
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
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24 Chs

Chapter 4: Tourney of Harrenhal - 2

Arthas greeted the respective members of House Stark and even Baratheon.

"Apologies my Lords and Lady for my unsightly form. The day has been, tiring to say the least."

"Do not fret yourself over it Ser Arthas. I admit, I came for my own selfish reasons." receiving a nod from Arthas. Rickard continued. "Your performance is not one to be set aside. Even more so your talent that is now made aparent Infront of everyone. And so for the benefit of the North I must ask. What would it take for you to join us?"

"I will tell you the same answer I gave to Lord Lannister, Lord Stark." Their eyes widened at his words. "I will accept nothing less than a Lordship."

No one spoke first at the bold declaration. Until the silence was broken by both Robert Baratheon and Brandon by laughing out loud.

Their booming voice was loud enough to be heard outside, that much was sure. Arthas could also tell they were doing it on purpose. After all, it was impossible to miss the mocking tone they used and as he looked at them their expressions made it more obvious.

While Rickard was livid at Robert's action, it was drowned out by shame as his eldest son and heir mimicked him. Looking away from his son he then saw a livid expression in her daughter's face pointed at both her betrothed and her own brother. He then looked to his second only to see Eddard looking down in embarrassment.

But above all he had seen it was the bored and patient look that Arthas sported that truly unnerved him.

Rickard had expected the young Lord to be angry but this was not it. He looked almost uncaring at the two. 'A lord and an heir of two great houses, and this young man looked at them like idiots. In their faces to boot.' he thought.

Once the laughter subsided. Arthas finally spoke.

"Are you done?" he asked.

His words prompted the attention of the two towards him and only then did they saw the bored expression in his face. First they were surprised, and then they were angry. But neither of the moved as soon as they saw the faces of both Rickard and Lyanna.

Arthas then signaled Sif who was standing at the side. She nodded and then left only to return with two squires holding a chest in between them.

The wood was burnished red and the metal clasping was tinted yellow. That and the lion motif etched at a plate just above the keyhole clearly indicated whom it was from.

Receiving a nod from Arthas, Sif opened the chest and the amount of gold within surprised everyone.

Rickard clenched his fist. Finally realizing he was far behind in the race already.

"How much is in there again my dear?"

"Twenty Thousand Gold Dragons my lord."

"Twenty thousand...." whispered Brandon. He had known Lords that made only a tenth of that in a year.

"Which Lordship had he offered you?" asked Rickard.


"None?" asked Lyanna

"Aye, none. None just yet." he answered slyly.

"Lord Tywin would not give this lightly, so why don't you stop lying and tell us what lordship he gave you? Tell me is it Castamere?" asked Robert.

Arthas of course only raised a brow at the barbarian before him. Because as far as he could tell, that is what he is. He had seen passings of the Lord and even whispers of dissatisfaction of his vices.

The man had been chasing any women who were more than willing to lay with him. Even fights due to over intoxication.

As far as Arthas is concerned, King Robert Baratheon is not some love struck man who fought for his beloved. Just a self entitled boy who fell in love with the pussy that was stolen from him.

Seconds passed as Arthas simply looked at Robert in silence. With every second that went by though, Robert's patience wore thinner and thinner as his face turned red and veins started popping in his head. It wasn't long before he looked like he was hyperventilating like a mad beast getting ready to charge.

While everyone else became restless, Arthas remained unfazed. He even began a game as he started counting how many veins in Robert's head would pop out before his head exploded.

"If I may." Interjected Eddard. Receiving a nod from Arthas, he asked. "If it is so that Lord Tywin had yet to offer you any Lordship. What exactly is the gold for? If you would be so kind as to fill our curiosity."

"For him, it was a sign of good faith young Lord. I'm sorry but I could tell you nothing more."

His answer obviously made it worst for House Stark. Tywin was trying to get ahead. And he was obviously invested in it.

Rickard was at a loss at what to do. That unreal and monstrous talent was not one to scoff at. But what could he offer that would shift the tide in his favor. For a brief moment his eyes fell upon his daughter. But he shook the thought out of his head. He already gave his word to the Baratheon Lord.

