
Knight's Journey in Westeros

This will be basic fanfic. meaning I won't stray too far from canon. Far enough but not too far. How far? Go and find out. Anyway my creative juices are at an all time low and decided to create a new fanfic in my alt email. I will be picking those up soon, but not at the moment. This will be fast pased but not too fast that I end up typing 'they fought like legends and then the MC won' no... uhk gross. The only thing legendary about that is how fast it was. There will be no magic on this one. I'll leave those shenanigans to the red priest and wood witches. This will be an OP MC, slapping bitches left and right. he won't be too good or too evil nor will he be a disgusting pig who wants to fuck every pussy he sees. Swords! Spears! Shields and Mailed Fist! Let your steel do the talking! Heavily inspired by 'A knight's tale'. As painful as reading that fanfic is due to the grammar, I still liked it.

Swordbringer · TV
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24 Chs

Chapter 13: To the Vale

"If you apologize again I swear I crush your balls in my palms..."

"...Yes my dear."

"That's better." Sif then sighed as she took comfort in their personal silence.

Arthas sat on his furred chair while Sif sat on the carpet with her head on his lap. His rands roaming her hair softly making the woman purr against his thighs.

It had only been an hour since they reunited and yet neither of them wanted to leave each other's side.

"What did they do to you?" he asked. Sif did not miss the edge at his tone.

"They didn't have their way with me if that is what you're afraid of." Sif said softly. "I was well cared for. Too well cared for if I'm being honest. I had three meals a day. Drinks of water and wine available in the room. And a soft bed covered in linen. It was obvious then where I was."

"No wonder it took some time to find you. You were with the other Highborns at the main castle." said Arthas.

Sif laughed softly. The tent then opened and entered Cersei, Sif made to stand but Arthas held her still. Cersei then walked towards them and raised a brow at their position. Though Sif looked a bit embarrassed, Arthas just smiled at the girl who then plopped down to the carpet opposite of Sif and then copied her as she laid her head on his lap. Arthas laughed at her finding her actions adorable and so he started combing his hand across her hair aswell just as he does with Sif.

They sighed peacefully taking in the short silence.

Arthas had wanted ask her about her past but instead refrain as he did not wish to cause her any distress should he accidentally stumble upon a landmine. And so he kept quiet and just enjoyed their presence.

~~~ Lime scene ~~~

Arthas was sleeping when he suddenly felt someone enter his tent. And then he lunged at the person with a dagger but then halted when he saw Sif standing there with her shoulders exposed. She then pushed him back towards the bed roughly. Grabbing the dagger and then throwing it across the ground she suddenly planted her lips upon his. He immediately reciprocated her actions. Twisting lips, sucking, licking and biting each other. Sif suddenly stopped as she bunched her dress up to her waist exposing her pussy lips and then started grinding against him. Arthas grabbed her waist but Sif wouldn't have it, she grabbed his hands and intertwined her fingers with his as she held them in place right above him. She continued grinding herself against him as she suddenly stilled feeling a sudden rush. Looking down, she saw that his trousers had rolled to his thighs exposing his well endowed penis. Feeling both apprehension and excitement, excitement won as she started grinding against him with more vigor. This time she could feel him grind against her clit. wanting more she pressed her chest against his as she started kissing his face and sucking on his neck without stopping. And all of a sudden he thrusted his hips and his penis was then sandwiched deeply between her pussy lips as his cock head hit her clit. She stilled as if lightning coursed through her as she came. Wanting his own release Arthas sat up as he grabbed her by the ass and started grinding her still sensitive self against him making her bite down on her lips as they stared at each other with half lidded eyes. After but a minute they both came as Sif had to bite down his shoulder hard to stop the scream from leaving her lips, drawing a bit of blood.

Drenched in sweat and too tired to move. Arthas simply covered them with his furred blanket and slept with Sif in his embrace.

~~~ Lime End ~~~

Arthas awoke with a tapping in on the ground. Removing his face from two soft globes of warmth he rubbed his eyes and turned to see Lyanna Stark. Looking at him with her arms crossed as if hugging herself as she blushed at what she sees.

She didn't say anything, nor could she. She isn't troubled by the Prince' actions, no. She showed she wanted nothing to do with him and corrected that mistake.

