
chapter 1 part 2

"Easy Brother," i said calmly. 

I noticed that he was older than me because his face was covered in a moustache. Why are they bullying a kid? If you look at them man who was gripping my arm, we are the same age. Also, from the look of his branded clothes, damn he must have been one hella rich kid. That's when a brilliant idea hit me.

I pulled him back from the bastard's reach and jerked him behind me. I gazed at the gang in front of me, and found that they were looking back dangerous.

"if you don't want to get hurt give us back the kid."

I wavered a bit before answering, "what if I don't want to."

" I told you hand back the kid." He yelled

 Considering what was happening and the fact that I had a little brother at home to take care of, I got speechless. I was wavering on what to do as I recalled the beaten mans face in my mind. I admit I was insensitive at the time. As I had said I was no the type of person who helped people. And there was nothing in it for me.

"Help me and I give you tons of money in return." The man murmured in my ear. I scoffed; he did believe everything could be solved with money.

"How much"

At most times money could persuade me but he will need to pay me a lot to get out of this situation.

"is fifty thousand enough?"

Well, if you put it that way. Hearing that I put my backpack down, gripped my knuckles and made a cracking sound. Stretched my strained neck and back muscles a little, Fifty thousand was enough for my brother's tuition fee of course i'd help. 

 "deal. But if you back down off your word I will kill you."

I said before seeing one of the gangsters pick up a stick and try to hit me of the head with it, but my reflexes were better than the rest of them combined. I kicked the man in the jaw and managed to move him out of the way. One down.

Another one charged forward but my feet were faster to connect a flying kick into his gut. The other followed suit but no one succeeded on getting their hands on the boy.

Being a Martial arts champion since high school, I knocked down a lot of people. And I used all of my knowledge and skill to protect the one behind me.

Now, I became the target and they took turns in throwing punches at me, some connected with my jaw, and I smiled at the tangy taste of blood on my lips. That be enough to bring my down you mother fuckers!

I managed to counterattack, punches after punches and kicks after kicks rained. When finally, all of the gangsters were grunting and falling to the ground, I snatched my backpack and grabbed the bloody boy who was sitting near the trash clutching his stomach. I dragged him by the hand and ran toward my motorcycle. I looked back and saw the gangster getting up and chasing us.

"Where are we going?' he asked me while still holding his abdomen.

"don't know."

I answered, taking his hands to hold my waist ad he reluctantly looking behind at the running morons chasing us. I made sure he was holding on tight; I couldn't have him fall before he could pay me for my services.

I started the engine and put it into full throttle. I looked back and saw a few still chasing us but they get lost when I turned to the to min road. I accelerated without looking back, they might get into a car to chase us if I didn't get far enough away.

"Thank you."

The hoarse voice spoke behind my ear and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I can feel his head, heavy on my shoulder. He must have been badly hurt.

"don't thank me yet.