
chpater 7

Chapter 31 Nelson Kolodko (Part 2) (1/2)

Change source:

Node four


The routine in the road show was once again shown in the mission hospital, but the effect was not good. Amidst the pungent smell of disinfectant, the patients and doctors onlookers sneezed non-stop, and soon came out of their morbid happiness.

It is not unusual for a hospital that evolved from a church organization to have some measures to deal with the power of curses and foulness.

But this is not an important thing. Nelson, who was painting with oil paint, happily followed the crowd into the restroom. After a while, a doctor in tight clothes with only a mask on his face came out of the restroom.

Oh, look at the densely packed cameras in the corners, diligently monitoring the crowded hospital day and night, like sparrows that never stop on the branches.

But when will these wire-headed geese discover something unusual among the crowd?

Nelson whistled all the way to the psychiatric ward, took out an information card he had just made and opened the door.

Psychiatric departments in mission hospitals often admit more than just pathologically ill patients. Those patients who live here because of occultism and pollution are Nelson's target today.

"...%#¥% Emlyn White, rotation doctor, regular employee, permission approved."

"You are entering a controlled area: the psychiatric ward. Your passage will be recorded."

"Dr. White, is it the director who wants you to check the situation of bed 18 again?"

The nurse in charge stopped Nelson and placed a file in Nelson's arms.

"This is the latest inspection report for bed 18. After trouble, give it to the dean for signature and file it in paper form. The electronic version has been sent."

Nelson said nothing, nodded to the nurse, and walked towards bed 18.

"Name: Geraldine Lightning"

"Attending Physician: Hinedou Williams"

"Diagnosis: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"

This is a very ordinary report. This patient named Geraldine Lightning is doing well. Nelson was inspired and turned on his spiritual vision. On the final summary list, he saw a piece of handwriting with weird colors and twisted writing.

"The patient's condition is stable, the restraint has been released, and the extraordinary contamination has returned to a controllable level. It is recommended to discuss lowering the surveillance level with the Church of the Night and government agencies. The discharge process can be considered and transferred to the Church of the Night for daily monitoring."

"Examining doctor:..."

Nelson smiled, turned around and pushed the door open to enter the ward.

Bed 18 is a single room. A fox-eyed red-haired girl stretched her neck curiously on the hospital bed.

"Hey! Doctor! What do you want to ask me today? Do you think I can be discharged from the hospital?"

Geraldine sat on the bed and twisted around excitedly, her two fox eyes staring straight at the doctor who had just come in, but after a moment, Geraldine's smile froze.

"Wait... I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you the new doctor today?"

Her face immediately became serious, and she reached out to grab the nurse bell.

"…No, wait! You're not at all—"

Before Geraldine could finish her words, Nelson stepped forward and covered Geraldine's mouth tightly, burying her head into the soft mattress.

The "Devil" lowered his head, whispered a series of filthy and evil syllables into Geraldine's ear, and then turned around and left.


Geraldine suddenly became quiet. Her abnormal fear was endlessly amplified under the control of the devil. The contaminated memory of terror made her stiffen, tremble, and twitch on the bed. Finally, she jumped up from the bed, hit the wall and roared loudly.

"They're gonna catch up with me! They're gonna catch up with me!"

A scream of pleasure sounded behind Nelson. In the chaos, Nelson closed the fire door and left the ward through the fire escape.

Patients treated by the director himself, patients contaminated by extraordinary contamination, patients controlled by other churches...these factors mixed together are enough to cause quite a commotion in this hospital, at least among the few extraordinary people. But they are all going to run.

"...Emlyn White..."

"...permission passed..."

"...your passage will be recorded..."

This electronic key works better than expected. Nelson guessed from the little nurse's reaction just now that this unlucky Dr. White should be an important person under the dean, but he was a bit younger. This doctor has unimpeded access to most confidential areas of the hospital that do not involve extraordinary elements.

Just record it! The time from discovering traffic anomalies to actually taking measures was enough for me to complete my plan.

Nielsen opened a door easily and efficiently, took out several juggling drones that were transformed into bombs from his arms, and quickly placed these small gifts in a secret corner.

During this period, Nelson did not forget to come to a intensive care ward to visit an unlucky man who had lived here for a short time.

