
Konoha : Adopted by Tsunade

Change people's Destiny and get rewards. Natsume, wielding the Holy Ring of Destiny, finds himself adopted by Tsunade after awakening the rare Wood Release. With newfound purpose, Natsume sets out to alter the destinies of countless individuals, all the while seeking the rewards of his actions. ................................................ Support me. https://ko-fi.com/red_tomato

Red_tomatoes · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 The beginning of pillow career .

Yūgao Uzuki, as per the original plot, was slated to join the ANBU after graduation, eventually becoming a special jonin thanks to her Konoha-style swordsmanship. In the original storyline, she was also the lover of Hayate Gekkō.

However, now that she had been accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, even if it was by chance, it was enough to be considered as rising from the ashes.

Yet, it was unfortunate that she had been an insignificant supporting character in the original story. Were it not for her beauty, few would have remembered her.

The value of destiny hinged on two criteria. Firstly, the character's role in the original work, and secondly, the extent to which the character's fate had changed. A character could gain up to 100 destiny points per destiny node, with roughly fifty points assigned to each of these criteria.

Yūgao Uzuki had contributed 49 points, signifying a significant alteration in her fate and her divergent path from the original storyline.

Uchiha Itachi's meager eighteen points indicated that, despite becoming Orochimaru's apprentice, he had remained true to his original intentions. He would still be prepared to make extreme choices for Konoha.

Orochimaru, having taken Uchiha Itachi and Uzuki Yūgao as his disciples, concluded the day's test at the ninja school.

Students returned to their homes, each seeking their respective families. As soon as Natsume reached the school gate, he spotted his guardian and nominal mother, Tsunade.

"Why are you half an hour late today?" Tsunade inquired.

"Orochimaru-sama accepted a disciple, and the school conducted a test," Natsume explained, holding her hand with his smaller one.

Tsunade paused for a couple of seconds, her thoughts drifting to Nawaki once more, considering that Orochimaru's last apprentice had been her brother.

Upon seeing Tsunade's silence, Natsume attempted to look up and read her expression but found his view obstructed by her forehead, as if it were a mysterious mountain peak.

There was a saying from his past life: "When a woman lowers her head, and you can't see her toes, she is the most beautiful woman in the world." However, today he seemed to be experiencing the opposite.

Natsume thought for a moment and realized that his words must have stirred up memories of the past, likely her thoughts of Nawaki. He was about to speak to offer comfort.

But Tsunade had already reached out, picked him up, and held him close with a gentle touch. In that moment, Natsume saw the touch of sadness in her expression.

Indeed, his words had reminded her of Nawaki, and this longing seemed to transfer to him.

"Don't move; let me hold you for a while," Tsunade softly requested.

Upon hearing her words, Natsume immediately settled down and behaved like an obedient pillow in her arms.

After a while, Tsunade released Natsume but didn't put him down; she carried him all the way back home.

Natsume didn't say anything; he just observed her with his typical crooked thoughts, his gaze fixed on her beautiful jawline as it moved.

"After watching me all the way, how do you feel?" Tsunade suddenly lowered her head and locked eyes with him.

Natsume was caught off guard by her question and didn't know how to respond.

Tsunade found his bewildered expression amusing. She hugged him tightly and affectionately rubbed his face, saying, "Thank you. I feel much better." She let out a sigh.

Natsume shivered a bit, feeling a slight itch.

"I'm going to check if Shizune's rice is ready," Tsunade informed him, setting him down and patting his head once more.

Natsume breathed a sigh of relief, settled on the sofa, and turned on the TV.

How should he put it?

The program was incredibly average, but it served as a decent way to pass the time.

After a while, Tsunade and Shizune brought out the food.

"I'm starting!" Natsume clapped his hands and announced.

He had his lunch at the ninja school cafeteria, which didn't taste very good. In the morning, he had eaten rice balls made by Tsunade. Only the dinner could replenish his strength, so he made sure to have a hearty meal with plenty of meat.