While he was musing about other possibilities or paths he could take, Lyanna and Eddard had been taken into a conversation with Arthas about swordsmanship.

The three hit it off. Making fast friends with one another. They had smiles in their faces as curiosity welled in their eyes. A bond was being forged between the three.

And Robert didn't like it.

He stood up harshly causing his chair to fall off the back. The noise gathered everyone's attention and then Robert spoke his piece.

"Fight Me!!!"

"Robert!?" yelled Eddard.

"Shut up Ned! This man dare mock us here, showing off his gold and his whore!!!" he roared as he gestured at the chest and Sif. Making Arthas frown deeply. "He had obviously been paid off by Tywin already!! There was nothing here but him humiliating us in his own tent!! Now not only does he lie about not receiving a lordship from Tywin yet, he had the gull to tell me how to fight!!! If you are so sure of yourself, why don't you prove it! Right here! right now!"

Robert was breathing heavily after he had said his piece. His head was red as his knuckles were white with how strong his fist was clenched. But despite the brewing storm within the Baratheon Lord, Arthas remained unfazed.

A handful of seconds passed and then.

"Are you done?"

It was as if lightning struck Robert and then he moved to rush Arthas only to be intercepted by Eddard who clutched at his waist pushing him back and Brandon, pulling him from behind.

Despite being held in place by the two, Robert's anger continued to grow as he looked at Arthas who remained seated. With his face atop his fist that rested upon the chair and one of his legs crossed atop another. Looking both regal and bored at the same time.

"ENOUGH!!!" Rickards voice boomed, halting everyone on place.

"I believe you have humiliated my house enough for one day Lord Baratheon. I think it is best that you leave." though Rickard said so calmly, no one could mistake the edge in his voice. It was strong enough that for a moment, Robert actually felt threatened.

He looked around and saw that there are three squires with their swords drawn. But aside from the scowling Rickard Stark, what struck him in the heart most was the angry expression that Lyanna was shooting him.

He turned and left without a word, not wanting to be surrounded by those that didn't want him.

"Do not worry, he'll be in a woman's cunt before long." Arthas said.

Eddard scowled at the implication and spoke. "He is a good man Ser. You should not judge him lightly."

Arthas' attention were into him fully. And there was an anger within his eyes that made Eddard thought he may have said something wrong.

"A good warrior does not equate a good man, Ser. A good friend does not equate a good husband, Ser. A whoremongering drunkard that had the audacity to proclaim his love to a woman only to fuck another that same night does not invoke loyalty, does not invoke love, does not invoke trust and most certainly does not tell a good story for the poor woman that would unfortunately have to live with the fact that she may have to spend her nights right next to a man who would fuck another on the same bed they shared. . . . . Now tell me wolf Knight, does this qualities tell you of a good man?"

"....he can change." Eddard weakly reasoned.

"Were you trying to convince me?... Or yourself?"

Hearing a sniffing from the side they turned to see Lyanna who had begun openly crying. Rickard immediately wrapped an arm around his daughter and then guided her out after sending a nod towards Arthas. Eddard followed after along with Brandon.

But before the eldest wolf stepped out he sent a heated glare towards Arthas. Who, much to his ire, simply looked at him with boredome.