It was her explosive reprimand towards Robert that had her frightened. And so she hoped to speak with him and warn him of her mistake.

She entered his tent and saw them as they are. With Arthas face burried into the bussom of the woman whom she had been seeing nothing less than a sister over the past few days she's known her.

Though she was deeply hurt that Arthas spent the night with her. That hurt was drowned out by a different reason that easily superceded that.

It's because she wished he had come for her instead.

Lyanna spoke. "I won't deny that it hurt that you would be with someone else. But I understand why...I think ... doesn't mean I like it."

"....what? Who are you?"

"Oh hush! I have to speak with Sif."

"Of course my lady." Sif said.

Arthas had a lot of questions but Sif simply shook her head with a smile. He knew then this was probably one of those nightmarish things like 'girl talk' or something. So instead he decided to get dressed and get ready for the day.

After getting clothed Arthas stepped out and saw that the Northerners were also waking up. He is currently inside the Stark Camp. Not wanting to deal with prying eyes and saboteurs, so he surrounded himself with people he should be able to trust.

"Ser Arthas. Lord Stark summons you." said a little boy.

"Thank you. Lead the way." Turning to his squire at the side. "Percival, inform Gawain and help him oversee the packing. We leave today."

"At once Ser."

Arthas then arrived at the tent without any problem and was greeted by Eddard and Brandon Stark sitting by the side and Rickard behind a desk.

"Greetings Ser Arthas."

"To you as well Lord Stark." Arthas replied with a bow.

"Congratulations you on your victory over the melee. This-" Rickard indicated towards a large chest. "was your prize. Fourty Thousand Gold Dragons, all accounted for."

Arthas nodded but did not speak and only looked expectantly at Rickard. Rickard of course understood and simply nodded and said. "Very well, I'll get to the point. You did not meet the terms of our agreement. That much was obvious, but I know my daughter will not care in the slightest and will continue to pursue you. Just as I know it is only a matter of time before the two of you end up together. As a father I hope to make sure of her safety and entrusting her to you is not something I could do. Not just yet. which is why I was hoping if you could join us instead."

Seeing that Arthas is willing to hear him out, Rickard continued. "We travel to the Vale from here. There is much to discuss with Jon Arryn and he wants the safety of his own castle before facing this Old Wolf." said Rickard as he pointedly looked to Eddard who looked too embarrassed to look up.

Arthas asked. "You would still give me the chance despite failing already?"

"yes." Rickard chuckles. "Don't be so surprised boy. Whether I like it or not she would not have let you go. That much was obvious now."

"I see, may I ask though who else would be heading towards the Vale?"

Rickard grimace at his question. "Robert Baratheon will be joining us there. As far as the Seven Kingdoms is concerned, Lyanna is still betrothed to Robert."

"And showing her with him would at least pacify people who think otherwise." Arthas supported making Rickard nod. "Still wouldn't me being with you send a different message altogether?"

"That is the idea. Make it seem as if she fell for you throughout the journey. Instead of Robert being dumped on the day they met. This will protect Stark, Arryn and Baratheon reputations."

After a minute of mulling things over, he decided to agree making Rickard smile.

'It would be a good way to relax and further my small band's training.' Arthas thought.

Arthas left the main tent to return to his own, only to be derailed when he saw a large gathering crowed. There he found Lyanna and Cersei and a brown haired girl around their age with a shield and mace at hand in a three way battle.

They were surrounded by several Northerners each one actually cheering them on. Hearing Jorah cheer for the girl gave him a name, Dacey Mormont.

He then saw the Mormont girl smash against Cersei's frail form with a shield, throwing to the ground, and halted Lyanna's sword for a moment with her mace. Lyanna slipped through brandishing her dagger forcing Dacey back. Lyanna capitalized as she rushed forward with her own sword and dagger but still, with shield and mace at hand Dacey was able to fend her off. Overtime the difference became aparent. While Lyanna's skill had grown throughout the tourney, she is still in the starting stages of her growth unlike Dacey Mormont who grew up wielding a weapon. And she showed it, with a harsh smack of her shield she forced Lyanna's sword away followed by a kick to her abdomen and Lyanna was on the ground with a mace trained at her face.

