
knight's & Magic: Gundam 00 Mage

A gundam 00 fan just got transmigrated to the knights & Magic world as a 12 yr old Alexander Serrati with his 3 wishes. The son and heir to marquis Joachim Serrati. He woke up just in time before Ernesti Echevarria got knighted to command the order of the Silver phoenix. This is a fan fiction of the original anime. All rights and trademarks belong to the original artist.

SBfanfiction · Fantasía
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23 Chs


Since Alexander was small again, he won't git in his gundam. So he had repair bots build a gundam to fit his size. He also made one for each of his comrades. If course, thier staterooms is made of adamantium. Can't have a robot rebellion. He can't chance it.

For Rumble and Grimlock, he's making Gundam Kyrios with the same controls of their video game. He also assign them that gundam because they're crazy kids. For shockwave, he assigned Gundam Dynames. Primal got Nadleeh. The 2 idol looking teens, wheeljack and Bumblebee both got Exia. Alexander got gundam Wing 00.

He was cooped up in his dimension doing upgrades also, so the gundams are more powerful. It taken a few months until he finished. When he went out of his dimension, he asked for a status report.

Megatron:"Master the fledgling collected 4 of the nine floating islands. He also established a kingdom within the borders of the East of you. It looked like he is building an army with armor less fleshlings. He also materialized something from a teleportation magic. The other end is coming from one of the islands, meaning he found some sorry excuse for a robot."

Alexander:"I see, it's getting closer to the Fraizes invasion where we will act."

Optimus:"Do you need assistance."

Alexander:"Nah weaklings like those. We might even get bored."

They all went into a very large basement. You can fit 5 mansion in it. He released all the gundams the needed. They really need practice. Primal got on Nadleeh and was hard to control due too the bulky exterior, but once the armor peeled of an turned into gundam virtue, he went Donkey Kong on all targets. Rumble and Grimlock had a funny practice. Since thier gundam was speed paced. They kept loosing control and hitting the wall. Think of Willey Coyote hitting walls. But Grimlock was having fun hitting walls. Alexander got a headache. Wheeljack and Bumblebee did good and did dance routine. I think they got addicted to dance revolutuion game. Alexander had a hard time controlling Gundam Wing 00. It's like a wild Stallion. It really chooses it's driver.

Weeks pass by and their proficiency got better each day. It was now like part of them. Then they heard Yulong kingdom was being attacked by crystal beings and Allied nations are fighting them using frame gears. Megatron said they were slow as an untrained newborn.

Alexander:"Okay guys! Ready to have some fun. Sattle up, we have a battle to crash!"

Rumble:"About time, anymore waiting and we will rust away"

Grimlock:"Grimlock want to smash crystal monsters. Grimlock hero"

Primal:"I'll clear all obstacles while these 2 knuckleheads sweep the area."

Wheeljack & Bumblebee:"We're not knuckleheads! We just care a little about our looks!"

Shockwave:"I'll watch your back master!"

Alexander:"Let's go!"

They all flew at top speed. They reach Yulong Nation in a matter of minutes.

Mochizuki Touya:"There's still thousands of them. How's everyone doing?!"

Yae Kokonoe:"I'm still okay! But my feel is running low"

Yumina Belfast:"Okay also. But we might get overwhelmed"


Then suddenly a big beam destroyed almost half the Fraizes. When Touya looked where it came from, he recognize it right away.

Mochizuki Touya:"Is that gundam Nadleeh?!"

Then 2 Exias made quick work on Fraizes with laser swords.

Mochizuki Touya:"Gundam Exia? And there's 2 of them?!"

Then from above 2 gundam Kyrios drop hundreds of bombs and use lasers to clear a path. The Dynames started studying sniping saving a lot of frame gear drivers.

Mochizuki Touya:"Gundam Kyrios and Gundam Dynames. What's next Gundam Wing zero"

Then he looked up and saw Gundam Wing 00 getting ready to fire.

Mochizuki Touya:"Oh~ it's double 00"


Yumina Belfast:"Touya! Do you know them. They have a very powerful frame gears."

