
The Meeting

The next few days passed without her mother speaking to her. Amira had gotten used to it. Mother would get really upset whenever Amira had gone against her wish and she could do nothing about it. But Amira felt excited, not even her mother's snub could sully her good mood. It was on this day she would get to ride "Han" for the first time. She had named the horse the very first day she laid eyes on it. Father had finally given her the permission to ride it as long as she didn't get past the marge.


"In the scroll that was sent to you, a properly mapped strategy was outlined. I don't think there's more to be explained" Bahl said.

The men in the room, each one bearing their copy of the scroll, whispered amongst themselves while Bahl moved around. Bahl was huge, each foot he dropped landed with a thud and the metal from his clothing would clink afterwards. It was an eerie sync.

"I don't think the King would agree with this here plan" Hupha spoke

"The King is rigid, old and of bad consort. He doesn't know what is best for himself anymore, much less the kingdom" Bahl rebuffed

"But still, he is the King and he would have to approve this. It would be treason to act without the King's consent. Especially on a matter as huge as this" Hupha continued.

"Worry not Hupha, I have a plan in place should the King prove to be a problem" Bahl dismissed. "Anyone else?" everyone remained quiet.

Bahl looked towards the direction of Zeph who had been silent and cradling his chin while they spoke. "Zeph?"

Zeph looked up and sighed. "I don't know if this is right. All they want is our orb-stones in tens of tons. The kingdom only produce so much. This could force poverty upon the Plebs"

"So it would affect us a little, yes. But this is for the greater good. Their intellectuals continually come up with new inventions. Better war equipments, we could become invincible. Our mere alliance with Bhrytos would cause kingdoms to tremble. Our lives would be made easier. I'm talking about the future."

"I don't think fear is what we want other kingdoms to feel toward us. Our war equipments have yet to fail us either. Did you even check other kingdoms that allied with Bhrytos? They lay in ruins" Zeph stated

"They were none the wiser. I do have a plan set for all of these. I only need know you are with me on this" Bahl said as he tapped Zeph's shoulder.

Amira stormed into the room. She had thought her father was alone. The occupants of the room turned toward her and she felt like a sore thumb sticking out.

She placed her hand on her chest and extended it toward them "Sunlan" she greeted. They mirrored her action and replied "Sunlan"

"Amira, I won't be disposed to teach you today. Rohin has orders to give you all the horse lessons you crave." Zeph said. She smiled and left almost immediately.

"Should she not have been consorted by now? She looks of enough dotage for it" Hupha asked

"Didn't you just consort a girl half your age? Isn't she your eight consort? Be careful, you might soon consort one of your daughters by accident" Zeph answered. His response lightened the mood a bit as the rest laughed.

"Bahl, what was it you said about taking care of the king?" Zeph asked. And with that, the mood was back to solemn.