

Waking from his slumber, ??? felt the cold hard ground beneath him. Opening his eyes ??? scanned his immediate surroundings. However, he couldn't recognize where he was. The last thing he could remember was being at his home, practicing his swordsmanship. Standing up ??? immediately began searching the surrounding area. To find people or any idea where he could be. Gripping his sword he started walking. After a few minutes, he came to a large crater that looked like it had been dug out. He begins noticing movement around the base of the hill structure

"What the hell is that!" Shocked. ??? Watched as large ants were roaming around the inside of the crater. Not wanting to get involved with these ants. He decided to quickly escape from here. Turning around to find out he was now cut off by three of them. "Shit." Immediately drawing his sword knowing he'll have to fight these beasts. Without hesitation, he sprints toward one of the ants. Making sure he uses the body of the ant to block off the other two. He swings his sword horizontally cutting three of the legs off the first ant causing the ant to collapse to the ground. He quickly follows up with a vertical slash across the neck of the ant, lopping its head off and dispatching the first Ant quite easily.

This caused the remaining two ants to stop and begin making weird movements. The antennas of both of the ants began shaking extremely quickly and loud screeching sounds began to fill the air. ??? senses began screaming. His battle senses started overflowing. Whatever was happening he had to finish this fast.

Using this opportunity of the ants being immobile ??? rushes at the second ant and takes it down by using his sword to stab directly into the side. Using the momentum from the rush he slides underneath, his sword never leaving the body of any. Pulling away from the second Ant his attention turns to the third.

Again taking off on a sprint towards it, this time he unexpectedly stumbles. Stunned that a trained knight like himself stumbled. He just now noticed the ground was shaking. Noises from the crater started getting louder and louder. He thought back to how both Ants became immobile and started sprinting in the opposite direction of the sounds. Leaving the third ant to itself.

"What the hell did I get myself into!" Not bothering looking back he was sprinting down a small hill eventually coming into view of a road. As the sounds kept getting closer and closer. He could see beasts scattered across the plains he has never seen before. Escaping in opposite directions from where he was running. Not having time to marvel at such things he began seeing people walking on the road.

Hoping the ants would stop chasing after reaching the road. He rushed towards the road as quickly as possible. However, he made a mistake: he was comparing these ants with creatures from his homeland. He could only keep running. Eventually, he noticed figures of people in front of him. As the distance between them closed he noticed how oddly shaped and dressed these people were. Some with cat-like ears and another beyond bulky. Not giving it much thought at the moment he screams at them. "RUN!"

While closing in on their position he noticed the five people. Draw weapons of various types and sizes. Some drew swords and shields, while the others pulled out bows and staff. Instead of running away from him they looked at each other and charged in his direction. He couldn't help but question their sanity but a smile crept across his face.

Before he could reach the group one of them began giving out orders.

"Fire 2!" A large fireball came flying through the air from the female as she pointed her staff toward the ants. Instantly killing a small group of enemies.

"Paladins use shield bash!" Shortly after the spell hit, two sword/shield-wielding people crashed into the line of ants slamming them with their shields. Stopping, he took a look at the person shouting orders and then back towards the ants as he watched them begin engulfing the two with their numbers surrounding them. However, he watched as ants went flying. Both of the people he watched all two do some sort of spin move at the same time.

Obligation hit him as he watched as others fought his battle. Reengaging on the ants making sure he was killing his fair share. Bodies of ants scattered across the road as injuries were slowly building up. As fighting continued he began noticing something strange. Any injury he received was disappearing. Even his fatigue was coming and going, allowing him to keep fighting. Every time a warm light enveloped his body these things would happen. Looking back at the person barking orders they held a book in hand.

They stayed out of the main brawl as they kept repeating phrases he wasn't familiar with. Taking down another Ant he got a moment to relax, he again looked back and noticed a small yellow thing sitting on the man's shoulder. Wondering what that thing was. He knew he didn't have time to have such thoughts. Without wasting time he returned to kill the ants. When the battle came to the end. The group of five walked over to him.

"It seems you came across us just in time." The man with the book scanned the corpses of ants before returning his gaze to him. "Did you get separated from your party? Attacking Antlings alone shouldn't be done."

He knew he wasn't in France anymore. Seeing the beast from before and these people who used unfamiliar techniques he decided it was best to lie.

"I was abandoned by my party after we arrived at the hill. Unfortunately, they were caught in the stampede."

The man with the book thought for a few moments before he spoke again. "Normally, I would offer to take you back to Ul'dah. Given that we are on a mission to Northern Thanalan I cannot help you." Pointing behind him towards a small structure. "That there is Black Bush Station. I suggest heading over there and gaining assistance as walking along these roads alone is dangerous."

Please check patreon.com/ObsidianRain for early chapter's release.

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