
Kirigakure Gamer : Rise of the mist

When I woke up, I was flabbergasted. I was in the world of Naruto, arguably one of the most dangerous place in the world. But I will survive, and reach my dreams nevertheless Alternate universe, be warned. I own nothing

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19 Chs


[Kirigakure Shinobi Academy]

"Mizukage-sama", Gecko and the instructor said in respect as they bowed in front of their leader.

The third Mizukage, often called 'Sandaime', was a very mysterious figure. Very few people knew about his is true identity, befitting the name of 'Kage', meaning shadow. Of course, everyone knew that he was very strong and influential, though his achievements paled a bit in front of the First and Second Mizukage.

He used to be in the ANBU forces, an elite order of shinobi that undertook the most secret and vicious missions to insure the well being of the nation. 

"I have decided to make a few structural changes", the Mizukage said, leaving no room for negotiation. It was an order, one that had to be followed no matter what. Each one of the instructor gulped

He continued: "One of the seven swordsmen of the mist, Mangetsu, has successfully uncovered and destroyed a settlement from Kumo, with more than a hundred shinobi inside. News have already spread despite the secrecy of the mission, which means that war will soon arrive. Because of this, we need fresh blood in our rank. The graduation exam will happen in six months. I will leave the details to your discretion"

"HAI", all instructors said in unison

After the order, the mizukage pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Are there any prospects? We do not want any Zabuza incident to happen again"

Gecko nodded and said: "We will use a system of tokens to limit casualties. Death will be optional too to avoid this. More than half passed the requirements of genin exams in taijutsu, shurikenjutsu and ninjutsu, which means this is a good batch. However, three are standing out: Arya Yuki, Biwa Funato, and Takeshi Ryu"

"Mmh? Ryu?", The Mizukage asked, surprised to hear about a prospect who did not descend from a clan

"Yes, Mizukage-sama. In fact, he is the strongest student in the class. His father is a reputed chunin. He has elite genin-level chakra and even injured an instructor during a spar. I was considering an early graduation for the three top prospects, but since the exam has been moved early, I will hold off that thought", Gecko answered truthfully

"Interesting", the Mizukage said, before disappearing in a flash.


Meanwhile, Takeshi was in the Hoshi Mountain Range again. He had sneaked into the inner library of the academy, a place that was usually inaccessible to students. When you performed exceptionally well in a lesson, you could receive a reward, in the form of a copied scroll. Usually, these were E-rank ninjutsu, which was pretty precious for regular academy students, but there were a couple of D-rank ninjutsu as well. 

After all, this was knowledge that could usually only be acquired after accumulating 'merit points' as a shinobi. It would take dozens of D-rank missions to get one's hands on a single D-rank jutsu, not to mention several of them.

After the instructor were summoned, the only obstacle between him and this inner library were a couple of genins. And they were not strong enough to take a blow of bamboo kenjutsu head-on, when taken by surprise.

"Weaklings", Takeshi said with an amused face.

But just as he was going to enter, a voice terrified him. It was a heavy, bloody voice that sent creeps to his inner soul. As he turned a kunai stopped an inch below his face, targeting his neck, clear that he could be killed at any moment. His skin quickly reacted and transpired fear, filled with goosebumps. Sweat covered his face as killing intent spread accross the hall. 

"What do you think you are doing?"

[You have been inflicted with fear status]

[Your mental resistance has been broken]

To avoid fainting, Takeshi fueled chakra throughout his legs and took a step back, but realized that he could not channel as much chakra as usual. Unknowingly, his hands stretched to his waist, reaching out for the sword he had just looted from the genin's back.

[Kirigakure Genin Corps Short Sword [D]]

It was a basic sword, but he had no time to use ninjutsu in this situation. Hell, he had no time to use kenjutsu either. He had neither heard his enemy arrive nor sense his arrival before the mysterious figure spoke.

Without hesitation, Takeshi tried to fuel the strongest move he had ever seen, the sword draw of the Fog Kenjutsu Style, a form that had almost killed him when he had attempted to use it. However, he had no chance to think. Without time to plan ahead, he recklessly moved backward, and chaneled his entirety of chakra pool into his arm, and then into his sword.


The ground collapsed, but the chakra explosion he had been expecting never happened.

Two fingers stopped the blade. Not even a speck of blood could be seen.

"Interesting, an academy student taking down genins and capable of decent chakra control at such a young age...", the voice continued, "And this strike...How familiar..."

After taking a better look, Takeshi realized with horror that his attacker was none other than...

[Sandaime Mizukage - Lv. ???]

An existence that surpassed any shinobi he had crossed until now. An existence that had power beyond elite jonins. A power that only a handful of individuals possessed at the time. A figure that imposed respect and fear accross the continent. A mystery to all shinobi.

He was not overly old, but not young either. The veil covered his face, and the long robe hid his muscles. The only skin apparent was his hands, which were very clean yet covered in caluses. The aura of this mysterious kage figure, however, was terrifying to handle.

Takeshi immediately knelt, unable to take on the pressure anymore.


"Resorting to bullying children...Really, you never change", a deep reassuring voice reverberated in the hall.

It was none other than the crazy elder Otuka.