The prisoner who survived the kidnapping case of a rich man, David Axas!

"...intensive care unit..."

"...Emlyn White..."

"...your visit will be recorded..."

Hey, look at this unfortunate guy,

Chapter 31 Nelson Kolodko (Part 2) (2/2)

Change source:

Node four


He once again survived the crazy attack by the police, while the other two unlucky guys were completely dead!

It's great that you survived, so I think you will definitely survive next time, and the next time, and the next time...

Nelson then took out a tube of medicine and hit the unconscious David.

Run away, run away! Let those crazy dogs in Silveras Field chase them out and go crazy!

I can't wait to see those guys scratching their heads!

Guided by planning and spiritual intuition, Nelson completed all the planned actions smoothly.

In the toilet, he controlled the poisonous flames to burn the doctor costume he had changed into, and he calmly fought with Dodger Rama's circus people.

Nielsen strode out of the hospital door. The security guard behind him rushed into the hospital as if facing a formidable enemy. His keen hearing brought an emergency call to Nielsen's headset.

This feeling was really comfortable. He loved it so much. He couldn't wait to see the fireworks explode in this ancient church, and he was quarreling with all the forces about it.

Checking the mobile phone messages again, there was no new news from outside the venue, and the latest news was the early morning notification.

"[Margaret's Oath] has been ruled out, and the [Glorious Golden Cup] is in place. I wish you good luck."

No situation is the best situation.

Everything went perfectly as planned. Nelson, who put on an elegant dark red suit, finally adjusted his bow tie and rings, followed the excited and delighted crowd into the Harvest Church Museum, and stepped onto today's stage.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Nelson Kolodko's great drag show is about to take place!

lChapter 32 Collapse (1/2)

Change source:

Node four


"Praise be to Him above all the heavens..."

Before Nelson's crazy howl could finish, he was interrupted by a violent air cannonball.


The moment Nelson dropped the ruby ​​ring on the [Glory Gold Cup], Klein immediately raised his hand to "shoot" Nelson.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

A red glow fell from the sky, penetrated through the hole in the church's roof, and scattered in the hall. The crowded crowd began to howl in pain, but Nelson was spiritually sublimated in this red glow, and he walked calmly on the high platform of the hall. Go and dodge Klein's air bullets one by one.

At this moment, Nelson suddenly felt his thoughts stagnant, and then the iron-sharp origami leaflets hit him like a goddess scattering flowers.

Nelson sneered and raised his hand to summon sulfur flames. The origami flyers in front of him suddenly ignited and turned into ashes.

But just as Nelson was trying to dodge the air cannonballs that Klein was pursuing, two intact origami leaflets rushed out of the sea of ​​sulfur fire and pierced Nelson's intact right arm at an extremely tricky angle, followed closely by the leaflets. Black fireworks actually ignited inside, biting Nelson's arm and quickly crawling up, devouring his body and spirit.

The powerful crisis warning was completely unaware of these two flying knives!

In order to deal with possible powerful crisis warnings, Klein specially mixed a few fake flyers made of gray fog into the origami flyers, and carefully wrapped an ethereal match inside. He believed that with the personality and match of the gray fog flyers, His silence is enough to escape most spiritual detection.

Apparently Klein made the right bet. Under the influence of the marionette transformation and the black flame, Nelson felt his spirituality passing away rapidly. He inhaled the blood-red glow, and immediately formed a magma sword to cut off the contaminated right arm, and his body suddenly became lighter. But the short-term burning still caused Nelson to suffer from some limb imbalance and confusion of the five senses.

Before the arm of flesh and blood burning with black flames hit the ground, sharp origami leaflets were thrown at Nelson, and then exploded and roared around Nelson. Nelson raised his giant sword to prepare for the black flames that might appear. However, Klein jumped out of the flames behind Nelson, raised an exquisite silenced pistol, pressed the back of Nelson's head and pulled the trigger.


Infused with spiritual compression, the silver bullet engraved with complex runes hit Nelson's shoulder blade hard, and then exploded with a white glow. Even though Nielsen tried his best to avoid it, he still made a bloody hole in his back as big as a bowl.

