
KnB : Kuroko

A normal guy suddenly find himself as Kuroko Tetsuya, the main character of Kuroko no Basket. But contrary to the original one, this time Kuroko do have possess a talent for basketball.

Prungle_Fresu · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: I want to beat you all!

The next day, it took me a few minutes to realize where I was. Clearly, it will take me more time to adjust to my new situation.

But after clearing my head, I quickly did my morning toilet before putting my uniform and go to the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

I normally like to take my time when I eat, in that, Tetsuya and I were the same. But today was a special day for me, because it will be my first time in this new world!

If it wasn't because I had class today, I would have gone to a basketball playground after my breakfast instead of going to the Junior High school Teiko.

As a Middle School known for their dominance in basket, normally, if you were part of the team and a regular at that, then you be quite famous. But when I arrived at school, I finally saw how terrible was my talent.

No matter if I was 2 meters or 10 centimeters away from someone, they never acknowledge my presence! Even when I arrived in the classroom, be it the moment I opened the door or when I sat down, nobody saw me.

'This is truly a supernatural power!' I finally acknowledged in wonder.

Honestly if I wasn't a bit antisocial in nature, I could easily imagine how lonely normal people would feel to be constantly ignored.

Like for example right now, as Aomine Daiki and Satsuki Momoi enter the classroom none of them acknowledge my presence, even though they sat on the tables next to me.

"Good morning, Aomine-Kun, Momoi-san." I greet them with a poker face to see their reactions.

Unfortunately I was a bit disappointed : both of them were only a bit startled before returning to their normal expression. I could easily guess that they were too used to my lack of presence.

"Seriously Tetsu, you should start wearing a bell or something. Or one of these day somebody will die of a heart attack." Complained casually Aomine with Satsuki nodding vehemently behind him after greeting me.

While what he said could actually happen, but...

"I don't want to."

"Well, whatever." Aomine gave up, because we already had that conversation before and he didn't waste his time in arguing for nothing. Without anymore words, he crossed his arms on the table obviously wanting to sleep on the table.

If it was the old Tetsuya who became disgust with their teammates after the final they played, he would have stop talking to Aomine after the usual greeting. But I, still had something to say to him, something that even the old Kuroko wanted to say to them, but lack confidence to say to them.

"Aomine-Kun." I called out with determination, which surprised the later as he looked at me.

"Hum? What is it Tetsu?" Asked the latter puzzled.

"Teiko philosophy, Akashi-kun philosophy, and all the attitudes you start to adopt by following the school motto doesn't please me. In fact, I hate it. The last match in the final made me understand that." I said directly without beating around the bush.

To say they were shocked by my frankness would be an understatement. By the fact that Aomine-kun was now sitting completely straight and I could see that he was now awake and ready to listen.


(3rd pov)

While Aomine Daiki, the ace of the Generation Miracle knew more or less that Kuroko was a bit resistant to the school motto and their increasing individual playing style, because he already show it by never coming back to the the club after they won the last tournament, but Aomine and the other always thought that he was uncomfortable with it at best. But now Tetsuya clearly tell them that he wasn't just resistant about it, he clearly hate it.

So Daiki reaction was in face of Kuroko's honesty was understandable. But not only was he shocked by it, but he also felt some pain in his heart as he looked at Tetsuya, his best friend and partner.

But as Aomine remember what happened during their games and how it wasn't fun anymore, that fade fade away as if it was never there in the first place.

Looking at Kuroko plain face but full of determination, a look that Kuroko had lost a long time ago, made Aomine regain his calm and looks at the latter with the same expression.

"You hate it, huh? And so what? What are you going to do then?" He asked, intrigued by Tetsuya's response. But once again, he wasn't prepared for the answer.

"Of all the Generation of Miracle members, I am objectively the weakest. I also know that objectively, I shouldn't be considered as one of you, because I am clearly not as talented as you all. But as a friend, as someone who was forcibly put on the same category as you, but above all, because I am a basketball player, I want to beat you all!" Declared Kuroko Tetsuya with some momentum as a silent aura start to emerge from him.

Besides his impact full speech, what shocked Aomine Daiki the most, was that for a few seconds he saw the vague figure of an Owl through Kuroko Tetsuya.

But to be honest, even though he didn't think that his instinct was wrong, but he almost didn't want to believe it, because in his understanding, Tetsuya didn't have the qualities to awaken it.

'...No! This is just myself falling into some misunderstanding. {Wildness} is different from the {Zone}. Because {Wildness} is just our inner animal instinct awakening, and that kind of thing doesn't require a super talent to awaken it, but more of a mindset. The only reason a talented player have more chance to awaken it, should be because they have the right mindset : The pure instinct of hunting for the strong!' Deduced Daiki while looking at Tetsuya and smiling at him crazily.

"Tetsu... Who would have thought... But Tetsu, even if you have the necessary 'hunger' to hunt me, but you yourself should know, 'The Only one who can beat me is me'."

"Aomine-kun, if still has that mentality the day we will confront each other, then, you will undoubtedly lose." Reply back Kuroko.

"Heh!" Chuckled Aomine without saying anything else. But it was his way to say to Tetsuya that he acknowledged him and accepted his challenge. And Kuroko Tetsuya understood it.

Besides Aomine Daiki, Satsuki Momoi look at the latter amazed and puzzled. Because it's been a while since she's seen Daiki so excited for a challenge. Especially when his challenger was Kuroko.

Even though Momoi considered herself as Tetsuya's girlfriend, but she also knew the shortcoming of her 'boyfriend'. Being unable to win against Aomine wasn't just a possibility, in her eyes, it was a fact, a fatality.

But Satsuki Momoi not only knew Kuroko well, but she also knew Aomine very well. If the latter wasn't certain that Kuroko didn't have the necessary tools to put him under pressure, then he wouldn't have accepted his challenge with such excitement on his face.

'Which mean that Aomine-kun saw something in Kuroko that makes him believe that he can actually put pressure on him.' Realized Satsuki in horror.

Because while before she couldn't really see through Kuroko, it was more because of his lack of presence than anything else. But even then she could see that Kuroko had already reached the limit of his potential.

But with Aomine's reaction, she realized that Kuroko actually still had untapped potential. One capable of threatening Aomine. Meaning that like the other members of the Generation of Miracle, Kuroko's Talent has awaken!

[It is detected that the host has initially awaken his innate animal instinct and unlocked the talent {Wildness - Owl}]

[Because the host awaken the talent {Wildness - Owl}, the talent {Low Presence} evolved into {True Shadow}]