
Konoha Exiles

Uzumaki Naruto is exiled after bringing the Uchiha back. Reunited with a childhood friend, the pair embark on a journey of discovery that will eventually bring them back to Konoha. NarutoxHinata later chapters OCOC

Leo_Chen_0529 · Acción
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10 Chs

Chapter 9:

The two branch members were put down with single strikes, their limp bodies crashed into a vendors stall (incidentally this was a vendor that threatened Naruto with a butcher knife several times when he was looking for food).

The stall was shattered and dogs raced in and stole the meat as it hit the ground. The merchant screamed at the animals, but most people were watching the Hyuga drama that was being shown to them all.

"Surrender Hiashi, and you'll walk out of here with your life." Vengeance-Hinata said. the girl's skin was now bone white and her hair had taken on a blackness as had her Byakugan eyes.

"Demon, I will exorcise you from my daughter and then punish her for the disrespect she has shown the family." Hiashi snarled entering his own Juken stance.

"Kukukukuku. You think that you can stand up to us?" Vengeance-Hinata asked cocking an eyebrow. "We have been trained by the Godaime Hokage herself. You have been wasting away kissing the ass of a council that killed your wife and turned you against your children."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Hiashi ranted.

"I dare a lot fool. I have seen this shells life, I watched everything, and things she might not have noticed…I HAVE!"

Villagers were backing away as the killing intent in the air seemed to thicken. Today the village was seeing Hinata the chosen shell for the Spirit of Vengeance. Today secrets were going to come out, and sadly, laundry day looked like it was going to be hell.

Many of the villagers realized that they were screwed. The ones that had nothing to worry about cheered the young Hyuga on.

Across a Jonin turned Genin shuddered. "I sense a disturbance in the force." He muttered as he shook the chill from his spine and returned to his D-Rank mission for the day.

Atop several buildings masked ANBU watched. They'd been ordered by the Hokage to watch only. They were not to interfere with Hinata unless she was losing.

A purple haired ANBU watched as the Hyuga Head and the Heir circled.

Hiashi is a fool. Can't he see that the style Hinata is using is stronger?

Apparently not as Hiashi attacked thinking his daughter was still the same stuttering girl he used to intimidate.

Hinata's chakra spike sliced into Hiashi's palm and he screamed in pain as he saw a hole thru his hand.

"What's the matter…Daddy? Did that hurt?" Vengeance-Hinata asked mockingly. "Its amazing what one can learn when trained in a proper style that's fit for them."

Hinata's next three strikes had Hiashi on his knees, his wounded hand clutched to his torso that was bruised, his shirt torn from where Hinata had struck him, all could see the pale skin purpling from the blows.

Several figures appeared at the end of the street. The Konoha Nine had arrived and they were seeing Hinata in a whole new light.

"What's going on over there?" Ino asked as she was walking with the others.

"Who knows, its too troublesome to worry about." (guess who)

Neji paused, his Byakugan activated. He'd been dragged along by his teammates, no one noticing how quickly he'd given in to the.

His eyes widened. "Hinata?"

"What about your cousin?" TenTen asked from where she had an arm looped through his and Lee's. She'd told the others that it was to keep both boys from bolting.

"She's fighting Hiashi-sama." Neji seemed to choke on that and Ino grabbed Shikamaru and Choji and pulled them along. Kiba and Shino who'd been with them followed, Akamaru whined as they got closer.

"What's wrong with yo…Whoa?" Kiba's question to his partner was silenced as they watched Hinata put the two branch members down with one strike each.

"When did Hinata get that good?"

Neji's eyes watched and widened even more when she struck Hiashi. "She's different."

Most of them had seen Hinata in passing or for a quick lunch, but as the apprentice to the Hokage, they'd not really seen her.

"YOSH! HER FIRES BURN BRIGHTLY!" Lee yelled watching as the once timid girl struck Hiashi three more times.

Neji winced as his Byakugan saw the damage those blows were doing. He'd been warned by Gai-sensei about provoking Hinata, he wouldn't. he'd been on good terms with his cousin since his defeat at the hands of Naruto during the Chunin exams. But he saw why Gai seemed worried.

Team 9 had been worried about their sensei over the last few months, he hadn't been his usual self.

The Konoha eight looked on as Hinata spoke to Hiashi, they were too far back to hear what was being said, but they could feel the killing intent from Hinata from where they were.

Akamaru whimpered and burrowed into Kiba's jacket. The Inuzuka looked on. "She's different. Akamaru says the vibes from Hinata remind him of that Garaa kid from Suna."

Shino was silent, but his bugs were telling him that Hinata was the same in many ways, but there was an aura of power that wasn't there before.

Choji ate a couple of chips, his eyes watching the once timid girl trounce her father who they knew used to verbally abuse her at every opportunity.

Shikamaru sighed and muttered a "Troublesome" but his eyes were taking in the information and he was compiling questions to ask the Hokage. He was Chunin and it was his responsibility.

Being responsible is such a drag. Shikamaru thought as Ino stood there wide eyed.