These are the pistols and bullets that Klein found on the killer last night. Since he received the incineration warning, Klein only performed limited divination on the pistols and probably knew the capabilities of these equipments. In the extraordinary silence of the apartment at that time, Klein did not directly experience the true power of these spiritual bullets. Now he felt the power of these equipment for the first time in Nelson.

Since Nelson lost his arm in time, the Void Match only left a temporary extraordinary suppression on Nelson's body. Klein immediately used flame jumping to distance himself, trying to control Nelson's spiritual thread with one hand, and switching back and forth between spiritual bullets and air bullets with the other hand, taking the opportunity to suppress Nelson from a distance.

Things got a little troublesome. After just a few dozen seconds of fighting, Klein was sure that the other party also had methods that could interfere with spiritual intuition.

Is it the ring on his hand, or the golden cup on his hand?

No matter which one, it must be of high rank.

The fallen broken arm finally collapsed into nothingness and black smoke dissipated in the air. Soon, with the blessing of the blood-colored glow, Nelson got rid of the state of sensory confusion, and a hard and twisted demonic arm regrown on the severed limb.

Nelson, who had released the power of the devil, even briefly broke free from the control of the marionette's thread. Surrounded by poisonous flames and turbid air, he rushed towards Klein, opening his mouth and chanting filthy and evil words to Klein.


A string of paper flyers burst into pieces around him, and Klein, who could deflect the curse, jumped out of the flames intact again, raised the flyer darts with void matches, and prepared to ignite Nelson again at close range.

But this time, even if the demonized Nelson didn't anticipate Klein's surprise attack, he turned around extremely quickly and struck.

With a loud bang, the menacing magician turned into a flyer and was cut into two pieces. As sparks flew across the museum, Klein appeared on the glass display case on the ground floor.

The silver-plated bullet is about to bottom out. Without the assistance of secret puppets and extraordinary items, Klein's sudden encounter was very stressful.

What's even more terrible is that there are many innocent people gathered in this hall. Bathed in the bloody light, they huddle together one by one, wailing, hugging strangers and even stamping on each other into groups. Heap, eager to be completely integrated with the crowd; at the same time, he screamed and struggled to scratch his hair, as if he wanted to tear himself in half.

Everyone in the museum became Nelson's hostage.

How long until the official extraordinary power arrives! ?

Just because Nelson was able to rampage crazily in the hall, igniting filthy poisonous flames and turbid poisonous vapors arbitrarily, does not mean that Klein can have the same disregard for the lives of the tourists below.

"Magician, the way you are hesitating now is just like those idiots in the church!"

As soon as Nelson finished speaking, the seeds of desire previously buried under the souls of tourists were instantly ignited, and anger, fear, and pain exploded in people's mental bodies.

The dense crowd of tourists were in an unusual mood

Nelson has become completely controlled. The crazy crowd screamed and rushed towards Klein from all directions, like hungry zombies that had lost their minds and pounced on the living person they had seen for the first time in months. They ran, climbed, and jumped, occupying every inch of Klein's field of vision and becoming flesh and blood shackles for the devil to restrain the magician.

If only there was disinfectant from the church hospital across the street... They could obviously be treated!

Vicious sulfur flames rose from the ground under Klein's feet, pierced the calves of several tourists and rushed towards the top of Klein's head. Before the flame cage was formed, a huge magma sword fell from the sky and cut off the flame cage together. The magician was shattered into pieces of paper again, but when he reappeared, there were horrific wounds on Klein's forearm.

Tufts of flames ignited in the ancient museum. Klein jumped directly to the chandelier at the top of the church against the huge wall through the paper man. He grabbed the Void Match and was about to give it a try. However, he found that the crowd who had lost their target turned their attack and attacked the huge piece of land under his feet that separated the hospital and the museum. They ran towards the wall and piled human ladders and human walls on the wall layer by layer.

More people controlled by emotions and desires surged in from outside the church, rushing into the crowd one after another.

…Wait, that's not right!

Some tragic scenes suddenly flashed back in Klein's mind, but the alarm was too close to doom. The next second that Klein could foresee, a deafening loud noise exploded in front of Klein, and the violent shock wave directly hit Klein. Overturned from chandelier.

...The huge wall dividing the church...was blown open! !

