
Kinktober: Snarry One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Harry/Snape

silkenobedience · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

Day 8: Roleplay – Professor/Student Classroom Sex

Day 8: Roleplay – Professor/Student Classroom Sex

The air in the dimly lit Potions classroom was thick with tension, and Harry's heart raced as he sat at the front of the class. It was late, well past curfew, and the silence was only broken by the soft crackling of the fire in the hearth. Harry's pulse quickened as he glanced up at the desk where Snape sat, his dark eyes fixed on Harry with that piercing, unreadable stare.

They had planned this, of course. The late-night meeting, the instructions to come to Snape's classroom alone—this was part of the game. And yet, sitting here, in the very seat he'd occupied for so many tense classes over the years, made the entire thing feel even more intense, more real.

Snape stood, his imposing figure draped in black robes as he moved from behind his desk, slowly approaching Harry with deliberate steps. The click of his boots echoed in the empty room, each sound sending a fresh wave of anticipation through Harry's body.

"Potter," Snape's voice was low, dripping with authority. "Do you have any idea why I've summoned you here tonight?"

Harry swallowed hard, his heart pounding as he looked up at Snape. He knew the answer—this was part of the roleplay they had agreed on—but the intensity in Snape's eyes made Harry's breath hitch.

"No, Professor," Harry replied, his voice trembling slightly as he tried to keep up the act. He could feel the tension building in the air between them, the unspoken promise of what was to come.

Snape's lips curled into a faint smirk, and he stepped closer, looming over Harry with a presence that made Harry feel small, vulnerable. "You've been slacking off in my class, Potter," Snape said, his voice dangerously soft. "Failing to complete assignments. Not paying attention. Did you think I wouldn't notice?"

Harry shifted in his seat, his body already reacting to Snape's words, to the way Snape's gaze seemed to strip him bare. "I'm sorry, Professor," Harry mumbled, his voice weak. "I'll do better, I promise."

Snape chuckled darkly, and the sound sent a shiver down Harry's spine. "Oh, I know you will," Snape said, his tone sharp. "Because tonight, you're going to learn what happens to students who fail to meet my expectations."

Harry's breath caught in his throat as Snape reached down, grabbing a handful of his robes and yanking him to his feet. The sudden movement made Harry's heart race, and he stumbled slightly as Snape pulled him toward the front of the classroom, toward the very desk that had been Snape's domain for years.

"Get up here," Snape ordered, his voice cold and commanding. "Let's see if we can teach you some proper discipline."

Harry's pulse pounded in his ears as he climbed up onto Snape's desk, his body trembling with a mix of nerves and arousal. The cool wood beneath him made his skin prickle, and the weight of Snape's gaze was almost suffocating as Harry lay back, fully exposed in front of the man who had controlled his every thought tonight.

Snape's eyes roamed over Harry's body, taking in every inch of him with a hunger that made Harry's stomach twist with anticipation. "Pathetic," Snape murmured, his lips curling into a sneer. "Look at you, Potter. Spread out on my desk like a desperate little slut. Is this what you wanted all along?"

Harry's face burned with shame and arousal at the words, but he nodded, his body already aching with need. "Yes, Professor," he whispered, his voice trembling. "I—"

"You don't get to speak," Snape interrupted sharply, his hand coming down hard on Harry's thigh, making him jump. "You'll only speak when I give you permission."

Harry bit down on his lip, nodding quickly, his heart racing as Snape's hand slid higher, his fingers ghosting over the waistband of Harry's trousers. The touch was light, teasing, and it sent a fresh wave of heat through Harry's body, making him arch his back slightly in a silent plea for more.

"You've been slacking off," Snape repeated, his voice low and dangerous as he undid the button on Harry's trousers, slowly sliding them down his legs. "And now you'll be punished for it."

Harry's cock twitched at the words, already hard and aching as Snape stripped him down, leaving him completely exposed on the desk. The cool air of the classroom brushed over his heated skin, and Harry's breath came in short, shallow gasps as he waited for Snape's next move.

Snape's fingers wrapped around Harry's cock, his grip firm but not enough to give Harry the relief he so desperately needed. Harry whimpered softly, his hips jerking up involuntarily, but Snape's other hand pressed down on his stomach, holding him in place.

"Stay still," Snape growled, his tone sharp. "I haven't given you permission to move."

Harry whimpered again, his body trembling with the effort of holding back. The way Snape's hand moved over him, slow and deliberate, was maddening—just enough to tease, but never enough to give him the friction he needed.

"You're pathetic," Snape murmured, his dark eyes gleaming as he watched Harry squirm beneath him. "A spoiled little brat who needs to be put in his place."

