
Kismet's Memoir

Yvon who’s held back by her past and is not that excited on what the future holds gains the power to see the future. Paralyzed by the responsibility she attempts to run away from fate but how long could she avoid what is inevitably approaching? Losing her mother at a young age, she still held on to the past fearing she will one day forget how she looks, how she speaks, or the mornings they've spent as a family. Reluctant to use her new gained powers, however, a series of event forces her to face her fears and reality head on. ----

Forgotten_Memoir · Fantasía
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13 Chs

A Lone Bird's Requiem

A month and a half have passed and there was no news, nothing in particular that was similar to what she saw in her vision. Yvon was starting to think these was all in her head, aside from what she saw in the alleyway there have been no new visions yet.

She would occasionally see Mark around the campus but would intentionally avoid him. Pretending that she never even met the guy.

Leaving out her encounter with Mark, her life have been considered "normal".

Yvon was lounging on the sofa with her notes and books but her full attention was given all to her phone as she watches a video of a kitten falling asleep. She could not help but giggle at its cuteness.

"Awww… so cute!" she whispers to herself.

There were a frantic footsteps coming from Abby's room, her heels would clink against the tiled floor as she walked.

"Yvon! Did you see my curling iron?" Abby shouted from her room.

"Yeah! It's in my room." Yvon replied back continuing to scroll down her social media feed.

Abby went out of her room, almost running out. Yvon lifted her eyes off her phone and saw Abby's nervous appearance. Yvon stood up from the sofa, walking towards her room. She then leans on by the dorm frame, watching Abby pacing around.

"It's inside the cabinet." Yvon instructed.

Abby lets out a deep breath as she reached out her hand towards the curling iron inside the cabinet. Yvon smied at her friend's smitten appearance.

"You're going on a date."

"What date? Hahhah…" Abby awkwardly laughs at Yvon's remark.

"Well the first invitation was a 'friend's hangout', now it turned into a 'you and me hangout'. If that doesn't sounds like a like a date to you, then I don't think you know what a date is." Yvon teasingly accused Abby.

"Well I'm not sure, we didn't actually agreed to a... well you know. A date."

"WHAT?! What do you mean 'didn't actually agreed' to a date? " Yvon was exasperated at Abby's confession.

"We didn't actually say we were going on date, just hangout. As friends, I guess… I don't know."

Yvon shook her head in disbelief. Yvon had witnessed how their romance have slowly blossomed from the moment they have met.

She just hopes, Justine doesn't break Abby's heart.

"Well just be careful and go back before the curfew okay? Text me when you get there."

It took another 30 minutes before Abby was finished getting ready, Yvon bid her goodbye and once again reminded her to text her when she gets to her date safely.

Abby was gone and she was all alone again in their dorm, it seemed to be bare and cold. Yvon did not have the will to go down and get food.

She rummaged through their food to find a cup of instant noodles. She put some water into their electric heater, while waiting for the water to heat up.

She distracted herself with cat videos, at firsts it was entertaining. There was a fuzzy warm feeling but it has slowly faded no matter how many funny cat videos she watches, she puts her phone down.

The water started to boil, she turns off the heater and poured the water into her cup noodles. She closes the lid and put her fork on top to prevent it from opening.

She looks around the empty dorm, their papers and books just scattered about. For a month and a half she gets to forget all of her fears and regrets. But somehow in some way they are able to creep back into her in her lowest moments.

She opens the cup and started to slurp down the noodles, it was hot against her lips and tongue. Her eyes would glisten, the vapor coming from the newly cooked noodles was making her teary eyed.

She quickly finishes her dinner and throws the cup into the garbage bin. Standing in the middle of the living room, she didn't know what to do next.

She laid back to the sofa, she was bored enough to start reading her lessons in advance but it did took her long enough to fell asleep in to the sofa.

The bell rang again and again, as a ticking of the sound clock continued. Yvon was confused were she was, she looked around for the clock but she could not find one.

In the middle of the forest, there were not birds that would chirp happily in the sky. The sun was about to set, and the forest was slowly enveloped by the darkness.

She was barefoot, the dry leaves and twigs would break under her weight. She noticed a pattern on how the bell rang. It would rang twice, then a long pause before the third.

There was also a subtle sound of the clock ticking that she could not shake away.

The sun had set, and the pattern had continued on. She had been wondering around the forest for long that she could barely see into the dark forest.

In the distance she saw a fire, she was glad and ran towards it. However, Yvon stopped and hid behind a big tree.

"Who's there?!" A man spoke.

"It's the girl!" Another spoke.

There was not only one man but a whole village, with torches and ropes. Yvon did not recognized them but knew it was not a good time to approach her. So she ran and ran but they heard her footsteps and frantically followed her.

"It's her! Capture her!"

Her heart was beating erratically, she did not know why they were chasing her. She ran further into the forest, she eventually lost the crow that was chasing her.

However, the third bell rang loudly than ever before. She fell down, her ears started to bleed and her head was starting to get dizzy.

"Help! Help…" She called into the dark shadows, hoping someone would hear her.

The third loud ring had stopped, only the two barely audible bell continued to ring. She saw a figure approaching her, she held her hand out and once again called out for help before she passed out.

"Please help me…"

The sun rays have peeked through the dense leaves and was hitting her face. She woke feeling refreshed and safe somehow.

Opening her eyes, she realized she had been sleeping in someone else's lap. She abruptly got up and saw that it was a young girl.

"Who are you? What are you doing in this forest?" Yvon asked.

"I'm glad that you're awake." She smiles but she doesn't look at Yvon's direction and seemed to stare into the void.

Yvon curiously stood in front of the girl who was still sitting on the ground.

"I can't see if that's what you what to know." The girl laughed at Yvon's antics.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Yvon quickly apologized for her rude and inconsiderate behavior.

Her hair was white as snow and would glisten silver under the sun rays but her eyes were dull gray. Yvon was a head taller than the girl.

"Are you all alone here?" Yvon asked her.

"I could ask the same thing to you." She replies nonchalantly and stood up from the ground.

"My sisters will find me." She added before Yvon could speak.

The girl started walking away aimlessly, Yvon had second thoughts whether to follow her or not. She could not leave her, and besides it will be better to stick together than to be alone in a middle of nowhere. She figures, she can ask help from her sisters.

The girl had walked quite a distance before Yvon decided to catch up to her. Yvon sprinted for a while and yelled: "Wait for me!"

The girl had pulled out a small bell from the pockets of her dress and would shake it from time to time. The bell would create this pleasant and almost tingling sound. Yvon got curios as to why the girl kept ringing the bell.

"What is that for? I mean the bell?" Yvon asked.

"For my sisters to find me." She told Yvon.

"How can they find you? I don't they can hear that." Yvon was confused as to how such a small bell can help them.

The girl only smiled and continued to walk without answering her question. They had continued to walk in silence, morning was long gone and the sun is ready to set as the moon slowly rise above the night sky along with the stars.

Yvon have been holding back her hunger all day since the girl was persistent in finding her sisters.

"Maybe we should get some rest, I saw some fruits when we passed by. Do you know how to make a fire?" Yvon asked.

The girl only shook her head in response. Yvon didn't know how to make a fire either.

"Alright, I'll be back."

The girl sat down by the foot of a tree, while Yvon started to make way to where she had initially saw some fruits.

She found the bush that had the "fruits" that she had mentioned. She quickly picked them one by one and headed for where she left the girl.

"Here you go! Let's eat dinner." Yvon enthusiastically said.

"These aren't edible. These are poisonous." The girl replied and throws the fruits far away.

Yvon was dumbfounded.