Chapter 33 Mutation (1/2)

Change source:

Node four


Emlyn sat exhausted on a chair outside the ward. Dean Sinedu sat next to him and handed him a bottle of water.

"Thank you for your hard work, Emlyn."

"It's nothing, teacher, it should be."

Emlyn raised his head and drank half the bottle of water, then lowered his head and continued to stare at the floor in a daze.

"Just...a little frustrated..."

"Miss Geraldine, who is in bed 18, has improved visibly during the time she was brought in. Especially her hysterical state, which has never relapsed this week."

"We showed her a lot of images of battlefields and explosions, and her stress disorder has never been induced once. As long as there are no problems in the reports over the past two days, she can be transferred out of the psychiatric ward."

"...Teacher, you have put so much thought into her. I thought you were going to succeed. Unexpectedly, today, she still had a stress relapse..."

"We can't even figure out why?"

"Are you feeling wronged for me?"

Dean Xinedu reached out and patted Emlyn on the shoulder.

"But we are doctors, and doctors have to experience this kind of thing. In the eyes of some patients, our nod is the salvation given by the Mother Goddess, a panacea to save their lives. But the fact is, we are only doctors. For patients, Sometimes we are really limited in what we can do. Sometimes we, several departments, join forces to give it a try, but in the end we are no match for the strange condition. We can only watch helplessly as life slips through our fingers, and large sums of money and money are lost. All the efforts were in vain."

The dean leaned his head against the wall and slowly exhaled a breath toward the ceiling.

"In this regard, sometimes you will feel how suffocating the development of modern technology is. In the fifth era when surgical technology has just begun to develop, people are looking forward to more medicines to cure patients in the future, but it is really In the Sixth Age, when technology exploded, people holding new drugs desperately discovered that there were so many terminal diseases that they had not discovered before, and they were helpless."

"You may even find that there are some diseases that cannot be cured by medical means at all, or that you need to use the power of the Mother Goddess to solve the problem."

Regarding the extraordinary world, Dean Xinedu made a vague mention to Emlyn.

"In the final analysis, it's because we are doctors. When it comes to curing diseases, we and patients are more like comrades in the same trench, but we don't know when this vicious battle will end and whether it can be won. We also have no way of knowing. What will happen after this battle is over, because we can only accompany the patient to fight this battle of life here, and as for other battles on the road of life, that is beyond our power as doctors."

"As doctors, we just need to go all out on our battlefield with a clear conscience. As for the patient's subsequent fate, leave it to the great Mother Earth!"

With that said, Dean Sinedu sat up and started thinking seriously.

"But when you say this, I also feel that something is wrong. Obviously, her performance in the past few days has been fine, and all the indicators in today's report are all discharge standards... What exactly triggered her traumatic stress mechanism? ?"

A rapid ringtone interrupted Dean Sinedu's thoughts, so he pressed the earphone to answer the call.

"Hello, Dean Sinedu, is Dr. Emlyn White with you?"

The dean glanced at Emlyn.

"Yes, he is."

"That's right, we found in the system that Dr. White had a large number of suspicious access records in a short period of time, including the psychiatric ward with a large number of key surveillance targets, the orthopedic ward where the kidnapping prisoner David Axas was admitted, and the There are these places…"

The dean's pupils suddenly shrank, and he stood up suddenly and shouted.

"No! Sound the alarm! Notify the Church of Steam and the Church of Night!"

According to the division of jurisdiction, the stability of the Harvest Church is the responsibility of the Steam Church. At the same time, because the Harvest Church is close to the boundary of the jurisdiction, the people of the Church of the Night also lend a helping hand to the Harvest Church.

A piercing siren sounded in the hospital corridor. All the medical staff on duty rushed out of the lounge and ran quickly to evacuate the patients in each ward.

Among the running white coats, a team of security teams with live ammunition split through the panicked crowd and quickly shuttled through the hospital. Their armbands were embroidered with the emerald green Mother Earth emblem. During this period, several more doctors walked out of the crowd, threw off their gowns, stepped forward to receive the equipment, and joined the queue. They transformed from doctors who saved lives and healed the wounded into a dormant church action team.

Soon, the well-trained team immediately dispersed into the crowd and went to their respective posts. Only three people came to the dean and Emlyn carrying extra equipment.

