
KNY: Demon God

Kaido Shoryūken, After the murder of his entire clan, the last of the golden 5 five clans from the sengoku era of powerful godlike samurai. At the age of 8 filled with rage trained for 10 years straight gruesomely training and learning techniques passed down from his family. At 18, if he were to be in the sengoku era...he'd be worshipped as GOD.

LordAsura11 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Aware of Blood Demon Art

"The dead bodies of the Uzui Clan are good enough for me...we can destroy the whole world...but that village stays. They will remember my destroyed families reputation...if not I'll destroy them myself"

He'd say with a aggressive tone. Causing Muzan to angrily smirk. He'd clench his hand looking at Kaido while saying, "Who are you to defy my orders...You do know who unders who command right now right" Kaido stiffened up and spat blood as his vision started getting a little dizzy. "What the fuck!!.." he'd say as instantly he'd start using all his might to feel his body and un paralyze himself. He closed his eyes, looking as if he had been submitted.

"your power..."

'who is that!!?' Kaido would say in his head wanting to yell almost but for some reason they could only whisper.

"fine...just take this" the mysterious voice in his head would say as time was limited and could tell he wasn't the type to listen. A bright light flashed and suddenly he had knowledge of his blood demon art thanks to his internal consciousness.

'My blood demon art is Total Magma. I can quite literally adjust my output from using simple flames that can heal, to larger amounts of flames, blue flames, or to the highest output, magma. The best thing about this is I can output from every part of my body, even my face and on anything I'm touching'

Kaido would say in his head giving himself a brief rundown (for the audience). As Muzan came a step closer, to his unexpected shock and surprise, behind Kaidos whole body ignited flames propelling him at supersonic speeds and he used his flames on his arms and sword as well as his entire body to stay in perfect form, cutting off Muzans entire arm and blitzing behind him freeing himself from control.

"Heh...even doe I couldn't move, my blood demon art could assist with that...You want to destroy this village? So be it, only if you win this unavoidable battle..." He would say smiling even letting him know that if he was to run now, he'd only chase after him. Muzan was kinda stunned as his expertise and execution of that blood demon art was already Upper Moon level and Better than anything he had ever seen.

"I have made a grave mis-" as Muzan was about to apologize not even wanting to engage in the fight anymore. Kaido would stomp his foot on the ground, emanating lava from his foot and into the ground, causing the entire mountain to fill and the ground they stood on started exploding like a volcano from random spots, magma shooting out from beneath whilst the mountain crumbled.

Muzan was closed to shitting himself as instinctively he had went into his battle mode form. He sent razor sharp tendrils at Kaido quickly but Kaido with his sword deflected them all and set his sword ablaze with blue fire effortlessly cutting through all of them. He'd propel himself once again using flames from his back and feet and catching up to Muzan being Infront of him instantly. Muzan tried to dash back but Kaidos blade still cut his chest although not to deep but then somehow a second gash, in his stomach appeared spilling all his guts.

Muzan was shocked as he only saw him swung once, not twice and as he looked up he saw Kaido from a dark shaded position, eyes gleaming as he held his sword up from a high angle ready to cut his neck. Muzan once again wanted to shit himself but as he swung down, although he wasn't going to kill the man, a mysterious long haired swordsman with six eyes and wearing a Haori appeared.

He'd appear in front of them clashing with his sword amongst the chaotic destruction. His sword was weird and made out of flesh, which was probably to fortify itself against Kaidos sword.

"Your eyes...Upper Rank 1.." Kaido would say confused on how this being got here. "and your...Lower Moon 1." He'd say in a almost mocking tone. As he'd try to spartan kick Kaido but Kaido caught up and then did a spinning twist slamming the being on their shit. The being would flexibly and quickly recover doing a backflip off the ground and gripping their sword but when he got up Kaido was gone.

"Behind you!" Muzan would yell. Kaido had used his bda propel himself around and behind the man, and then gathering more momentum doing a 360 spin before sending him the meanest kick to the face, sending him flying through magmated trees and boulders. "Enough of the sword play!" Kaido would say as he then propelled himself catching up to the man who would still be flying the collateral damage, Kaido imbued his hands with magma and caught up to the man sending him a powerful punch to the stomach leaving whole through it and sending him to the village instantly.