

In a world full of mystery, powers, and magical wonders, anything is possible. Everyones blessed with special powers! So with that being said, the possibilities are endless, anything can happen to anyone! Except for a certain someone that is. Being born the only person in the world without powers while everyone else has them? I wonder, how will our main character fare under a situation like this. (Cover art isn't mine; if you're the original author of it and want me to take it down please contact me)

JustSnake_X · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


*3rd person pov*

Aku woke up in a strange place, he didn't know how he got here or where he was. He just knows that the last place he was at was the old man's house.

"Where am I?"

He asks with uncertainty in his voice. He fears what will happen, he fears what has happened, and doesn't know how to proceed with everything. The last thing he's heard before he woke up was...

"The old man! Where'd he go? Wait, he said that he was going to kill me right? Am I dead?"

Now he's really confused, he knows that the old man claimed that he would kill him, but he doesn't know for sure if he's dead.

"Hey, Aku, you're finally awake."


He screams out, he didn't expect the man that was supposed to kill him to be right next to him. What will he do? What is he supposed to do in this situation? Does he fight back, or does he try to run away. Can he run away? After all, the old man clearly has experience with killing people.

After 5 seconds of being in shock, Aku just decides to run, he ran as fast as he possibly could without stopping once. He wanted to make sure the old man couldn't kill him.

"Did I escape him?"


Without warning, Aku just jumps up and punches the old man with all of his strength.

"Woah, pretty feisty for someone your age. Your punch also has quite some force, not bad kid."

Without replying to the old man's sentence, Aku just keeps punching at him, but the old man keeps blocking with no effort. He knows he's in a hopeless situation, but he also knows if he stopped attacking he would die.

"Hey kid, you do realize that if I wanted you dead you would be dead correct? You're pretty good for a beginner I'll admit, but that wouldn't save you if I truly wanted to kill you."

Aku just keeps going, like he didn't hear the old man at all.

In the next moment, the old man just lowers his guard completely. Aku seeing this, took the opportunity to strike but the only thing that came out of this, was his body flopping to the ground.

"Pretty good move huh, one of my favorite moves to use against cocky opponents, they never suspect a single thing. Then bam, they're on the ground in 2 seconds flat. I didn't want to use this move against you kid, but you've left me no choice."

"Anyways, that's not my main point. I want to know this, where'd you learn to fight like? You seem pretty experienced for someone so young and someone that lost his memory."

The old man is starting to doubt the fact that Aku lost his memory, he's starting to think that maybe Aku's a spy sent by someone to watch him.

"I won't tell you anything old man!"

He doesn't know what's happening, but all he knows is that the old man wants to get some information out of him, and he won't let him know anything... even if he has nothing to tell.

"Boy, I don't care where you are or who you came from, but are you positive you don't want to tell me anything? After all, I have quite some ways of extracting information."

The old man in truth, knows that Aku doesn't know anything, he just wants to scare the kid enough to see what he would do in a life or death situation. After all, if he were to live with him Aku would need to be prepared for any situation. He thinks if Aku can't handle this simple situation he wouldn't be able to stay with him.

"I really don't know anything sir, I promise, I don't!"

Aku is starting to get fearful, he knows what the old man is capable of, and what he can do. Not to mention what he could do to him, a child with no combat experience.

"Nah I'm just joking with you kiddo. I know you don't know anything, just wanted to goof around a little y'know? Plus, I was never going to kill you, just needed to take you out of that building."

"Wait what?"

This is where the story starts to pace up a little, but also, make sure to leave words of advice so I can know how to improve my story. Thanks for reading!

JustSnake_Xcreators' thoughts