
CHAPTER 14- weird (ii)

  "imma dress you up baby!" Emilia squealed as Zane shook his head feeling disgusted

  The girls made their way to the room as karissa ran to Emmy's closet.

  "the perfect gown....." she said lowly like a whisper

  "I don't think this is necessary" Emmy laughed

  "c'mon... first lunch with your crush!!" karissa replied and sorted out what fits emmy best

  "gotcha!" she exclaimed as she handed a gown to her

  "hmmm...I must say" emmy said

  "nice choice!" she added

  in less than 10 minutes she was done.

  "makeup??" karissa asked

  "nope..I'm not going on a date girl" Emmy replied

  "oh!" she mouthed

  "uhhhh...sorry looks like we're forgetting something" karissa said

  "oh..what's that!" Emilia asked

  "we can't text him our address...." karissa said lowly

  "oh..I almost forgot that" Emilia said

  'yeah...I haven't told them about the full story, I can't.... I don't know what their reaction might be like' Emmy thought within herself