Everyone sighed in relief once the guest were out. But to Arthas. 'so much drama in a world field with swords. Why can't life be simple?'

~~~ lime scene ~~~

He then dragged himself to bed. Sif was right next to him ready to tuck him in. But to her surprised he lifted her and then tossed her to the bed. Before she could get up she felt her dress bunch up her waist as her legs were pried open harshly. She instinctively fought and tried to close them only to be forcely opened again. He legs now spread widely.

She looked down to see Arthas. Who had begun trailing kisses from the dirty soles of her feet, and then slowly to her ankles. His mouth living kisses, bites from his teeth and even licking with his toung as he slowly traversed towards her thigh.

From there he began to get more agressive as bite marks, hickeys and kisses peppered her thicc thighs. Reaching her damped pussy. He begun sucking on it. Her breath hitched as heart begun beating like a drum from his actions.

He then yanked her underwear removing one legg off of it, leaving it dangling at the other. His hands trailed at her thighs as he begun eating at her pussy. Swirling his toung deep within her and then sucking and flicking her clit with his tounge. All the while his hands roamed her legs, squeezing his fingers with grip both firm yet gentle.

It wasn't long before Sif squeeled into a pillow as she came into his face. Arthas on the other hand was ready and received her juice into his mouth.

Her legs shook but still his hands held her down. She then felt Arthas' lick her folds. Cleaning her with his tounge. He then grabbed Sif by her neck forcing her to look at him. Making eye contact he gave her pussy a kiss. Her breath hitched again and again as he kissed her pussy softly, as if kissing her own lips. She again came, softly this time. Her legs twitched where they laid but she couldn't move them.

She then felt him on top of her, his chiseled body pressed at her waist while his head rested at her stomach just beneath her breast. His arms wrapped around her, with one underneath one thigh forcing it to place atop one of his shoulders and the other arm wrapped around her waist.

He held her with the softness and care of a lover and Sif couldn't help but let out a little bit more at such a romantic gesture. Making her fall asleep with a smile in her face as he softly kissed her thigh one more time.

~~~ Lime Over ~~~

The next couple of days amounted to very little excitement. Arthas spent most of his time teaching and guiding his squires. The very three squires that had gathered as much attention as Arthas.

They showcased their skill before everyone. Making their talents laid bare before the scrutiny of the Lords of the Seven Kingdoms.

It was clear to everyone that what ever it was that Arthas were teaching them were clearly very effective. And so many actually sought out the young knight more.

That is if he wasn't in the forge.

Arthas had achieved a certain understanding of his gift that had him dedicating his free time on exploring it. But he couldn't understand how it became so.

Gandalfr is indeed complete weapon mastery. But to him it is just simply 'complete mastery'.

It doesn't have to be a weapon in his hands. He could hold a knife and cut like an experienced chef. A harp and play a tune that had everyone mesmerized. Or a hammer and craft like a veteran craftsman.

And just like his swordsmanship, there is room for growth. Just like despite being able to cut spices into ribbons, he couldn't cook for shit due to his lack of knowledge in the cooking part. He could hammer down a steel into shape with incredible precision, but forging is not just shaping the metal but making it.

And so with that thought in mind Arthas went about to improving his skills and aside from swordsmanship, spearmanship, and Hammer weilding. He had decided to dedicate much of his efforts to forging. A craft that is of extreme importance in this world.

Two days passed and the only thing of note aside from the praise he received from the Blacksmiths that trained him for a short couple of days. Was the ever increasing whispers about a certain she-wolf and Arthas himself being seen together for most of their time.

One time, people even saw Lyanna Stark carefully wipe the sweat off of Arthas' face as he carefully worked on a piece of metal.

This triggered the attention of a great many houses including the ire of both Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon. One that amounted to nothing more than heated glares and shimmering anger as Lyanna's action was, sadly for them, approved by her Lord Father.

Since finishing his tutelage, Arthas has decided to finally put the steel he possessed into good use. Forging weapons and armor for his squires.

His work has also attracted certain master smiths that had been baffled at both his monstrous growth and the outcome of his craft.

Damascus steel weapons.

Probably the most basic and best he could achieve with medieval standard tools. He forged for his squires three swords, each identical to the next. Forged alongside their armors. The armors were finely made if he had to say so himself. He after all made it from one of the old games he used to play.

The Regalia of Weisshaupt or the Grey Warden Armor.

He could barely remember the lore of the game. But he knew that they served like the Nightwatch. But instead of the Long Night they defend against the Blight.

Of course as far as this people knew, it's completely original.

The armor is finely tempered, hardening it but not overtly so, allowing the armor to bend against overwhelming forces instead of shattering yet sturdy and resilient enough to handle great amounts of punishments.

And while he was at it, he decided to craft for himself a sword.

The design was much the same, winged crossguard, black leather grip but this time, he went all out on designing it. He made intricate patterns at the flat side of the blade. His gift, allowing him to make the most of the art without sacrificing the integrity of the sword. All the while adding a blue gem at the crossguard where the base of the blade laid.