"...*sighs* ... I yield."


The Northerners cheered as Dacey helped Lyanna up. Cersei of course tried to sneak out only to be patted at the back by one of the men that threw her forward, nearly tripping her. Her clumsy display made a few men laugh but Cersei was more shy than she was embarrassed as she could tell they were simply laughing in good humor.

Lyanna though saw Arthas and immediately walked towards him and then hugged him. Causing a few catcalls and whistles.

"Walk with me. You and I need to talk." said Lyanna.

Arthas was a bit scared at her at the moment, as there is a firmness to her voice that is impossible to ignore. Sighing in defeat Arthas offered his arm and Lyanna snaked her arm around his as they walked away for some privacy.

Ignoring the looks that they got they soon arrived at the edge of the nearby lake. And as soon as Lyanna noticed that no one was around she spoke.

"Sif and I have spoken."


Lyanna laughed softly "She confessed that she has no intention of being your wife as she could not." Arthas turned to her with worry in his eyes. "I cannot tell you, as it isn't my secret to tell. This is something you will have to speak with her yourself. That doesn't mean though she intends to leave your side. It is hard...to accept that I will have to share you someday-"

"Wait what-"

"Hush...let me finish, please." Arthas nodded reluctantly.

Lyanna smiled. "I knew you were a foreigner from the start. Not because of your armor that looks like it was made for a prince. It was your complete lack of knowledge regarding our laws and traditions. That, and you couldn't care less about anyone's allegiance, culture nor race. You treat everyone the same way. From the common folk to the highborns. You obviously try to follow our laws but your morals set you apart."

"Your morals that refused to be stepped on by anyone. And extend a helping hand to those that wanted it." Feeling Arthas stiffen. Lyanna smiled wider. "Yes I saw it aswell. If you had taken on every homeless child in Harrenhal there should be hundreds of them now. No, you sort them."

Arthas sighed and answered. "Yes, I do. I give them the chance to better themselves. But I want to see their effort first."

"Why? And don't you dare lie to me. I saw the pain in your eyes... Please... tell me Arthas."

"I have done this before. And I did it the wrong way. Amongs the suffering there are those who simply wish to escape, those who yearn for a chance at life, and then there are those too angry at the world. I made the mistake of saving the wrong person once. And he killed a father, a mother and their child. It was a lesson I took to heart."

"How do you know then if they are angry or not?"

"They say that a person's eyes is the window to the soul." His smile the widened. "You could say my gift allows me to see more than any person should."

"I feel like you 'gift' is a literal cheat." Lyanna said as she pouted.

"As is Gregor Clegane's size. And Barristan Selmy, Arthur Dayne and Jamie Lannister's talent with the sword. The world isn't fair my love. So make use of what you have instead of bitching about things you don't."

"Ok...that is too blunt that it actually hurts." she said playfully.

Arthas laughed softly. "So...share huh?" Lyanna nodded. "is uhmm Cersei-"

"I don't know."


"I can actually feel the pain in your voice. More than you felt for me when I said I had to share." she said with a bit of anger and disappointment.

Raising his hands in surrender, he said. "I'm just a man. I am neither the Warrior reborn nor his son. Just someone who washed upon your shores from a foreign life."

Lyanna sighed, trying to shake away those dark feelings. "Cersei isn't sure. She wants you. But I don't think she's willing to compromise."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Then she leaves." Lyanna said coldly. "I gave up much to be with you. If she can't do the same. Then she doesn't belong to be by our side."

Arthas looked at the girl with surprise until his eyes softened. "I admit, I didn't expect this from you. But I have to ask, why?"

Lyanna then looked at him with mixed feelings. But joy is one of them and so she smiled and asked slyly. "My love, two women just offered themselves to you. And you ask me 'why?'."

Arthas scratched his the back of his head and laughed, realizing how stupid he is.

She laughed as she leaned on his shoulder. "Because you're you. That would be what I would have said. But I can tell you are genuinely confused so I'll be honest with you."

"You are my chance to a happy life. My chance to a life of my choosing. Something I didn't have before. And in a world ruled by men. You are my only hope for freedom."

Arthas stopped and then whispered. "A means of escape?"

