
Knowing you changed me

Daoistr1ScVT · Fantasía
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21 Chs

12: Fainted

We are here, were are you David asked. good morning follow me Frank said. but Anut why would she come here David asked. her parents,friends, boyfriend and my husband are buried here Maya said. Anut um we should walk fast Gerald said. good morning guys how are you doing as for me I am fine i know you must be wondering why I haven't eaten well I have decided that I will join you guys there but through starvation i will come with you okay Natasha said. Nooooo what are you saying Tacha i will not let you do this. Anut Maya don't come close or else I will feed on the sand of my dad's grave Natasha threatened.ok i am not going to come close everyone move back dear please come home with us the kids are asking about you please come home Anut Maya said. no Anut Maya that is not my home here is my home here is my home. Tacha how do you think your parents friends boyfriend and Uncle will feel seeing you like this Gerald said. how the will feel did the think about my feelings when the left me no they did not so why should I care i am going to leave leave here with the....m Natasha said before she fainted. Natashaaaaa what is wrong with her oh goodness lord check if she is still breathing Maya said. Anut she is ok she just fainted due to she has not eaten anything i tried giving her food but she refused Frank said. okay thanks but we need to take her to the hospital Gerald said. no we will not do that or else she will loose everything you won't understand but let's take her home i will a doctor Anut Maya said.

doctor how is she Gerald asked. don't worry doctor you can talk he is my family the are all family Maya said. well she is not mentally fit and she needs to be happy and healthy and you know the complications if she doesn't get better her companies, houses estates and everything she has will given to him and you know how he is right The doctor said. okay doctor i will try to help her out thanks. okay what is he talking about who is the he in the conversation Gerald asked. well I hope you understand but i can't tell you anything until she I mean Natacha says i should Anut Maya said. okay i understand I will be going to my room to get some rest please inform me when she gets up Gerald said.even we are going to get some rest and do inform us when she is up Michael said. okay I will and thank you so much for helping me find her I appreciate Maya said. come on Anut it is no big deal besides our friend was the reason she left so need to thank us Anut David said.well Gerald is not the reason she left and she has done this before and the last time she tried killing herself i will be in Natacha's room with the kids Anut Maya said. something is really fishy here i mean she has done this before seriously Michael said. well we will have to find out when she tells us Gerald said.


she is awake Anut Maya said. Anut how did i get here i was at the cemetery how did I arrrghhhhh my head. we brought you here actually you fainted due to lack of food and water David said. um Natacha I am sorry for what I said earlier on i am sorry please i am sorry look can we just end all this fighting please Gerald pleaded. it is okay and it is not your fault so do not apologise and as for the fights i was fed up with it long ago Natacha said. Anut Tacha are you okay Matt and Mary asked.yes dear I am fine and you guys. Anut we are fine Anut Tacha please do not leave us again please Mary said. okay dear and i will try not leave you okay Tacha said. Miss Natacha how are you feeling today Jonny asked. i am fine and you how have you guys been Natacha asked we have been fine and ma this house has been boring without the maids and guards all said. okay thank you so much but she needs to rest now chef is the food ready Micheal asked. yes sir it is ready the chef said. okay please serve the food Tacha needs to eat Maya said. no Anut i am not hungry i will eat later. young lady you have a company to run and you won't run them in bed so you have to eat and you need to move on and stop blaming yourself for there death Anut Maya said. Anut Maya for the past one month we have been here you all have been talking in riddles please i could you explain Michael said. I also wanted to say the same thing David said. me too can someone please tell us what is happening cause we don't understand Gerald said. I guess i should let everything out for me to be free cause i am tired of everything Natacha said. no dear don't cry everything is ok Anut Maya said.no everything is not alright why did you bring me back here Anut.

here we go again can someone please tell us what happened did you kill someone or something worse than that David said. David no she did not do anything of that sort Anut Maya said. I need water ah thanks Anut for the water Gerald said. yes I did i killed people not someone Natasha said. puff*** cough* cough* cough* sorry wait you are a murderer you did not kill someone but people oh my God Gerald said. no she did not kill anyone she cannot kill anyone Natacha you need to stop this madness Anut Maya said. but Anut it is true i killed my dad my mum,stepmum Uncle Jacob which we all know to be your husband Gift Nelisa and khosi you know i killed them all of them Natacha said. woah seven people i don't understand Michael said. I don't believe this or else by now she could have killed me and a murderer doesn't come out to say he or she is a murderer well I don't know Gerald said to himself.thank God you have decided to tell people about this so I will tell them everything Anut Maya said. yes please tell us the truth Michael said.


Arrrghhhhh arrrghhhhh arrrghhhhh a cry is heard pushhhhhhhhhhhh the baby is coming out ma'am please try to push a doctor said. i am tired Natacha's mum Dyesebel said. ma'am push the doctor said. Arrrghhhhh arrrghhhhh arrrghhhhh a cry of a baby is head immediately a thunderstorm occurred. what is happening the doctor said. i don't know immediately she was born a thunderstorm occurred a nurse said. doctor i want to see my child is she beautiful does she have any deformities Dyesebel asked.no ma she is beautiful just like you and she has no deformities the nurse said. please give me my daughter i want to hold her in my hands. ma you will hold her but first we need to clean her up the doctor said. no please give her to me and call everyone inside please i am begging Dyesebel said. okay nurse call them in. My love you did it she is beautiful Natacha's father Donald said. please give her to me oh my she is beaut.....I...ful and she will be name named Natacha right that was the name we choose chosed for her she is my Tacha Maya and Donald please take care of her and make sure she doesn't miss miss me Dyesebel said. my love you are not going anywhere we will train our child together. please move back the doctor said. doctor what is happening what is wrong with her Maya asked. I love you and our kid so much i love you Tacha, Donald and Ma....ya Dyesebel said before dying.doctor what happened to my wife why is she not moving Donald asked. i am sorry Mr Donald but she is no more the doctor said. no she can't die she can't leave me and her daughter my love you said you loved us right then get up and talk to me please do not leave me like this Donald said.