Add to that is the bluish glow of the blade and it's innate design of the Damascus steel that looked like flowing water added to it's beauty.

Arthas didn't shy away about keeping his creations hidden. He left the Grey Warden Armor in display along with his sword. People openly gaped at it, the only thing preventing them from acting is the armed squires that safe guard the sword and armor. And the eyes of both Tywin and Rickard, two Great Lords.

Arthas smiled at the three squires, little did they know was that the armor was for them, not him.

The only thing Arthas safeguarded was the forging process along with his new invention. Or his rip-off which ever one it is. He recreated the baghdad battery and then used it to do what others can't. Electroplating.

He laughed ligtly at the ongoing gossip about his sword. People said he was so wealthy that he could throw away gold just to make a golden cross guard. What they believed to be worth at least a hundred gold coins worth is actually worth five at best.

'It is as my father said: If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.'

His actions though were also being put to good use by three certain lords. Stark made use of his friendship with his daughter and is currently making headway when it comes to recruiting talents for the North. Aside from Stark, both Lannister and Arryn did the same with the northern lord making a bit more headway due to the obvious friendship of his daughter.

There were even speculations that he is Tywin's or even Arryn's bastard. A gossip that was made worse when Elbert Arryn was seen sending glares at the man from a distance.

Arthas though was not angry about what the three were doing. It was only natural that they do what they can with what they have. One he explained so to Lyanna herself. After all he is doing the same to the three of them. By letting the gossip fly and take its course he receives certain privileges and considerations.

One such example is that no one dare mess with him or his people, as they are fearful of receiving the ire of possibly three great houses. Another example is receiving quality products during his purchases, even a bit of discount with the promise of putting a good word to his 'father' -as they say- should the subject arise.

But if there is one thing Arthas complain about is his soft heart. One Lyanna openly and happily teased him about. Their closeness adding more to the rumors.

The tourney of Harrenhal not only attracted swords from all over the Seven Kingdoms but merchants aswell as orphans. There were even former slaves that crossed the narrow sea to escape the cruelty of the masters. Or just simply those looking for purpose. Basically anyone who wanted to make some form of coin went there. There were even youth that would steal swords and try to participate in the tourney only to be met with a face to to dirt introduction with the harsh reality.

That this world is unforgiving. Where good men die, that is, if they aren't strong enough to live.

Though Arthas disliked it, his heart could not allow him to turn a blind eye from a little girl wearing rags, dripping in mud, and thin as a skeleton and begging for what coin he could spare.

He took her in, and then another, and then another, and another, and another, and so on and so forth. Until his numbers swelled to easily thirty children, ten mothers, seven grown men, and five squires.

At first everything was peaceful until two of the men thought that the women were of what they called, free for the taking.

They of course died. And Arthas made a show of it. He beat down both men not with swords or weapons, no, but with his fist. And he made sure everyone knew of it.

The crowed watched in horror as he broke arms, twisting limbs in the wrong directions, shattering knees, breaking jaws, and even ripping out a tounge and gouging eyes out.

By the end of it all, they had a pile of broken bodies who's skulls were broken in like a pumpkin. One by his foot and the other by his fist.

His blood soaked form did not deter him at all. Nor did his face changed to any form of hesitation nor anything that showed mercy. It was brutal and it was enough to send a message to the rest.

With another show of strength Arthas bought order into his growing camp.

His actions did not go unnoticed unfortunately. As there are those who wanted what he had and those willing to go through bulshittery means to get it.

The day after Arthas killed the two were when several knights of the Vale came towards his camp and charged him of breaking the laws of the land. He is to be put into trial immediately.

There are several lords close by, hoping to lend the boy a helping hand...with some concessions of course. Walder Frey himself, was busy eyeing the blonde beauty that the young lord always keeps to his tent, seeing the fearful expression upon Sif's face was enough to make the disgusting old man hard. But much to their surprise. Their chance never came. The boy immediately demanded a trial by combat, and demanded that the crown's champion be ready to meet him by sunrise.

As expected, word spread like wildfire. And the rest sat back to enjoy the show.