
Knowing Her: When two become One

A mirror shows only the truth even if in reverse so her she stood looking in the mirror watching as the reflection that reflected back into her eyes shows a broken girl. She didn’t care but he did and from his perspective, he could see the broken and the tamed girl as his reflection was hers and his alone. “ Why don't I cool you down? ” Throwing the water on him. He froze in shock as he stood there drenched then he spoke a few cold and distant words I had heard before and knew all too well “Why would a bitch like you even dare to talk to me if you just wanted to humiliate me?” That was our first encounter and with all that shits going down. I knew it was gonna bite

WritingMasterMoon · Famosos
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29 Chs

Azulia Pov

The streets were as crowded as I expected and the different timezone didn't bother me or Bea as much as I expected. In fact, I felt a livelier as we started walking down the street. Bea even got hit on by a stallman, and a photographer. I was starting to think they had a thing for tourists so of course I went into protective mode and started swatting guys away like flies. It wasn't until we walked into a marketplace that I bumped into someone, a man in a big baggy jacket. "Ow dude watch where you're going!" I yelled at him as he turned and looked at me with awe. I can't tell you why but I felt like I knew him and so I felt I needed to apologize to him on sight. "I am so sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It wasn't polite of me and so I feel I must ask if there is anything that I can do to make it up to you."

Suga POV

I looked at her with my eyes wide as my thoughts got going and I instantly had an idea of what she could do to make it up to me. I took off my mask and smiled at her then said "Well a tour buddy wouldn't hurt ya know." as I said this she giggled and stated, "You know me and my bff Bea wouldn't mind a tour buddy either." And as she and Bea continued on with me close behind I was just stuck in shock that even with my mask off she didn't know it was me. I began to wonder if I was just that forgettable.