The Eight of the Nine watched their last member and knew that she was different and they were worried what it meant.

"Amazing Hiashi. I thought you wanted this shell to be stronger. But I see that was a lie. You were never pleased with any success she had. You always beat her down, mentally, verbally and then you used your other daughter and the branch members to do it physically." Vengeance-Hinata said as she ducked under a wild strike from Hiashi and she lashed out hitting his arm three times.

The once regal looking robes he wore now were hanging on by threads as her chakra powered strikes tore them from him, and left the skin underneath blackened by bruises.

"When Naruto-kun comes back we shall change the Hyuga for the better."

"I'll kill that damn demon before I let him touch you." Hiashi said.

You could hear a pin drop in Konoha.

At the end of the street Neji winced. He'd read Hinata's and Hiashi's lips and knew that was the worst thing his uncle could have said to Hinata.

TenTen felt him tense and leaned in. "What? What happened?" she whispered in his ear.

"Hiashi threatened to kill Naruto after Hinata informed him that she and Naruto would change the Hyuga for the better. He has just sealed his fate." The Hyuga male said and looked on as Lee put a hand on his shoulder and TenTen tightened her grip on both of them.

Back with Hinata she stepped back and her black eyes seemed to blaze with passion. Her cold voice became even colder as her hand lashed out and she grabbed Hiashi and her hand splayed out over his temple and face. (Think Vulcan mind meld)

"So many secrets Hiashi." She said. "You knew the Kyuubi was coming. You had branch members there attacking it…Danzo…Orochimaru…who is the one in the robes Hiashi? Sorcerer…"

Hinata's eyes became lided and she pushed power into her search. Hiashi went to his knees in pain as his daughter possessed by Vengeance dug thru his mind faster than a Yamanaka.

"Power. You stupid fool. You betrayed Konoha for power and covered it up. The Hyuga Council knew…mother…"

Hinata broke contact and staggered back. "You Monster!" Hinata's skin became flushed and her eyes flickered between white and black.

"You killed mother. You had her killed to hide your dirty secrets." Vengeance-Hinata said, the black eyes becoming darker and veins around the eyes hardening even more.

"You are responsible for Naruto-kun's pain. You had branch members tell the villagers about Naruto being the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. You told merchants to refuse him service and paid them for it. You call him demon and monster, it is you who are the monster Hiashi Hyuga. I see it all now. The Hyuga clan are a disease. I see now why Itachi did what he did. You and Fuguku Uchiha wanted him to assassinate Naruto-kun. He refused and Fuguku ordered his death…it backfired and Itachi killed his clan to protect Naruto-kun from them."

Gasps were heard around the street.

The piper was coming and it was payday. Vengeance-Hinata's eyes looked around, her black Byakugan eyes landing upon Neji at the end of the street.

"Neji-oniisan, return to the compound, take Hanabi, and the branch members along with Manami-chan of the main house and go to the Hokage tower." Her eyes went to Hiashi who was still on his knees.

"Hell is coming Hiashi. A cleansing of the Hyuga is the only way I see. The corruption runs deep into the old generation. It is time to be a phoenix and the Hyuga rise from the ashes of your death."

"N-no." Hiashi said thru the pain.

His eyes scanned the crowd and saw the ANBU watching.

"K-K-Kill her. Sh-she broke the Third's law." He said.

The cat masked ANBU held up a hand and shook her hand. "As the Hokage's apprentice she can speak about it Hyuga-san."

Hiashi looked around for a way to escape. His head turned back towards Hinata as her hand slammed into his forehead.

People watched in shock as the back of his head blew off and his brains slammed into the street, severed from the spinal column cleanly by the chakra strike from Hinata.

"Vengeance served." She went and picked up her basket as if nothing had happened. She walked towards the end of the street where the other rookies were frozen in place. Neji and his team having left after Hinata gave her instructions.

Hinata paused and looked over her shoulder, her skin color returning to normal and her eyes a grey now. "Consider your actions. This is your one and only warning. You mistreat Naruto-kun again, and what I've done to Hiashi will seem like a midsummer nights dream."

Hinata looked at the rookies and sighed. "Ano…I suppose I have some explaining to do."

When they said nothing but stared at her, she sighed. "Let me drop these off at my apartment and deal with my cla…with the Hyuga's."

"B-But you're a Hyuga." Ino said breaking out of her shock.

"No. I haven't been for some time, but maybe someday I will be someone else."

Maybe someday I'll be an Uzumaki-Kazama. Hinata thought, and she could hear the agreement of the Vengeance spirit in the back of her mind. As she walked away from the remains of her father, already planning what to do with the Main Branch of the Hyuga's who mistreated Naruto and betrayed Konoha, the remaining rookies looked from the brainless corpse of Hiashi as he knelt there, the back of his head blown out, they wondered what had happened to the sweet stuttering girl they all knew. It was Shino who turned and followed his teammate without a word, the others taking a bit of time to catch up.

A/N: Please Support Me On patreon.com/The_Alchemyst