Mochizuki Touya:"I don't know, but I know those frame gears are called gundams."

Ende:"I think I want one, but the guy in the one with wings is very strong. Maybe a lower god."

Mochizuki Touya:"A god? Maybe God sent them."

The Fraizes was completely eliminated. Alexander also eliminated the scavengers. To prevent future problems. Then they all landed next to the allied nations king and got down. Of course Ende tried to steal one, but it has a dna lock on it. So he asked Alexander one and he said no. So Ende just left. Then the allied nation introduced themselves.

Twistwyn Urnea Belfast:" My name is Twistwyn Urnea Belfast, King of Belfast. Next to me is my brother Duke Alfredo Urnea Ortlinde. Then next to him is the king of Mismede, King Jamukha Blau Mismede. And finally king Regulus."

Alexander came forward and all his gundam meister taken a bow.

Alexander:"My name is Alexander Serrati Kitley, Emperor of Primus and Prince of the Elves. I am also a god of mechas."

Allied Nation:"A god?!"

Alexander:"Yup, not a fake one, but a real one. I'm immortal and my divinity is mecha and machines. If you don't believe me, look up. I will cancel my cloaking device."

They all look up and was scared sh*t less. They saw a planet size metal planet above them. Then it disappeared. Then he looked at Mochizuki Touya and came closer and offer a handshake.

Mochizuki Touya:"Um.. I'm Mochizuki Touya. Nice to meet you emperor."

Alexander:"Ahem, so your him. God told me about you. As a god, I'm not supposed to meddle with a mortals problem. But these Fraizes are from other worlds. Also, what's a demigod doing hanging with normal people."

Mochizuki Touya:"I'm a what now?!"

Alexander:"Your a demigod. Your still young and still accessing your divinity."

Elze & Linse Silhoeska:" Touya's a god?!!!

Alexander:"Not yet, and he is a demigod. He's semi immortal. In a few years, he'll stop growing up. And whoever is his wife will share his immortality."

Mochizuki Touya:"I think I need a big long talk with god. And also, you look normal to me."

Alex then pointed his hand aiming on the mountain, then his hands turn into a blaster cannons and fired.


A mushroom cloud ascended to the sky. The heat can be felt by them. After the clouds were gone so is the mountain.

Alexander:" This body is just an avatar. My main body is much more stronger. I can destroy planets. And I'm really 8 ft tall. This 6ft android avatar is just a temporary vessel."

Everyone bowed including the kings. To them, do not anger this being or kiss everything goodbye.

Mochizuki Touya:"You know, you don't have to do that. You can just aim in the sky."

Alexander:"The beam can obliterate mountains. That beam doesn't stop until it hits a target. It will continue on on space and it might hit a person or something. Besides, the Fraizes already killed all the inhabitants in that mountain, I just gave them cremation. It prevents future diseases."

Yumina:" Atleast warn them first. I should reprimand you!"

King Twistwyn Belfast:"Uh dear daughter Yumina, do not anger that God please."

All other kings nodded profusely.

Yumina:"Don't worry dad, despite his demeanor, he has a good character. Besides, he told us that our God told him not to meddle in mortal business."

Alexander:"That's true, I only did that to convince some of you of my very being. The king of Mismede was doubting me until I did that."

King Mismede:"I'm very truly sorry for my doubtings. I have seen nobles think they were gods from a little power. I will now start worshiping your grace."

Alexander:"Don't worship me, I gave enough worshippers. Worship your own god. They will come and bug me to set things straight. I don't want the hustle."

King Mismede:"You mean, you met the beast king!!!"

Alexander:"No, I met the god above the beast king the one in charge of all the gods in your world. It is Touya's grandfather. The old man who always drink tea. He is the god of gods."

Everyone looked at Touya with their mouths open.

King of Belfast:"Why did we only give him a duke domain. He should be Emperor or the king of kings."

They all start bowing to Touya. Touya was panicking.

Mochizuki Touya:"Stop! Stop! 😣You guys stop bowing! I don't want to be a monarch anyways. I just want a normal adventure life. (He looked at Alex with angered face and sarcasticly said 😡) Thanks a lot Alex."

