
Chapter Twenty: Cuddles

Ever's pov

"Do you have any names picked out yet?" Adrian asked as I leaned back against his chest, his hands softly stroking my baby bump. We haven't discussed the events that took place in the bathroom yet, and honestly, I'm okay with that.

I let out a satisfied sigh, feeling content in his arms, "Not yet, I decided to wait until I know the genders before picking out names, "

"makes sense… " he nodded against my neck, leaving a small kiss, "You're about… 4 months, right? "

"Yeah…? " I watched confused as he got out of bed and gently laid me down on my pillows. "What are you doing? " I laughed when he jumped back onto the bed in front of me, and rested his head against my bare stomach, his long legs dangling off the bed.

"5 more months until we get to meet you, " He mumbled against my bump and I couldn't help but smile as tears made their way to my eyes. This is too cute!

"whaddya think mama? Boys? Girls? Or both? " he asked as he kissed my stomach, "My money's on both being boys! " my face drained into a deep red when he winked.

"to be honest, when I first thought about having kids– I always wanted a boy and a girl… " I scratched at the side of my head with an embarrassed smile, "so, I guess I'd have to say both! "

He chuckled as he hovered over me, placing light kisses all over my face before connecting our lips in a way that left me breathless. Again.

"What are we? " I asked as he flopped down next to me on the bed, pulling me to his chest as he played with my hair.

I looked up to see him biting the inside of his cheek with a deep frown of concentration as he thought about my question, "What do you want us to be? "

"I… I don't know… " I answered honestly, distracting myself by pulling off fuzzies from Adrian's t-shirt so I don't have to look him in the eyes, " I like you, Adrian, a lot – almost too much in fact, and it scares me…" I looked up to see Adrian already looking down at me with a soft yet sad smile– like he knew what I was gonna say before I even said it.

"It scares me because we hardly know each other, yet every time you're around I feel like I've known you for a lifetime! I've never felt like this with anyone– not even Enzo and fuck we were together for almost 5 years!" with a huff I rolled onto my back, wiping a stray tear that rolled from my eyes.

"I just don't want to rush in, head–first into something like a relationship, and it ends up burning us both in the end– you know? "

"I do, " he nodded thoughtfully, "We don't have to rush anything, we can go as slow or as fast as you want, " I laughed as he raised his eyebrows suggestively and playful shoved him away, "No, but seriously, you have full reign over how you want this relationship to go! " he hovered over me slightly to look me in the eyes,

"if you just want us to be friends– we can be friends if you want us to be more than friends– we can do that too! I don't want you to feel like you have to decide right now. So think it over for a while, and when you come up with an answer, we can talk then… okay?"

I nodded, pulling him into a hug as I cried silently. What did I do to deserve a man like you, Adrian?…

"If anything, I should be asking you that, precious. "

"Did I say that out loud? "

He chuckled, "Yup! "

"Well that's embarrassing…" I giggled into his chest, feeling exhausted all over again, "wake me up when your mom comes home…"

"will do precious, get some rest, "



I smiled as the sound of Ever's light snores reached my ears. Brushing a piece of her midnight strands out of her face, I gently made my yaw out of bed– replacing my body with the pillow I was laying on.

"I'll be back…" I whispered, leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head, and chuckled as she pulled the pillow closer to her chest with a groan. I took a quick glance at her stomach that has gotten slightly more swollen since I first met her, and I felt heat spread throughout my chest.

I will protect them with my life…

Making my way downstairs, I noticed Jake sitting on the couch with his feet on the coffee table. He hadn't noticed me since his face was glued to his phone– probably messaging that girl Ever told him about this morning.

"I know I'm pretty, but it's still rude to stare! " I guess he did notice me…

I smacked him upside the head as I walked toward the kitchen, "Take your own advice, besides if anyone in this house is pretty– it's Ever! "

"WHA–PSH!" I turned around just in time to see Jake swing his hand in a quick motion like he was holding a whip.

I  rolled my eyes at his childishness and flipped him off. Grabbing a pod of dark-roasted coffee, I plopped it into the Keurig and leaned on my back against the counter.

"What, Jake? I thought you said it was rude to stare, " he was leaning against the kitchen island counter with a goofy smile that I wanted to rub off with a nearby cheese grater.

"You are so totally whipped, my friend!" he laughed, "though I do have to say– it's a good look for you! You seem, " he paused for a second as if to find the right word, "happy… "

"Well, yeah! I would hope I seem happy to be near the girl I like!" I half-joked, rolling my eyes, But he only shook his head.

"Nah man, with her you seem genuinely happy, " I followed him outside after stirring in some sugar for my coffee. I don't like creamer– it's too sweet.