Following dinner, it was time to practice the Wood Release ninjutsu once again. Shizune returned to her room to focus on medical skills, while Tsunade remained in the hall, watching the TV and keeping an eye on Natsume through the window, ensuring his practice went smoothly.

To avoid any potential issues during his training, Natsume browsed through the ninjutsu scrolls and decided to learn the next technique: Mokuton: Mokujōheki. It was a defensive ninjutsu that allowed the user to erect a row of wooden pillars in place and bend them into an arch to create a protective barrier. The barrier offered 360-degree protection with no blind spots.

"Natsume, would you like to have an apple?" Tsunade noticed he had been practicing for a while and offered, "I'll peel one for you."

"Okay," Natsume replied, taking a moment to answer.

However, after a few minutes, Tsunade still hadn't returned.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Natsume hurried to the window and peered in. He was immediately taken aback, then turned and rushed back into the hall.

Tsunade had her arms wrapped around herself, trembling uncontrollably. Natsume quickly noticed the remaining blood stains on the knife and swiftly wiped it clean.

Ninjas usually leaned toward offense over defense, and Tsunade was no exception, unless she activated her own ninjutsu. Seeing blood had accidentally triggered her hemophobia.

Natsume felt at a loss, so he gently patted her back and said, "Don't be afraid."

Tsunade struggled to lift her head, caught sight of Natsume, and suddenly hugged him tightly.

Natsume experienced wave after wave of trembling and was rendered speechless for a long while, unable to move.

It took some time before the shaking gradually subsided. Natsume moved his slightly numb body and suggested, "Sister, you should go and rest."

Tsunade didn't release him; instead, she held onto him even tighter. It appeared that she hadn't completely overcome her hemophobia.

Natsume let out a quiet sigh and decided to be patient. There wasn't much he could do.

Then, without explanation, Tsunade got up, picked him up, and carried him to her room, tucking him into her bed.

"Huh?" Natsume was taken aback.

What was happening?

Tsunade turned off the light without a word, and he became her makeshift pillow.

In a few minutes, her breathing steadied.

This is going to be a long night.

Natsume felt like he had become Yahiki. Well, he thought to himself, the world is vast, and the patient's needs come first. Just endure it for one night.

In the early morning, Natsume awoke with a sore back. Tsunade hadn't slept well; she had clung to him tightly, wrapping her arms around him and her legs around him, burying her face in his neck.

For a while, it felt as if his entire body was enveloped in a gentle, slimy embrace.

But staying in one position for too long was exhausting.

"Sister," Natsume called out while gazing at Tsunade's beautiful sleeping face.

There was a response, but she held him even tighter. To his surprise, Tsunade began to nuzzle him like a kitten.

"Let me sleep a little longer."


Natsume couldn't bear the weight of the woman, so he resorted to his trump card, putting his arms around her neck and pitifully saying, "Sister, I'm hungry."

Tsunade immediately opened her eyes and replied, "I'll make you rice balls."

Natsume seized the opportunity and slipped away. He quickly put on his coat, washed up, and felt refreshed, as if he had been reborn.

The previous night had been the ultimate torture.

After breakfast, Natsume headed to school. His classmate, Uchiha Itachi, who was known for never missing a class, was absent today.

While other students envied his absence, it wasn't because they wanted to skip class. It was because he had the privilege of receiving Orochimaru's personal guidance.

Natsume, who knew the truth, had no reason to be envious. Orochimaru's "guidance" was more like a form of instruction.

Soon, it was Saturday again, July 7th.

Natsume channeled all his chakra into his wooden clone and then spent some fate points to send it to gather information about the notorious Akatsuki organization.

The plan to save the Uzumaki Mother and Daughter was officially underway.

(Original Author's note : As for the incident involving Tsunade and the fruit knife, some might find it scientifically implausible. To those who question it, there's no need to ask for an explanation; just direct your inquiries to the Welfare Bureau.)

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