
Konoha's White Wolf

So basically, MC reincarnates as a civilian in Naruto world to find himself and strive to be strongest without any op cliche wishes. • MC looks like Merlin from FATE • Personality : Gentle and calm • OC x Ino shipping English is not my first language so grammar Nazis please have some mercy.As I promised earlier guys the book cover art is drawn by yours truly!

Crimsoneyes · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

13. Jounin-sensei and team

The very same day, Naruto being held back from graduating the Ninja Academy after a botched clone jutsu, is tricked by an academy teacher named Mizuki into stealing a scroll containing the secret ninjutsu from the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi that night.

Iruka intercepts Naruto as Mizuki was going to kill the boy and leave the village with the stolen scroll, Mizuki revealing to Naruto that villagers were ordered to reveal him as a host to a demon fox called the Nine Tails which devastated their village twelve years ago. Mizuki explains this to be reason Naruto is hated, adding that Iruka's parents were killed by the Nine Tails.

But a remorseful Iruka protects Naruto while telling him that they have a lot in common, spurring Naruto to use the Shadow Clone jutsu he learned from the scroll to overwhelm Mizuki. Soon after Iruka uses Naruto's ability to use shadow clones to justify his graduation from the Ninja Academy.

While Ryu and Yugao were having conversation, he missed the main event which will change his team as well as his ninja life.

The very next day of graduation exams, a meeting was called for all 'jounin sensei to be', to announce which team is allotted to whom.

Where all this was happening, Anko being Anko blissfully unaware of the reason for being suddenly summoned to attend the meeting, which will be according to her, worst meeting of her entire life.

As she arrived, she noticed that hokage summoned all the capable jounin of konoha to attend the meeting, suddenly she experiences dreadful feeling, but decides to ignore it thinking what could be more annoying than a dangerous mission, but she will realize how wrong she is in few moments. While she is thinking about the meeting, Hokage addresses all the present shinobis.

Hokage,"As of you all know why you are called here, let's get straight to the point without wasting any further moment to conclude this meeting."

Anko behind all of them becomes more and more confused, as she doesn't remember the reason for HER summoning. She decides to confront the hokage by raising her hand.

As soon as she raises her hand, she becomes center of attention of the meeting and hokage looks in her direction with a raised eyebrow indicating what's the matter.

Anko," Hokage sama, with all due respect, I was not informed of the reason of my immediate summon and meeting of all jounins."

Hokage answers with a sly smile,"Ah! Yes Anko-chan, you see, you are hereby promoted to jounin rank and will be assigned your very own genin team."



All the jounin while staring at hokage and Anko simultaneously,"...."

Meanwhile Kakashi closing his book makes a sound louder than expected and everyone turns to him including Anko and Hokage.

Kakashi," Did you say something?"

Anko and Hokage including all the present jounin,"...."


Anko turning her neck fast enough to Hokage and screams,"NANIIIIIIIIII???"

Hokage clears his ears and replies calmly,"Ah! yes Anko-chan, hope you look after them well and guide them to become best shinobi out there, while giving her file containing names of her students now onwards."

Anko becomes numb by the declaration and almost robotically grabs the file and tries to process the information of her being promoted to jounin rank and getting a genin team.

While Kakashi grabs the file and looks at the students' names and closes it almost indifferently. All the jounin looked at the file and informs hokage of official genin team testing and then approving them day after tomorrow, if they pass the test.

As Kakashi was leaving along with fellow jounin sensei, hokage orders him to stay back.

Hokage," Kakashi, you are given the most promising students, that being team consisting of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Ryu Shirokami."

Meanwhile Anko slips out of the shock hearing Ryu's name says with a huff,"WHAT??hokage-sama why does he gets my Ryu-kun and I get bunch of gakis who don't even know what's out there of Konoha"

Hokage ignoring her, seriously continues,"Kakashi-kun, I want you to seriously train them and stop being so lazy and train them to be very best team out there, as all three has potential to rival three legendary sannins, my own students."

Hearing this both Anko and Kakashi gets very shocked.

Anko as she knows the potential of Ryu, gets over the shock quickly and thinks about the other two, the Uchiha brat with stick in his ass and loudmouth nine tails jinchuriki.

Kakashi while knowing the potential of Sasuke the brother of Itachi and Naruto Uzumaki son of his sensei, wonders about an orphan civilian child.

Kakashi," Hai Hokage-sama, I know the two of my students but what of the orphan what makes him special."

Anko hearing this fumes and answers,"Mind your mouth Cyclops while speaking about my Ryu-kun, else I'll neuter you."

Kakashi hearing this pales internally but blinks in her direction externally and smiles the eye-smile,"maah maah Anko-chan, I didn't mean it in wrong way."

Anko harrumphs and Hokage coughs while answering," Ah yes, Kakashi-kun, you don't speak of Ryu-kun so casually as he is genius on your scale or even more talented than you, only pales in terms of lord fourth and Itachi, and you might want to know that he is otouto of Anko-chan here adopted as I might add and trained by herself."

Anko hearing this gets shocked and asks,"How do you know of me being his nee-chan and his training, only five more knows about it and they won't tell anyone."

Hokage smiles and answers,"Its ok Anko-chan, I also know of his very strong dual chakra nature as well as him being a genuis that invented his own unique taijutsu style what does he call it ah! yes 'Dance of White Wolf' White wolf he is indeed, also his Kenjutsu skills are par with a chunin but don't worry no one knows this except Danzo and my team mates."

Anko and Kakashi gets tensed hearing Danzo's name.

Anko narrows her eyes and replies,"Hokage-sama, with all due respect I don't want that creep anywhere near him."

While Kakashi also seriously nodes his head as all the team members of his are potential candidates of Danzo's organization.

Hokage,"Don't worry Anko-chan and Kakashi-kun, you have my word no harm will fall on them from Danzo's side, As well as you both are there to handle it if something happens." Both nodes and asks permission to leave.

While leaving, Anko drags Kakashi in corner and her one hand on his neck and other handling kunai to his neck.

Anko,"Listen Kakashi I want your complete attention on all three of them, Don't you dare isolate my Ryu-kun in favour of that arrogant Uchiha and that loudmouth blondie, Do you hear me?"

Kakashi although can easily handle her replies politely,"Hai, Anko-chan."

As the conversation drops they both parted their ways while thinking of the new headache they are going to have.

Kakashi while thinking of very talented Ryu, capable but arrogant sasuke and last but not least loudmouth hokage-wannabe Naruto and sighs painfully his days of reading Icha-icha paradise peacefully are over.

Meanwhile Anko too sighs reading her file and cursing hokage colorfully, thinking how hard its going to be train three civilians one of them being that Uchiha brat's No.1 fangirl.

Hey guys, I am back and very very sorry for posting so late, I was stuck in my own work as well as my upcoming youtube channel planning, so stay tunned for the chapters as well as I'll starting a youTube channel and will post my link in future. Thanks for reading.

Crimsoneyescreators' thoughts