The dull and depressing hospital immediately turned into a crisis-ridden controlled area, and the amiable and talkative colleagues suddenly became serious and silent guards.

The old and decadent dean took over two shotguns engraved with charms and instantly became a sharp and fierce fighter. Rows of blessed lead bullets and disinfectant spray cans hung on his thin body, making the old man look very oppressive.

"Dean, the evacuation has started according to the rehearsal."

"Intruder confirmed."

"The surveillance team reported that it captured footage of the intruder leaving."

"...No, no! This guy will never go around in such a simple way on this route. You, go and follow the intruder


Check the route again. "


The sudden change in front of him stunned Emlyn, and before he could react, he felt his hands feel heavy.

The dean thrust an inscribed pistol into his hand.

"Listen, Emlyn, don't finish the bullets..."

Before he could finish speaking, a violent explosion came from upstairs, and the whole building shook violently.

"Damn it! That bastard set a bomb!"

Gritting his teeth, the dean put on a headset for Emlyn, turned around and ran away.

"Don't ask questions, Emlyn! Get the lead bullets and disinfectant and follow me!"

The empty-headed Emlyn hurriedly put on the sling and stumbled to keep up with the dean.

Another loud bang exploded in front of them, and the huge impact opened a large hole in the floor.

There's more than one bomb here!

The dean, however, was not afraid and fired quickly at the breach in the ground despite the flying gravel.

Then something beyond Emlyn's knowledge happened. Emerald green vines grew rapidly from the bottom of the building, jumping out of the choking dust, chasing lead bullets to build a passage on the broken floor.

"Nurse! Push the patient over quickly!"

Then the dean turned around and grabbed Emlyn's shoulders.

"Like this, do you understand?"

"...big, probably..."

The glass in the atrium in the distance broke all together, and the dean was so shocked that he pressed Emlyn's head down.

"Orthopedics ward! Dermatology ward! I leave it to you, hurry up!"

Chapter 34 Rescue (1/2)

Change source:

Node four


As the earth shook and the sky shook, Emlyn rolled and crawled to avoid the broken floor slabs and flying gravel. Everything was too sudden, and he was completely unprepared.

His legs were weak, his whole body was shaking, and the etched pistol in his hand made his palms ache. The lead bullets and water bottles were too heavy for an overworked doctor, and they were almost going to crush him here.

But...I...I'm a doctor!

...I want to live!

Emlyn screamed and ran forward, emboldening his useless self. Then he turned around and shot randomly at the leaky floor with his eyes closed.

"Praise the Mother Earth!!"

The guided bomb flashed with fire and rushed towards the gap. The ancient magic circle was instantly activated, and the entire building seemed to come alive. Green vines swarmed out from the surrounding ferocious gap, chasing the bullet and growing rapidly to build a bridge for the stranded people. The passage of life.

"Quick! Retreat!"

The hysterical Emlyn screamed at the top of his lungs and ran wildly in the swaying corridor. He kept spraying hospital-specific disinfectant on the patients who were passing by, and casually attacked them regardless of their condition.

Live! Live!

It may be cured well or not, but if you can't survive today, there is absolutely no hope!

The strong and pungent smell of disinfectant made Emlyn retching as he ran, but there were not many spray cans left.

Emlyn ran up the stairs and loaded himself with the last box of lead bullets. Emlyn, who had never received military training, couldn't stand the recoil of this large-caliber pistol at all. His stinging and swollen wrist was shaking violently, and it took him several attempts to successfully insert it.

"Brain Clinic! The director is injured! Request nearby support!"

The news in the headset was so startling that Emlyn missed his step and fell down the stairs.

It's okay, Emlyn, look at how majestic the skinny old man was when he left, it won't be a big deal...

Emlyn, who had a bruised nose and face, broke open the deformed door of the dermatology department, stared and shouted, shooting at the collapsed wall.

"Follow the vines! Quick—"

Before he finished speaking, the tea room nearby suddenly exploded, and the huge shock wave slammed Emlyn against the wall.

Men's screams, women's cries, and noisy voices crashed everywhere in Emlyn's chaotic consciousness.

And, and...