"Are you saying that I'm never happy any other time? 'cause that's not true. "

"That's not what I'm saying and you know it, " he rolled his eyes, " I've known you for what– 5 years? And never once have I ever seen you smile the way you smile when you're around her, " he closed his eyes, basking in the sun's rays. I didn't entirely understand what he meant but nodded nonetheless.

Do I really seem that much different around her?

"So is it official? " Jake asked after a moment of silence, and I swear he waited until I was taking a sip of my very hot coffee to ask.

"Is what official? " I coughed out after choking for a second, and he laughed. Asshole.

"you know… " he wiggled his eyebrows, "are you guys dating? Spill the tea!"

"I think you hang out with my sister too much, " I sighed, "but, no, Ever and I are not 'official'," I could see the confusion on his face so I continued, "I'm giving her time to think things over– she's got enough on her plate right now as it is and I don't want to add to it. "

He nodded with an understanding smile as he stood up from the lawn chair he had previously been sitting in, "you're good for her, " he stopped beside me on his way into the house, patting my shoulder, " She's also good for you, so don't screw it up! "

"I wouldn't dream of it… " I lifted my cup for another sip, "thanks, Jake. "



I woke up to the sound of shuffling around me, so I looked over to see Adrian changing his shirt. For a split second, I was embarrassed, but then I was intrigued.

"You have tattoos? " I yawned, rubbing my eyes as I slowly sat up. I noticed how he froze for a second before turning to me with a light chuckle, his shirt only halfway on. Holy! I think j might be drooling! That's what's hiding under all those layers? An 8 pack!?

I mean I knew he had muscles– but dayum!

"My eyes are up here, precious! " he winked and my face became 50 shades of red, "kidding, but anyway yeah I have a few tattoos– you wanna look at them? "

I noticed a slight blush on his ears and neck as he got closer before sitting next to me on the bed, "which one do you wanna look at first? "

"Can I look at the one on your back first? "

"Sure… " he turned so his back was facing me and took his shirt the rest of the way off, setting it on the bed next to him.

I let out a quiet but audible gasp. He has angel wings that cover most of his back, and a little bit of his shoulders. The intricate detailing of the wing's feathers makes them almost look real.

"It's beautiful… " I whispered, trailing my fingers lightly along the feathers that trickle down his back, and smiled to myself when he shuddered at my touch.

"I got it shortly after my mom died… " he muttered with his head hanging low, playing with his fingers, " I was 15… "

"Adrian, I'm so sorry… I had no idea… " I reluctantly pulled my hand away, getting off the bed to stand in front of him. He looked up at me and I felt angry at myself for being the reason he looks so sad right now.

"It's not something I like to talk about… " He wrapped his arms around my legs as I pulled him into a tight hug– holding him close.

"and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, " I soothed, running my hands through his hair as I held him, "just know that when you do, I'll be here. Always. "

"Thank you, precious… "

"Anytime Bub! "

He slightly chuckled at the new nickname and looked up at me with a raised brow, "Bub? "

I smiled down at him with a shrug, "Your new nickname, do you like it?"

"It's cute, "

"you're cute! " I replied, cringing slightly, "Man, that sounded way less cringe in my head! " I was saying it more to myself but because of our close proximity, he heard me anyway, letting out the most adorable laugh I've ever heard. I take that back. He's adorable.

A knock resounded at my bedroom door and I slightly pouted when Adrian put his shirt back on. I wanted to look at the rest of his tattoos.

"Don't worry precious, you can look at the rest of them later, " he winked, making my face burn beet red as I walked over to my door, and opened it.

It was Paula, "Are you ready to go? " crap! I almost forgot we were supposed to go shopping today.

"yup! Let me just grab my purse real quick! "

"Where are you guys going? " Adrian asked from his lying position on my bed. 

"Paula and I are going to the mall to buy some things for the babies and no you can't come, " I chuckled, noticing the small frown that made its way to his face, "don't worry we won't be too long, "

"Fine, have fun! " 

"bye, Bub! "

"Bye… "



Adrian's pov

(After Ever leaves)

Oh... My god... I KISSED EVER!!!

Now that I'm by myself, the events that took place in the bathroom before Jake had rudely interrupted came full force into my mind like a tidal wave.

Punching the air in happiness, I flopped back down on Ever's bed a smile never leaving my lips. I kissed Ever and she kiss me back! She likes me too...

"Adrian! If you wanna make it to that race, we better leave now! "  Jake called from downstairs.

Grumbling, I made my way towards the door, fixing my clothes. Pretending like I didn't just freak out like a total preteen girl, I made my way out the door– cool as a cucumber.