
New Formations

I rushed out of the museum, still trying to figure out what is happening. The Leaf and Cloud are allies, why would they be attacking. I looked up at the stone faces of the Hokages. The lights were illuminating all seven heroes of the village, keeping constant watch over their home long after their death or retirement. Another explosion from the gate pulled me from my thoughts. I looked in the direction of the blast and realized it was coming from the front gate. As I ran towards the front gate, I still couldn't stop thinking about why this was happening. Panicked sounds from the civilians being woken by the attack we're becoming louder and louder the closer I got to the front gate. I was running through the market when I saw my old Sensei also running towards the blast.

" Sensei, I thought you were retired?" I yelled out while running parallel with each other.

"The village is under attack Nabu, it's all hands," he replied while bouncing over the roof tops of the market.

" It's the Hidden Cloud, I fought one in the War Museum. She said something about the seven Mist Blades," I answered back. I could tell his curiosity was peaked, even from a far distance.

When we finally reached the front gate, the signs of battle were everywhere. The guard shacks were obliterated, and lightning burns ran across the concrete path like water during a storm. I had seen death before, even killed men myself, but this was nothing like I'd ever hope to see. Dozens of fellow ninjas lay dead over piles of rubble, covered in burn marks, and even more with shurikens and still bleeding wounds. Before I could ask one of the surviving members of the guard about the attack, Lord Seventh and Sai with his leaf police force blocked my way into the battleground. After a while of just standing and watching the police force ask around, my Sensei offered to walk me home. On our walk back to my house, I could tell it was close to sunrise.

" Get some sleep Nabushi, you had a long night," he said parting me on the back. As I walked up the sidewalk towards my house, I heard him say, "Oh and congrats on jonin. I always knew you could do it." I turned around and saw a big smile on his face.


"Nabushi wake up! You have a visitor," my Mom said while shaking me awake. The rays of light we're almost blinding me as I opened my eyes.

" Who's here Mom?" I asked trying to get dressed quickly

"Lord Sixth," she answered surprisingly.

I have never met any of the Hokages. I heard Lord Sixth was a war hero. He was the one that trained Lord Seventh. His father was the legendary White Fang of the Leaf. The reputation of Kakashi Hatake preceded him in every way. I walked towards the living room and as I turned the corner, I saw him drinking tea with my father. I sat down beside my dad and just stared in bewilderment. The scar on his left eye was still very visible and his face mask seemed to be one with his skin.

"You are Nabushi Hyuga correct?" he asked.

"Yes, Lord Sixth I am," I replied. I could feel my hands start to sweat. I don't normally get nervous but between my father and the Hokage, my nerves were at am all-time high.

" Lord Seventh believes in peace and a right trial for these rogue ninjas. I believe that these rogues need to pay now for the lives lost in the village last night. I'm putting together a team to get payback and I want you to be a part of that team Nabushi," he said. He lowered his cup of tea and stared at me, waiting for a reply. I knew I couldn't say no to him,but I was hesitant because this would be my first mission as a jonin.

"I'm in," I replied to him. Afterwards, he thanked my parents for their hospitality and told me to meet at the front gate at 1000 hours. He mentioned that the rest of the team will be there too. When he left, I quickly ran toy room and grabbed my mission gear. I told my parents goodbye and left without giving them a chance to reply. As I headed towards the gate, my emotions were all over the place. I was curious about the attack and wanted payback as badly as anyone else in the village. Lord Hokage chose me to be a part of this team when he could have picked anyone. He could have chosen Lady Hanabi if he wanted a Hyuga Clan member, but he still chose me. After passing through the market, I could see the gates coming into view. As I finally made it to the gates, I could still see the burn marks of the lightning from the attack. It also became clear over the next few minutes who else was on this team. First to show up was Kai Nara, a well-established jonin of the Nara Clan. Then Renki Kurama, a mysterious chunin that most people knew very little about, besides the strength of his genjutsu. The last to show up was a medical ninja from the Aburame Clan that everyone knew only as Not. Once we were all there, very few words were said before Lord Sixth showed up.

"Glad to see you all actually showed up. I've been in contact with the Hidden Cloud and I have bingo cards on every rogue that attacked," he proceeded to hand Kai the seven cards," Kai Nara, you are team captain. You all know the mission. Two villages will be very grateful for this," he finished and waited for our reply. we all nodded in acknowledge.

"Good luck then team," he added. We all looked at each other knowing what we were about to do. We then set off in search of our targets. We wanted revenge for the pain they had brought to our home. As we were leaving through the gate, I still couldn't get the question of why out of my head