
Knowledge is the best Skill for Isekai [Remake]

Note: This story is a remake from "Knowledge of the best skill for isekai" not too many is been changed _______________ A 24 year old man who spent his last 10 years in a hospital due to a serious disease. Unable to move or go outside yet he was able to hold his pain and suffering. It was thanks to the stories he read from novel, manga, animes and video games. When his time finally came, he was given a second chance to choose what kind of new life he wants to live, and the type of world he wants to go. For someone who spent his life on reading or watching some "isekai" stories, he knows exactly what kind of world he wants to go. Or so he thought. [I know "exactly" what you want. How about Saletera?] [Sounds good. And for the skills, only one I'll ask.] ---------------------------- English is my second language. This novel wasn't suppose to be uploade early. Originally I was going to make a Fanfiction, but because of misclick, I made it a webnovel instead. So I had to change the title to a new one which is this one. The story has many Arc, but I'm only gonna make one Arc for "Webnovel". As for the reason "why?" It will be in the last chapter. ------------------------------ One last thing: this novel was requested to be shared. so I don't care about the numbers of whatever. I'm just sharing the story to readers.

B_N_F2 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Trailer 1

[Whaoo!] MC looking at the new World.

"Original story: knowledge is the best skill for isekai"

"Original illustration: B.N.F"

My name is Noctis Levian, and I spend my last 10 years in the hospital because of my disease.

And after I died, I was given a chance to reincarnat in a new World I chose.

[This world called Saletera.] Someone

With a powerful Skill.

[I already have one in mind.] MC

[Knowledge of the World.] MC

"Will one skill be enough?"

< Information installing... >

[It's only provides me information and knowledge.]MC.

< Information Complete >

[But it So powerful.] MC

< Ring >

"Can only knowledge be enough in an unknown world?"

[Help!] Someone

[What does a ■■ like you doing out here in a forest?]MC.

'Although I all ready Know why'

"Meeting new people"

[I would like to register as a new adventure.]MC

[Isn't this your first time.] Someone

[Please, don't go easy on me.] MC

[How can I help you, young man?] Someone

"Funny moments"

[M-My name is ■■.] Someone (((end of chapter train 3 idiot

'I have a bad feeling about this' MC

[And I.. I would like..] Someone

'Don't say it! Although I didn't ask my Skill I can know what you will say!' MC

[I'm not a pet you know!] Someone

[Are you jealous?] MC teasing.

"Magic and Spells"

'Activate Fire magic: Fire ball' MC

'Activate Ice magic: Ice spear' MC

'Activate Magic boost' MC

"And others "

[How did you do that?] Someone

[I just know where and when to strike.] MC

[Where did you get those?] Someone

[The ■■ forest.] MC

[Look what do we have here.] Someone

'O please, don't say things that I think you will say'MC

[Did you do that to get rid of her?] Someone

[No~] MC looking away

'Activite ■■ magic' MC

[I think it's better if we change your name.] MC

[I was thinking the same thing.] MC

[This is so confusing.] Someone

"Coming soon"

[Hi, My name is Xora Levian. And I'm a traveler.]

"Date release 2022 January 1st"

< Information about World Saletera: installing...>

"...Maybe. "




'Activate Wind magic: Wind manipulation, Wind control, Wind enhancement, Wind resistance. Activate Magic Blast, Magic Impact, Magic Force. Preparation complete' MC

< New Attack has been add >

< Would you like to name your Attack: ...? >

' ■■'s Move: ■■ ' MC

< Ding >