His vision was hazy, and the blood on his head covered his eyes and was smeared on the wall. Only Emlyn's blood was quickly absorbed by the living wall, and a green bud grew in place.

Emlyn didn't pay attention to these changes at all, or in other words, he had no time to think about the reason for all this. He tremblingly raised the pistol and fired with blurred vision.

But he didn't notice that the magazine was empty.

So Emlyn gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, and then the intricate and exquisite patterns on the pistol immediately glowed with a dazzling light, and a green light bullet was shot from the muzzle. More thick vines grew out of the broken buildings, roughly repairing themselves following the guidance of the bullets.

Emlyn only felt that he had been drained of an astonishing amount of energy by the bullet created out of thin air, but it didn't matter, it was effective and could save people, that was enough.

That's it!

Emlyn ran staggeringly through the collapsed corridor and began his final round of shooting and evacuation.

No matter what this gun takes out of my body, whether it's strength, blood, or even life span, destiny...it doesn't matter, just take it all!

The fearless spirit of breaking the jar rose from Emlyn's heart, and he raised his limp feet to sell to the nurse who was stuck in the corner by the machine.

The last person, the last one!

Just as Emlyn was about to grab the little nurse's hand, a muffled sound completely shattered the entire wall!

With his feet free, Emlyn used his last strength to push the little nurse onto the remaining platform. Because of this push, he was heavily thrown out by the blast of air!

Emlyn thought he would hit the floor below, but after a moment of trance, Emlyn realized that he was falling.

The hospital's flickering corridor lights disappeared from Emlyn's sight. The ancient church dome was displayed before Emlyn's eyes, and the museum's chandelier seemed within reach.

It turns out that I have already reached the junction of the hospital and the museum...

Everything around him slowed down before Emlyn's eyes.

The terrible explosion blasted through the huge wall from the hospital to the museum. The scorching firelight lit up everywhere on the huge wall, like blooming red flowers. The slowly spreading dust was like huge balls of cotton sticking to the walls and floors. Emlyn was surrounded by scattered gravel and broken floors. Falling together.

Emlyn couldn't remember how old he was the last time he came to the Harvest Church Museum. He seemed to be a teenager. I have actually received a lot of flyers in my hands, but I never have the courage to carve out some time in my life to come to this museum to do nothing.

When I left, I must have never imagined that I would come to this museum again in this way.

The people who had just evacuated in front of Emlyn once again appeared in Emlyn's mind like a revolving lantern.

Those who run out may be able to recover soon, or their lives may fall into a terrible haze. I am just a small doctor, and I cannot do anything to the suffering of patients after saying goodbye.



But today, in this disaster, at this moment, I push them out and let them continue to face the uncertain future of their lives.

I... at least today... I saved them, right?

The antique treasures flying all over the sky are like scattered stardust, reflecting the flash of explosions and the bright light of lamps. The escaping light makes the suffocating dust reveal a psychedelic light.

As the light and shadow flickered, Emlyn saw a hazy figure above him, and he also followed the chaotic debris and fell downwards with him.

He subconsciously reached out to the figure, and just about to scream, he realized that it was not a fallen patient, but a doll, an antique doll. The one he had seen on the flyer seemed to have been preserved from the Fifth Age. A rare thing, very precious.

Emlyn smiled to himself. If I had made a wish to the magician, any wish, would everything be different now?

But there is no if.

"...Mother Goddess is above..."

Looking at the clear and delicate glass eyes of the doll, Emlyn stretched out his hand, wanting to take the doll into his arms at the end of the fall.

It seems that I mustered up the courage to save many people today...

So, in the end, can I try to save you?

The moment he hugged the doll, Emlyn's thoughts suddenly stopped.

Thick memories burst out of the ground like new buds in early spring, and thousands of years of time pour down like floods. Forgotten heroic words and obscured firm beliefs all came with the breaking of the shackles, carrying with them the vicissitudes of thousands of years.

A tarot card slowly fell in the air, flipped from reverse to upright in Emlyn's sight, and then quickly collapsed.

The complicated etched lines on the pistol suddenly shone with a dazzling green light, and the surging spirituality poured into the magazine. Emlyn fired without hesitation, and the bullets condensed with spirituality rushed out of the gun barrel, guiding the green vines to rise upwards. , firmly catching Emlyn and his puppet.

