
Konoha's Life Mentor, Kyoichi

Kyōichi transmigrated to Konoha and became a temporary teacher at the ninja academy, fortunately, he awakened a mentor system. By teaching others, he can earn rewards. So, Kyōichi began his career as a "teacher" in the ninja world. Shisui: "The teacher's unique Will of Fire has truly helped the Uchiha find their direction!" Asuma: "The heart of our responsibility, akin to a precious jewel, lies in protecting the people. With the experienced ones leading those who come after, only in this way can Konoha truly become stronger." Kakashi: "He is my life mentor, he changed Konoha!" ... Many years later, Kyōichi, as Hokage, wrote in his memoirs - I really just wanted to be a life mentor! * AU * Translated from Chinese fanfic

Rookni · Cómic
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106 Chs

There's More Than One Way to Reach a Goal

Asuma and Shisui were exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

The two of them were close-range fighters.

Compared to Kurenai, they had expended much more effort and chakra.

Kakashi was standing to the side, looking between them and Obito. Then...

"Stinky Kakashi, what are you looking at? I fought hard too, you know!"


He turned his head away without responding.

Obito wasn't good at thinking, but he was decent in frontal combat, creating opportunities for himself.

However, without Rin and Kurenai's help, Obito would have likely been injured in this fight.

Additionally, Kakashi's teamwork with Obito was on a completely different level from his teamwork with the rest of them - even though he had taken the initiative to cooperate with Obito, how could this still be easy to cooperate with this blockhead? This was what Kakashi didn't understand.


Kurenai struggled to stand up.

Seeing the tied up bandits, Kyōichi waved his hand, "No need to stand, everyone rest for a bit."

"Is it finished over there?"

Since Minato's shadow clone hadn't returned yet, he didn't know what had happened ahead.

"Mm, more or less. I've left the remnants for you to handle."


Minato was confused, then realized something was likely wrong.

Just as he was pondering this, space fluctuated.

Following that, the shadow clone returned with another person - Yahiko.

Yahiko was completely bewildered.

One moment there was a swirling sensation, the next he opened his eyes and was surrounded by eight Leaf shinobi, with Kyōichi Kamida right in front of him.

"This is... what kind of jutsu?"

Yahiko was alarmed.

True teleportation!

Moreover, what shocked him the most was that Minato's jutsu could bring others along. As the leader of Akatsuki, he knew very well how devastating such a jutsu could be on the battlefield.

To put it bluntly, this kind of jutsu could change the entire course of a battle!

The Leaf...

Was too fearsome!

Seeing Kyōichi Kamida, he thought he understood the village's capabilities, but now realized he had still underestimated the Leaf's village strength.

Kakashi tightened his grip on his tantō.

He recognized the man, a Hidden Rain shinobi.

"I'm Yahiko, pleased to make your acquaintance."

Yahiko bowed slightly.

Although these were just children, their squad leader was not.

Kyōichi already knew.

With his chakra sensing range, he could easily check on Konan and Nagato's status, so he already had a general idea of Minato's handling of the situation before returning.

Minato had Jiraiya backing him up, and was the village's recently rising prodigy Jōnin. This little matter would do no great harm.


Yahiko and the others were originally Jiraiya's creations anyway, so if they didn't take responsibility, who would he, an outsider, pass the blame onto?

Maybe someone like the first Hokage could've found a solution, but unfortunately he wasn't around.

Thinking of this, Kyōichi exhaled.

No big problem!

"Kyōichi Kamida, about the issues from before, could...could we discuss them again?"

Yahiko hesitated briefly before directly bringing up the topic, choosing to inquire straightforwardly.

Kyōichi thought for a moment, glancing at his system panel.

Earlier there had been a reward prompt that he thought signaled the end, but he didn't expect Yahiko to come chasing after him again...

Discuss again?

After considering it over and over, he spoke, "My stance is that of the Leaf. My solutions are different from yours, so why not take your doubts and go find the answers yourself? Think it over carefully, you're not that young anymore, you are more naive than my student Asuma."

