

  "Arrgh...!!" Janice exclaimed as the floating pen crumbles to pieces.

  Emmy gasped at what she saw...she hurriedly ran to Janice worriedly.

  "Jan..Jan." she called repeatedly as Jan then blinked her eyes rapidly turning to emmy.

  "eh?" she asked

  "are you okay?" Emmy asked

  "uh..yeah" Janice replied

  "then what made you scream like that?" she asked as Jan frowned

  "is it not this human being that kept saying trash about my company, calling it all shit" Jan explained

  "what??" emmy exclaimed

  "you can take a look" Jan said gesturing emmy to her computer but surprisingly she couldn't find the person comment there any longer.

  "what..?" Janice gasped and reloaded the page but same.

  "it was right here"she said pointing at the screen.

  "this can't be happening" Jan muttered and reloaded the page again but same.

  "Jan..." Emmy whispered lowly as Jan turns to her

  "you should calm down" she said