
Kiss Me Sweetly, Detective Yang!

What are the odds of you turning into a frog? Yearning for a kiss from a girl, the one responsible for your misery? ++++ Kevin Brown had no regrets in his life. Be it leaving behind his father's wealth or joining a chaotic detective branch as a psychometrist, he loved everything except working along with that one woman. The troublesome, ill-tempered witch, Kyra Yang! Known as the growing talent of the Homicidal Branch, Kyra had her own ways of getting uncanny cases solved. She was famous for evoking danger, risking their jobs, and also lives that one day, her valiance accidentally led to a massive disaster. The one that transformed Kevin into a frog, a real little frog! And he, the only heir of the Brown family is now forced to live as a frog and adapt to its lifestyle. With days to spare, he also has to find his true love, the one who is willing to kiss him and break this curse of transformation. But what happens if it turns out to be no one else but Kyra? Will love ever spark between these two butt-heads? Or will fate play its card and separate them for their own good? ++++ If you find it interesting, please make sure to add this book to your library. Comments, Votes, and Reviews are much appreciated, XD!

YuZee · Fantasía
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163 Chs

Everything happens for a reason

"Hey mom and my dear lovely Kyra," Norah's voice startled them and Helena touched the book. The book was blazing brightly but her skin didn't burn when she clenched it.

"Tell me you guys love me and I will let you know the secrets hidden here." The voice came through the flames that glowed as their tears fell on the book. 

"I-I love you, mom." Kyra stammered and stared at the book in awe. So the key to this book was their tears and voices? She couldn't help but hail her mom's intelligence.

"I love you, Norah." Helena followed Kyra in a daze. She just couldn't understand what was happening and how her daughter had sealed it so smartly.

But when the book didn't open and continued blazing in fire, Kyra frowned and looked at her grandmother for an answer. 

"Maybe we should say it together," Helena whispered wiping away her tears and Kyra nodded happily.