He knew how to raise questions.

But resolving them?

Sorry, from the standpoint of the Rain and Akatsuki, he really didn't know what to do.


Nearby, Asuma was confused.

Did he seem very naive?

He looked at Shisui, then Kurenai, and both teammates nodded in support.

Alright then!

Asuma rubbed his nose without daring to retort.

After listening, Yahiko felt Kyōichi's words made a lot of sense, yet also felt he hadn't understood anything. He scratched his head, at a complete loss for several seconds, before saying in bewilderment, "But I really don't know what I should do..."

"If peace was as simple as you make it out to be, the Leaf's Shodaime and Nidaime would have already achieved it long ago. But consider this, during the Shodaime's time, why was there peace in the shinobi world?"

"Because he was very strong, no one dared make trouble."

Yahiko answered.

The legends of Senju Hashirama were known to all shinobi.

He was the stuff of legends.

Uchiha Madara only dared call himself a demigod, because compared to the "God of Shinobi", the gap was exceptionally massive. He didn't even dare compare himself to the God of Shinobi.

Although not a Leaf shinobi, Yahiko also held great respect for this legendary figure.

"Correct. To attain peace, first you must have strength yourself. Relying solely on ideals and theories to convince others is unrealistic. To put it crudely, with power you don't necessarily have to bully others, but can also use it to enable others to speak with you calmly and peacefully."

"For example, you and me."

Kyōichi began lecturing.

Of course.

It wasn't really lecturing, everything he said was substantive, honed through unique trials.

"I see...indeed, indeed!"

Yahiko could tell these words were very useful.

Especially the analysis on "strength".

It was just so.

If not for Kyōichi's formidable strength, directly subduing Nagato, how could he have come here to chat face-to-face? He would have escaped with Nagato long ago.

After hearing Kyōichi's few sentences, he felt like the clouds had parted and clarity emerged.

"To accomplish something, you don't necessarily have to go straight in that direction. You can first make progress in another direction, then turn towards that original direction, it may be simpler that way."

"I understand. Your guidance is an eternal boon, one Yahiko will forever engrave in his heart!"

Upon hearing this, Yahiko immediately had a vague idea.

He directly knelt and bowed in gratitude, startling Minato.

However, having merged with his shadow clone, Minato already knew the beginning and end of events.

Kyōichi's words also left a deep impression on him, giving him great food for thought. Those seemingly simple answers actually contained profound principles upon careful reflection.

He vaguely sensed Kyōichi's words would bring tremendous change to Yahiko.

Minato couldn't help feeling somewhat concerned.


He didn't know if it was good or bad.

"Minato-senpai, please be at ease. I absolutely will not do anything to bring shame upon Master."

Yahiko spoke solemnly.

He knew Minato was worried to some degree, after all the Leaf was the strongest of the Five Great Nations, and his actions could potentially harm the Leaf's interests.

Even Yahiko himself couldn't guarantee that will not happen.

However, he could guarantee he would never make things difficult for Jiraiya, or bring him shame.

In the distance, Kakashi and the others' gazes shifted back and forth.

Minato-sensei seemed to have some relation to him?

"To be honest, I also don't know what you understood, but you lead so many people, it won't be easy to resolve their grievances. Think it over carefully when you return."

Saying this, Kyōichi glanced at Asuma's team and motioned for them to prepare to leave.

However, Minato immediately said, "Kyōichi, don't rush to leave yet. There are quite a few bandits left alive over there, our squad can't handle them alone. Stay and help out a bit."


Oh well.

Mission accomplished, and he had even unexpectedly plucked a fat sheep extra.

He had wanted to make a direct escape, but was now called to a stop, so he couldn't slip away after all.

What a pity.

Kyōichi sighed.

On the surface, Minato had a radiant smile. Looking towards Yahiko, he said, "I will communicate this matter with Master and see what he decides. I hope you can understand this point."

"Yes, I understand! Please help me convey my greetings to Master on my behalf."

Yahiko bowed deeply again.

"I will."