[Moon], return to your position!

Chapter 35 Wishes (1/2)

Change source:

Node four


With several loud noises, three terrifying holes exploded in the huge wall that separated the hospital and the museum!

The thick and huge wall did not completely collapse. Amid the violent explosions, Klein keenly captured several gunshots, and then the entire church seemed to come alive. Huge vines grew rapidly from the breaks in the walls and floors, wrapping around the rubble and broken walls and twisting them into New deconstruction.

Those gunshots are leading the church to fill its own wounds!

Huge vines rose from the ground, and a blond boy with broken ribs jumped up from the crowd and climbed onto the display cabinet. The huge pain made Linn regain some sense, so he seized this little bit of clarity and quickly chanted an oath.

"...The Valkyrie who is followed by thousands of people, I swear to you by my blood..."

"...Please everyone follow me out of the church!!"

Under the oath-augmented [Authority], a small group of tourists surrounding Lin En gained a moment of clarity. However, before they could even take a few steps outside, the weak Lin En was struck by a fierce ball of poisonous flames. The display cabinet was blown up, completely losing the ability to move.

The giant wall is still crumbling further, and the continuous blasts and holes have completely shattered Klein's strategy of protecting tourists and waiting for rescue.

New combat ideas were quickly prepared. Klein made up his mind, gritted his teeth and used all his strength to drag out a black glove with an open mouth from the solid air.

Historical projection: Creeping hunger!

Just a historical projection became so difficult. Klein could feel that more than half of his spiritual power evaporated suddenly. He didn't know how long the remaining spiritual power could support this projection.

In the previous tug-of-war, Klein did not use Sequence 3 and Sequence 2 abilities because in the current state, these skills would consume an unimaginable amount of his spiritual power. Klein was not sure what he would do in a combo that burned out his spiritual power. Finally, whether the opponent can still stand up, and when the time comes, whether he still has the ability to protect the crowd.

But now, the giant wall has been blown open, and Klein must take a gamble!

With a squirming hunger, Klein took advantage of the residual effect of Linn's authority and raised his hand to drive the grazing soul in the glove.

Sacrifice of Light: Divine Light!

Circles of light shone around the museum with Klein as the center. The spirituality was drained away like flowing water and turned into pure white warm sacred light, sternly and solemnly attacking the filthy power that polluted the crowd.

The people bathing in the holy light gradually stopped running, struggling and holding their heads, showing very painful expressions. The power of purification and the power of pollution are fighting in their spiritual world, and the red glow falling from the sky makes it even more difficult to restore sanity.

Klein's gradually exhausted spirit also felt uncomfortable. Severe pain immediately crawled into his head, as if all the bugs that made up his head were trying to break up with him. Klein even used his spiritual power to increase the power of the sacred light. The historical projection in its current state cannot last long at all.

No matter what, the sacred light effectively suppressed the evil power spreading everywhere!

Nelson was suddenly ignited by this divine power, and the filth and evil in his body ignited pure white flames. The heart-wrenching pain and the suppressing divine light actually forced Nelson to retreat continuously.

But Nelson didn't panic. The magician's attack suddenly changed and was very ferocious, which made Nelson guess that a magician of this level of divine light would not be able to hold on for long.

Sure enough, the annoying white light quickly dimmed. Ignoring the tourists who were about to wake up, Nelson, who was constantly harassing him in the distance, immediately grabbed the magma sword again and launched another offensive against the magician.

Before Nelson could slash his sword, several emerald-green light bullets flew past his sword and hit the display cabinet next to him. Nelson's crisis warning suddenly sounded, and he adjusted his direction in the air and tried to avoid it, but several vines as thick as pillars shot up in an instant, chasing the bullets and hitting the display cabinet.

It's Emlyn who crashed into the scene!

Even though Nelson had a powerful crisis warning, he was whipped to the ground by one of the running vines. The injured Nelson quickly got up, absorbed the red glow in his mouth, and swung his sword again without any discouragement, trying his best to ignite the flames of emotion and desire in the hearts of the crowd.

The crowd, who were about to wake up, once again slipped into the abyss of filth and chaos.

