
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasía
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21 Chs

5: They are here

Anut Maya i am to bed goodnight and Gerald good night. wow I never knew you had manners well good night Gerald said. I hate dogs that bark and i am not in the mood for this good night Anut good night babies Anut Maya.i am going to bed and i am so tired good night Anut good night kids and don't worry about Natacha i will handle her Gerald said.

Next morning

Good morning Anut the kids are in school right Natacha said.yes the are and I know you did not sleep a wink again because you have been crying tell me for how long will this continue it has been a year since you lost them and you are still mourning and you pretend to be happy but it is not the case you need to stop this look at you Tacha you can't continue like this I know what ever happened to you is not easy but he was my brother and you know how much I loved your father my brother but i have accepted that he is gone and never coming back Anut Maya said. Anut your brother yes Anut he was your brother but you know he is not the only one who died in that car accident I lost everyone and even my love and because of me you will never be with your husband again because he is also dead because of me I am sorry Anut i wish I had died with them Anut i am sorry i can't help it but cry the are right I am a bad omen even Gerald is right cause if i had used my brains I might have saved them Tacha said. no dear you are not at fault do not blame yourself and please stop crying. knock knock Anut Maya the food is ready Gerald said. okay dear we will be there thanks alot Anut Maya said.ok Anut I am waiting and Anut are you crying Gerald asked.no dear i am not please go we will be there Anut Maya said .ok

Tacha dear please stop crying and you are not to blame for anything that happened so come on let's get you dressed she takes Natasha to get dressed

15 minutes later

Anut you go I want to get my phone I am waiting for a call so I do not want to miss it Natasha said.ok dear please hurry up or else Gerald will die of hunger Anut Maya said and laughs.ok Anut i am coming give me five minutes i will be there okay.


Hello everyone how are you guys doing today oh i see we are early to have our breakfast and we are hungry right Michael David said. oh Gerald my friend won't you come and hug your friends or are you that hungry Michael said. What are you guys doing here and how did you get this address cause i can't remember giving it to you guys. oh my we have guests Gerald you have guests you never told me i would have arranged everything for them well no problem Anut Maya said.Anut I never knew the were coming Anut he is Michael and he is David guys these is my Anut Maya Gerald said. Hello Madam nice to meet you we have good things about you from Gerald okay Gerald I haven't seen your nagging witch like you called her David said.hey quite Anut don't mind him Gerald said. Oh my so my Niece is a nagging witch i wonder how she will take it if i tell her hahahaha don't worry i am joking hey guys let me take you guys to your rooms Jonny and Jordan please take there luggage to there rooms and please take them to there rooms Anut Maya said