Alexander:"Your welcome😊"

Kohaku:"I'm serving the grandson of our gods. I'm so honored master😇"

Alexander:"Well, if you guys are not busy, I can teleport you guys to my mansion. I have a welcoming feast for you in there."

King of Mismede:"We all agree. A gods invitation cannot be disobeyed."

Alexander:"It's not an order you know"

Mochizuki Touya:"After your display. I don't see why they won't obey you. I'll get someone to get the frame gears back to where they are stored."

Alexander:"You mean the floating islands. You know you only have 4. There are nine of them but one or I should say 2 of them are together for some reason."

Mochizuki Touya:"You know where they are! Tell me!"

Alexander:"Yeah I know, but God wants you to find them yourselves. It is because if you don't. You will miss some encounters you are fated to. I'm just here to play around. And for my people to experience human life. We're leaving in a year or so. My wife and kids get bored easy... you know, immortality gives you too much time sometimes. Oh, I also got earth's current position. But I don't know if your magic gate can do 3,650 lightyears ....that way. Also, I don't know if that is your earth or a parallel one."

Mochizuki Touya:"You mean multiverse like the avengers movie?!"

Alexander:"Close to that. There are many parallel universe or twins if you want to say it. You never know. Well times a ticking. Oh by the way, music mansion is on Belfast."

King if Belfast:"I'll have guards guarding your mansion 24/7"

Alexander:"No need. I got state of the art security. Oh also, the missing nobles. I sent them off to a deserted island for trying to scam the land and mansion I paid in full and paid all the back taxes. They were trying to even get an army of soldiers to break open the gates. So those evil nobles get that punishment. They are now fighting for fruit trees. Imagine that. Thier greed got no bounds."

King of Belfast:"I'll take their nobility and land answer exile them. Let them rot on that island. I wanted to clean house anyways. They try to poison me and appoint one of them as king themselves."

Alexander created a humongous gate, complete with an actual gate covered in angels with harps. He was going for gate of heaven. He even put cloud machines and lights. Rumble and Grimlock giggles and made Touya turn back and giggled after seeing the faces of the kings and all the servants.

Servant#1:"It's the gate to heaven!!! Did we die?! Oh god I got I wife I just married! I'm still a Virgin! Why God why! At least let me hit it a few times before you take me!!!"

There's were multiple denials from soldiers. Yumina saw Touya and Alex giggling and knew it was a joke."

Primal:"Master really likes to make pranks."

Alex:"You gotta have some fun, if not immortality is a bore."

They all went in and was shocked on how modern it was. Touya saw the game counsel and immediately went there with all his girls. The kings went into the game rooms with their soldiers. Some feasted on the food. They are food you can find internationally. The cooking bots always cooks perfectly. The kings played streetfighter 2 and some other games like Tekken. Alex observe them and made a list of what they like. He already made an arcade powered by a magic stones when they hit the on button. It will continuously cycle mana from the surroundings. He is also put a select button on what games they like. But the chips can only hold so much games. So he was seeing what they like.

The Arcade will be a goodbye and thank you for visiting gift. The bowling alleys were packed and the indoor courts were also packed. He had Rumble explain the game of basketball, tennis and indoor soccer. There was also the indoor Olympic size pools.

Mochizuki Touya:"How did you fit all this in you mansion."

Alexander:"Oh space magic. You should see the basement. I made it the size of your moons. So I can practice the gundams. "

We also have the bedrooms. Over 300 here, all luxurious and has a bathroom fridge a mini living room and tiny kitchen in one room. The fridge are always fully stocked. We also have food replicators."

Mochizuki Touya:"Like Star Trek?!"

Alexander:"Yeah, also the holodeck. It scans your brainwaves. So you can probably meet your dead parents there and hug them."

Touya quickly ran to the holodeck, after a long while he came back to Alex with wet bags under his eyes. He has been crying for the past hour.

Mochizuki Touya:"Thank you for that. Can I visit here whenever."

Alexander:"Sure, I'll let security scan you and the girls. So you guys don't get shot or sent to a deserted island."