Nelson, the culprit, gave the magician a malicious smile and actually turned around and actively distanced himself from the magician. But Emlyn obviously didn't give him a chance. As the green light bullets were fired, more vines came from all directions. Under the harassment of Klein's flame jump and air bombs, one actually caught Nelson.

Several sharp howls passed through the sky above the church at this time.

It was a small, thin, rigid drone with a pinhole camera, drawing sharp curves among the falling gravel.

...It's a reconnaissance plane!

The people from the Church of Steam have arrived!

Klein no longer had any worries in his mind, so he dug out a large handful of void matches from the matchbox and held them in his hand.

The highest-ranking item in Klein's hands now should be this box of void matches.

In fact, Klein has not fully figured out all the uses of this thing. He can only roughly set fire back and forth several times during the battle to roughly guess its burning rules: he can only give it an order to burn a certain thing, and the object's The more complex the composition, the slower it will burn. On the contrary, the more spiritual and pure the thing, the faster the black flame will burn.

Klein actually didn't have much confidence in this guess. black


Klein didn't know exactly how far the color flame could reach, what it could burn, and what it couldn't burn.

So, let's take another gamble!

This time... go directly to the red glow!

Klein jumped out of the flames. Before he could raise his hand to grab the match, he felt a quiet and profound power sweep over him. The commotion of the crowd at his feet immediately quieted down and fell to the ground, falling into tranquility. of dreams.

The Church of the Night has also arrived!

The hostages were temporarily safe.

Footsteps and shouts rang out one after another, and the professional church extraordinary team entered the scene one after another and began to rescue.

Ten matches wrapped in gray mist origami were quickly thrown out of his hand. With a snap of Klein's fingers, ten black flames ignited from all over the museum, quickly eating away at the red glow around them. In the blink of an eye, they were entangled together. Together, they all exploded silently, turning into black smoke and dust that floated in the air and then disintegrated, covering everyone's vision with a faint black veil.

And in the smoke and dust that has not yet dissipated, everyone was surprised to find that they could no longer use extraordinary power!

Void Match: The Realm of Silence!

...The sleeping crowd was really not affected!


The next moment the black flame exploded, several exquisite missiles dragged long tail flames and accurately bombed Nelson's body.

It doesn't matter if you have extraordinary silence, because the damage from high explosives is real; it doesn't matter if you are shielded by divination prophecies, because you are wearing a researcher's mechanical body!

The mechanical heart directly guides Dodge Rama's robotic arm through the implanted chip!

As the black smoke completely dissipated, the severely injured Nelson walked out of the dust laughing wildly. Nelson, who regained his extraordinary strength, soon used demonic limbs to repair his own damage.

"I had a lot of fun this time..."

The arrogant and high-pitched laughter made everyone feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

Nelson took off the ruby ​​ring and held it in his hand. At this time, this strange ruby ​​has been filled with red light, showing strange lines. And the exquisite golden cup was also filled with blood-red liquid.

The final explosion caused a deafening noise and completely destroyed the huge wall dividing the church. Under the huge secondary structural damage, the ancient church vaults were also crumbling, and large pieces of ancient wood smashed onto the shaking ground.

Nelson raised his hand, laughed wildly and crushed the ring!

"Then let the show reach its climax!"

Klein suddenly felt bad. He mobilized the rest of his spirituality and stretched out his hand to make a difficult snap of his fingers.

"…I make a wish…that this church will be restored to what it was yesterday!"

The collapsed church seemed to have suddenly pressed the pause button. The scattered bricks, flying dust, and tangled vines were all frozen in the air. Then Klein saw colorful threads emerging and dissipating in the air, and all the fragments seemed to be rewinding, floating, moving, and connecting following the guidance of the threads.

The shattered walls stood upright again, and the smashed wooden beams returned to their original positions. The growing vines stretch down from the gravel and disappear between the soil and the floor. People who have fallen into despair float up from the hell and land on yesterday's footprints like feathers.

As the wood and rocks flew, Nelson turned into an illusory, viscous black liquid and disappeared among the rubble.

"Look forward to seeing you next time, Magician!"

The last piece of carving found its original place, and the wooden stick engraved with the holy symbol rang the ancient bell.

Wake up from nightmare.

Harvest Church once again embraces the peace of yesterday.