

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Ciudad
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9 Chs

04: Just The Beginning

"We found her" the man whispered into her ears, and she got up immediately and he led her out of the place, and Rena followed

Kira, Rena and two other guards, walked to the underground base-like cave. "Speak" she said as they got into the cave surrounded with computers.

She pulled a chair and took her seat facing the large monitor, they could feel the dark aura coming from her that sent shivers down their spines, except for Rena of course. Kira always gets like this whenever it's about her parents , they sometimes find leads and still miss the road at the end.

Two years back she found out that the president of DYNASTY was involved in her father's death, yet that's only what they could find.

Sure she's still partners with them, - lets just call it the calm before the storm technique- she has them at the tip of her fingers and one wrong move from them she'd flick them off like the dirt they are.

"The man's name is Abdallah, 3 kids, one wife, works in the bank, no criminal records, he gave out details of the stranger with their boss's mother -No ex-mothers- the boss did tell them, she had cut ties with the woman but seeing and reading the little pain in her expressions and longing, he knows she still misses her mother.

"So why are they together?" She raised her brows seemingly finding nothing interesting on the man, her legs crossed on top the other as she stared at the man's photo on the screen.

"They are co-workers" the man said playing a video of them together at the moment live, in a restaurant that seemed high class for someone that works in a bank. Abigail and the man were eating happily like some happy newlyweds, kira creased her brows

"They look more than just co-workers , Dan are you sure he's even a bank worker" she had her suspicions, her guts told her this man is more than what meets the eye. "Find out about his wife, something's not ri....." Her eyes widened, as what played on the video now was the man touching Abigail's thighs, with lust filling his eyes. Next they got up, he paid and they left the restaurant "follow them" she ordered . -of course they were having an affair, it's so obvious, else why would he spend so much if it was just a friendly meeting?, what happened to cafes?- Tch. Kira irked in her thoughts

Rena who has been standing behind kira suddenly spoke up "he's a manager at the bank he works at" all this time she had been searching for him and then found him in a magazine -bank magazine- That explains why he could afford it, tsk, tsk, how shallow, she was sure Abigail knew about his married life. Kira who had seen enough on the screen as the "couples" went into a hotel hadn't even gotten to the room and they were already kissing, got up and started walking.

"Uhh boss, what should we do now?" One of them hesitantly asked as he saw the rage in her eyes. Kira halt in her steps and the whole place fell quiet "contact the bank someway and get them fired" .she said firmly before walking away

They all released breathes they didn't even realise they were holding. They actually thought she'd order for his death but knowing the lady-boss, -she's not so cruel- wait, she is, she's just a slow poison killing slowly but surely.

Daniel immediately got to work in firing the man who doesn't even know what he has done, he was pretty sure that the boss's mother must have lied about her life which was what angered their lady-boss. He fell sorry for the man. He sent photos they had saved earlier and sent it to the bank's Headquarters, thankfully for him there's a 'No relationship between workers' rule and unfortunately for Mr Abdallah the rules exists. He sent the photos with no explanations and no way to trace his phone then he sighed.

...Rena stood arms crossed glaring at Kira like a mother upset and mad at her child for bad behavior "don't you think you took it too far?, i mean it's not his fault you know he has-"

"Exactly, now they can both regret, then he'll hate her after his wife decides to leave him" she cut Rena off not sparing her a glance. Of course she knew what she did and yet she feels it's too small, tch, how dare she -Abigail - think she can be happy after abandoning her family, she'll make her drown in hell then bring her to heaven so she doesn't die then drown her again and repeat over and over till she begs to die from all the torture.

'This is just the beginning mother!, you'll suffer for what you did' she promised in her mind.

Her friend could only give up "can i go get lunch now?, I'm starving " Rena asked, normally she's a foodie, she could eat twenty times and still not be filled up

"No" came Kira's curt reply, making Rena fall agape.

"Huh?!!, No?, what do you mean No, I'll die soon if i don't eat something " she whined "look..." she pointed at her stomach, "it's all dried up now, my intestines are eating each other arghh" she cried without tears.

Kira blinked, she was used to her friend's dramatic acts to get what what she wanted. Ignoring the hungry lil lady, she stared deeply out the window and sighed.

"It's Aunt's birthday tomorrow" she spoke an the girl who already got chips from the food cabin stopped chewing. It's been a while since they visited that lovely aunt of theirs.

"Oh so what are you going to do,? Let's go see her tomorrow " Rena suggested

"Yes" Kira replied and smiled "okay let's go eat now, i don't want to run out of chips for the third time this week" she said teasing her friend whose eyes widened

" huh that wasn't me" she defended

Kira shook her head and got up walking out "uh huh did i say it was you" Rena followed behind with her mouth filled "no but you're referring to me" she blabbered on and on.

.....They got to the cafeteria, and silent gasps enveloped the place, of course why wouldn't they gasp when the madam came here herself "did you see that she's here ordering" one started with whispers " well mind your business, face your meal, you don't want to be one of the people to upset her today" a young man whispered back.

Rena collected their lunch and went back up "you know i was wondering?" She started and kira replied with a raised brow "mhh?" giving Rena chance to continue " why did you follow me today, you normally don't come to this area of the building ever since forever!!!" Rena exclaimed, kira just chuckled and continued walking when she stopped in her tracks and walked back to the room they just passed. Rena was curiously following , what did she hear? , kira pushed the door forcefully and her anger rose them she saw what she had suspected, Rena peeked in and her eyes widened. What were you thinking

"What's going on here?!" It was Rena who asked, the lovey-dovey couple got startled and quickly tried to cover themselves, their eyes met the madam, and they started to sweat.

"No...nothing its uhm... " the lady stammered as she struggled with putting in her clothes.

Kira had heard sounds of whimpers and she just guessed what was happening. She glared at them and left, the both of them panicked, 'oh no, what was she doing here? She never goes through this place, why today? We're dead meat' the man thought.

"It's not what it looks like we wer-" he tried to explain but Rena cut him off"you know what to do" and she left as well. The lady almost fainted , they hastily went out and took their things, then signed resignation, that was probably the end of their career as they know it.


Meanwhile in a hotel room somewhere....

Two people were having a great time, as moans and groans filled the whole room, they were both oblivious of the phone ringing until the mm cursed and decided to answer the phone without checking the name thinking it was his wife "what is it I'm working right now!!?" He blazed on the phone " Mr Abdallah do you have any idea who you're talking to?" The voice on the phone yelled back and the man jolted before checking and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets

"M...Mr Khalifa?!!" He asked and cleared his throat "to what do i owe this call sir?" He asked but the man ignored him

"Where are you?!!" The man asked his voice filled with rage,like he'd burst if he gets angered any longer.

"At...at the office sir. wh...wh?" He was starting to panic, why was the CEO suddenly calling him, and asking of his whereabouts. Abigail whose heart already sank ,started praying to the lord.

"What office?!, and Miss Abigail, i want the both of you back right now!!" He said and ended the call.

'What? What did he say?" Abigail asked

"We have to go now!!" The man got up and started dressing, leaving Abigail staring blankly "didn't you hear me!!?" He yelled and she quickly got up.