook his head and returned his sunglasses to their rightful place. The Dragon Ball on his neck moved with every shake, a temptation that Hal ignored for now. "Gohan has trained you both too well, I don't think I have anything to teach either of you… I'd suggest you visit Korin's tower, you'll find the Master you're looking for there."

[Congratulations, you have received one Time Point,] Hal's system chirped into his ears, emotionless as ever. [Would you like to send your existing points on a draw?]

"Are you certain?" The system's request went ignored as Hal focused on the Turtle Hermit. Roshi had returned to his recliner, drink in one hand and a questionable magazine in the other. "Do you think we're ready for the challenge?"

"Both of you are certainly ready," Roshi snorted into his cocktail and shook his head. He waved his book between Hal and Goku, before it settled to point at Hal's nose. "You especially… In fact, I doubt Korin will be of much help to you either, but Goku should still benefit from the journey."

"Weren't you going to Korin's tower anyway?" Goku took a seat on the beach and lay exhausted in the sand. "What's so special about that place anyways?"

"Korin's tower is the pinnacle location for martial arts on Earth," Roshi shook his magazine at the downed Saiyan and sent him a light hearted glare. "Didn't Gohan teach you anything other than how to fight?"

"Goku's brain only has space for food and martial arts," Hal laughed as he eyed the Dragon Ball on the Hermit's neck, fingers itchy. He already had three, Gohan's, and both of Bulma's. "I was wondering, could I borrow that neckless of yours?"

"This thing?" Roshi tilted his head and removed the Dragon Ball from his neck. A light toss sent it into Hal's grasp, his fourth out of seven to be collected. "Help yourself! I found it years ago, but If it can help the apprentice of my apprentice, you're welcome to it!"

"Thank you Master Roshi!" Hal gave the old man a bow and did his best to ignore the exposed pages of the dirty magazine. He moved to take hold of Goku's gi and rose into the air. "I promise, the next time we meet, I'll have an assortment of new… books for you to read."

"A filial child, worthy of the Turtle School!" The old Hermit nearly jumped for joy at Hal's words. "Come back soon, and remember your promise!"

Roshi's reaction brought a sigh from Hal's lips. He waved goodbye and hauled the now asleep Goku through the air. Perhaps before he left, he would find Yamcha and Puar. He could accelerate the Turtle Hermit's resistance training against women and free the old man from his greatest weakness.

"Time to pick up the pace…" Hal accelerated, his biofield wrapped around Goku as they breached the sound barrier and beyond. Korin's tower was a good distance away, but at his top speed it would only take a few minutes. "We'll set up the capsule house at the base of the tower and climb in the morning."

Goku would need time to recover, and Hal could spend the time in orbit around the sun. Every moment he spent close to the fiery orb filled his cells with joy. The power in Hal's body grew faster every day, a feedback loop that magnified his reservoir of ki. Kryptonian biology was a perfect match to the power system of this universe.

"I must be stronger than Raditz by now, but I have no idea what my power level is," Hal shook his head. He could sense ki at a short distance, but it was a surprisingly difficult skill. "It doesn't really matter I suppose… once Freiza is killed, the warriors of Earth seem to get by fine without the mention of power levels as static numbers."

Korin tower appeared on the horizon and interrupted his thoughts. The vast, white pillar rose into the clouds, taller than any building had the right to be. He often wondered what kept the thing upright… probably magic, as Korin's actual power level was fairly low. Hal shrugged and flicked his wrist. Their capsule house arched through the air and expanded upon the ground in a plume of white smoke.

"There's no sign of that tribe…" Hal scanned the area around the tower's base as he tossed Goku's unconscious form inside and shut the door. There was supposed to be a small group of tribal protectors, who tested challengers before they made an attempt to climb the tower. "Whatever… if they show up, Goku will be fine."

Hal rocketed upwards, along the tower's white marble surface. He blurred past Korins home and beyond the lookout, headed for orbit and the light of the sun. It was time for a good night's rest. Tomorrow, they would meet the cat and figure out if Goku was truly ready to face the tower.

– – – –

"What the hell was that?" Korin waddled to the edge of his carved out home and craned his neck to peer above. "That power… I've felt it off and on since a few days ago, but it's usually too restrained for me to track."

The immortal frowned and glanced below, where a small, modern house had sprung up overnight. Whoever they were, at least they had the courtesy to wait until morning before they stopped in. A good sign that they had no ill intent, but not a guarantee.

"I'd better contact Kami, just in case there's going to be trouble…"

– – – –


"I sense it as well, Mr. Popo," Kami made his way to the lookout's edge and squinted toward the distant sun. "They seem to have left the Earth for a moment, but this same power has been active since a few days ago… a young boy with unknown origins."

"Should I gather the Dragonballs?" Mr. Popo's expressionless face followed his Master's gaze out of the atmosphere, as if he could also see the young man in orbit around the star. "His power might already be beyond them, but we could still try…"

"That won't be necessary," Kami shook his head and gave his faithful servant a smile. "I don't sense any malice from him, or the one who travels with him… neither of them has a dark soul."

***Power Levels and other notes***

Hal: 750


Roshi: 140

Korin: 190

Kami: 220

Mr. Popo: ???

Thanks again for reading! This novel will have a slower release rate than my other novel, at least for now. I do monthly content polls on my Patreon, so if enough people are interested then this novel will move up in priority! My top priority novel gets seven chapter parts a week on the patreon and five on all other platforms. All constructive criticism and comments are welcome!



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