"Please, don't word it that way. You aren't. Because I... *sigh* I don't know how to better word this. Because frankly you aren't wrong. Please believe me when I say I love you."

Arthas wasn't convinced. His previous life's morals clashing wildly against the new ones. There was even a moment he believed Lyanna might have been gay, and it hurt him.

Lyanna panicked seeing the pain in his eyes. So she rushed into a spiel. "I don't mean to hurt you. I love you! I do! I just... I don't know how to better say this properly."

"Maybe one day you could." said Arthas. He sighed and said. "I can't say I don't like where it has bought us. Because I am no room to complain about two beautiful women who would accept each other just to be with me. But I can't just accept it either."

He then looked into her eyes and said. "I am starting to fall in love with the both of you as well." His words made Lyanna smiled a bit. "But two women. I just don't know how to deal with something like that. It maybe easy now, but how exactly am I address a mistress next to a wife?" He leaned his forehead against hers and said. "I will change. It not even be for the better. Tell me, if you know I will no longer be the man I am today, would you still love me tomorrow?"

Arthas saw the horror in her eyes, a small realization but it will only grow bigger and he knows it. She has the will for it after all. But she surprised him when she gave him a small smile and then kissed him at the corner of his lips. Seconds passed before she parted her lips from him and said.

"Your words just now. It's more than enough proof that this wasn't a mistake. I can take comfort in that. We can take comfort in that."

The two shared a small laugh. They're threading a new path. But the two took comfort in each other, knowing neither will walk it without the other.

A fair distance from the couple. Brandon and Eddard Stark listened in on the two. Eddard smiled at what he had just heard. He had been aware of his sister's plight. Her pleas for freedom. But as far as he knew it was the natural way of things and thought that she would be better off learning them early on in life.

But now, despite his entire faith being put to question and shaken. He can still smile a real smile, a smile for his sister. That was genuinely enough for Eddard.

Brandon on the other hand wasn't liking it. He didn't like that his sister was giving herself up like a whore to a foreigner who simply discarded their beliefs and traditions. No. He hated it. But he can't do anything about him. Not as he is.

Brandon clenched his fist as he remembered one of his friends in the melee. His legs shattered and then thrown off to the sky only to be impaled through the neck by the foreigner's sword. Brandon watched as he retched and grabbed the slab of metal as if clawing it off of him. How his eyes teared and sent please for mercy only to receive none. He watched as his friends blood flowed through his sword, to his arms, to his chest, and to the ground as if they meant nothing. He watched as his friends corpse was thrown off the foreigner's blade as if it were trash.

Brandon shivered at the memory. He looked to his hands and questioned. For his friend to die so helplessly along with fifty others. What chance did he have?

Brandon shook those foreboding thoughts away but the fear remained stilled in his bones. Feeling a cold gust of wind, he walked away with his fist clenched and gritted teeth. The feeling of helplessness. The feeling of weakness. To know you are lesser compared to another. It was a feeling Brandon hated. And he felt it all from him.

Midday and everyone was set to leave. All but Arthas who had to address a new problem. A new set of following.

He now has fifty men, ranging from twenties to forties.

Tweny mothers, from twenty to thirties.

And fifty children, from fourteen to sixteen.

Not knowing what to do in so little time he gave them an offer. For every man who would take a child and raise them as their own will receive a gold dragon.

And it worked, now he needed to offer them a means to stay. So as he promised to triple the amount should they pass on their teaching to them over the span of five years.

Arthas is fully aware of the fortune he is giving away. But he has the coin but not the time. So he prefers to spend it than horde it.

Ensuring everything is ready he picked up his newly finished sword. The very one he had been working on since the beginning of Harrenhal and trotted with Maximus to the middle of the caravan. With Gawain at the front right next to Percival. Riding a carriage containing their gold. Followed by another carriage ridden by Sif and Mordred containing their steel and supplies

Then came ten seated carts occupied and driven by the men, women and children. And lastly is his new squires riding close to him.

A red haired boy he named Tristan, and a silver haired and green eyes girl who looked at him like a god, he named Bedivere.

New allies, new places and new problems. Arthas sighed and thought. 'would it have been better if I had walked the opposite direction? Met a woman, had kids and raised a pig farm? Why is there so much drama in a world of steel and swords?'