
Kookmin/Jikook Love Story

Jungkook grew up with his childhood besties Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jimin. But in their first year of college Jungkook starts to catch feelings for Jimin but does Jimin feel the same way?

thjoy · Fantasía
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Chapter 1: First Day of College


I leaped out of bed as soon as the alarm from my phone went off. 'BRIIIIIING!!!!'

I was about to get back in bed when i

I remember today is my first day of college. My heart raced even though I know it's just school. Maybe I'm exited because I'm about to begin a new adventure. College life. Me and my friends, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung decided since we all have always gone to school together since childhood we should do the same now that we are in college. We were all very happy when we all found out we all had gotten accepted in the same college. I was happy too because I wouldn't feel lonely or out of place in a new school. I quickly took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and was about to head out the door when I suddenly get a call from Jimin.

"Jungkook!! We are all here already where are you?!?!"

"Me? I'm about to leave my apartment. Why?"

"You were supposed to be here 30 minutes ago!! We still haven't been assigned to our dorms yet!"

I went quiet for a few seconds. I looked at my clock. I almost dropped my phone when I realized I was indeed 30 minutes late.

"I'll be there soon just give me a second."

I hung up and flew out the door.

When I arrived I found out that they had already went ahead and got their dorms picked. We all got dorms with each other. Namjoon with Jin, Yoongi with Hoseok, and Jimin, Taehyung, and me ended up sharing the same dorm because the rooms are pretty big. As we all headed to our dorms to unpack, I kept noticing girls staring at me. I was getting too much attention.

Jimin and Taehyung of course tried looking their best because they had noticed this as well and was trying to gain more attention from them. Then Taehyung put his glasses on and smirked at one of the girls who nearly passed out in the arms of her friend. I rolled my eyes. We finally reached our dorm and I immediately picked my bed. Of course I picked the top bunk. I layed down as I was tired from not getting enough sleep last night because I was busy imagining how college would be like. Not even a few seconds had passed since I closed my eyes when I felt someone lay half on top of me with his arm wrapped around me like a koala. I knew who it was before I opened my eyes. Jimin. I turned my head to him and we made eye contact. He grinned a little as he said, "Sleepy?" "Mm" I mumbled. I was too tired to speak. "Same." He said as he rested his head on my chest. Taehyung suddenly interrupted the silence, "should we go meet the others?" I groaned and sat up and Jimin pouted. We headed to a small cafe near the school where we met the rest of our group.


Namjoon and Suga had already ordered their drinks but Hoseok and Jin decided to wait for the three younger boys. "I'm so exited for this year guys this is going to be so much fun!" Hoseok beamed, "I hope we will do great in our studies." "If y'all need any help I can help y'all because I'm really good at studying and maybe you can learn from me." Namjoon said taking a sip of the drink he had ordered. The boys thanked him saying the definitely would need his help. "What drink do you want to order?" Jimin whispered to Jungkook. "I think I will get an iced americano." Jungkook replied, "what about you?" Jimin smiled,"The same." "Me too!!!!" Hoseok chimed,"I love that drink!! What about you Jin and Taehyung?" Jin thought for a bit before saying, "Maybe a latte or something." Taehyung said he would get the same and after the boys got their drinks they were all soon laughing talking about childhood memories and what the new school year would be like. Little did Jungkook know that this year was going to be the craziest yet amazing year he had ever had.

Okay so ik that people don’t move into dorms on the first day of college lol but here they do like the first day is just getting everything together :) this is my first time writing so it might be a bit messy so I apologize :(

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