Harry's cheeks flushed with a mix of shame and arousal, his cock twitching in Snape's hand as the man's words washed over him. He couldn't help the way his body responded—the way his need for Snape's control overpowered every other thought in his mind.

Without warning, Snape released Harry's cock, his hand moving to grab Harry by the hips and flip him over onto his stomach. Harry let out a soft gasp of surprise as his chest hit the cool wood of the desk, his body now fully exposed, vulnerable. His cock throbbed between his legs, desperate for attention, but Snape's hand on his back kept him pinned in place.

"You've earned yourself a proper punishment, Potter," Snape growled, his breath hot against Harry's ear. "And you're going to take it."

Harry's heart raced as Snape reached into the drawer of his desk, pulling out a vial of slick. He could hear the soft pop of the cork, could feel the tension in the air thickening as Snape's hand moved lower, spreading the slick over his entrance with firm, deliberate strokes. The sensation sent a shiver through Harry's body, his breath hitching as Snape teased him, preparing him for what was to come.

Without warning, Snape's finger pressed inside, and Harry gasped, his body tensing at the sudden intrusion. But Snape didn't stop—his finger moved with ruthless precision, stretching Harry, making him squirm with a mix of discomfort and pleasure.

"You're going to take this," Snape growled, his voice low and dangerous. "And you're going to thank me for it."

Harry whimpered, his body trembling as Snape added a second finger, stretching him further. The sensation was overwhelming, a sharp mix of pain and pleasure, and Harry's cock twitched between his legs, desperate for release.

When Snape finally withdrew his fingers, Harry barely had time to catch his breath before Snape's cock pressed against his entrance, the heat and pressure making Harry's entire body tense with anticipation. Snape didn't wait—he pushed inside with one smooth, forceful motion, burying himself deep inside Harry, making Harry cry out at the sudden fullness.

The stretch was intense, almost too much, but it sent a surge of heat through Harry's body, making him arch his back, pressing his hips up against Snape, desperate for more. Snape's hands gripped his hips tightly, his fingers digging into Harry's skin as he began to move, his cock sliding in and out with slow, deliberate thrusts.

"Look at you," Snape growled, his voice thick with satisfaction. "Taking me so well, like the obedient little slut you are."

Harry could barely think, the pleasure and pain mingling in a way that made his head spin. Snape's cock hit just the right spot inside him with every thrust, sending jolts of pleasure through his body, making him gasp and moan, his cock twitching with need.

But Snape wasn't going to let him come. Not yet.

"You don't get to come until I say so," Snape growled, his thrusts becoming harder, rougher, as he pounded into Harry with relentless precision. "Do you understand?"

Harry whimpered, his body trembling with the effort of holding back. "Yes, Professor," he gasped, his voice barely more than a breath. "Please, I—"

"Not yet," Snape interrupted, his hand sliding around to grip Harry's cock, squeezing it just enough to keep him on edge but never enough to push him over. "You'll wait."

The denial of release was torture, every nerve in Harry's body screaming for more, but he knew better than to disobey. He was completely at Snape's mercy, his body trembling with need as Snape continued to thrust into him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge but never letting him fall over.

"Please," Harry gasped, his voice breaking. "Please, Professor, I can't—"

"You'll take it," Snape growled, his voice dripping with authority and command. His hands tightened their grip on Harry's hips, pulling him back onto his cock with each forceful thrust, leaving Harry completely at his mercy. The rough pace sent waves of pleasure coursing through Harry's body, the relentless rhythm driving him wild, but still, Snape didn't let him have what he so desperately needed.

The desk creaked beneath them with every thrust, the sound blending with Harry's ragged gasps and the low, guttural sounds coming from Snape. Every inch of Harry's body was alight with sensation—Snape's cock hitting that perfect spot inside him with brutal accuracy, the cold wood of the desk beneath his chest grounding him, keeping him aware of just how vulnerable and exposed he was.

But Snape didn't stop there. His hand wrapped around Harry's cock again, but this time with a punishing grip, teasing him just enough to keep the desperate tension building inside him. The pressure was unbearable, and Harry could feel his control slipping, his body betraying him as he writhed under Snape's dominance.

"You're so close, aren't you, Potter?" Snape hissed, his breath hot against Harry's ear as he leaned over him, driving his cock deeper with every thrust. "So desperate to come… but you'll wait. You'll wait until I decide you've earned it."

Harry whimpered, his entire body trembling as he tried to hold back. He was right on the edge, the pleasure coiling tight inside him like a spring about to snap, but Snape's grip on him—on his cock, on his hips, on his very will—kept him trapped in this agonizing limbo.

"Please," Harry gasped, his voice cracking under the weight of his need. "Please, Professor, I—"

"You don't get to beg yet," Snape interrupted, his voice low and dangerous. "You'll beg when I tell you to beg, and not a moment before."

Harry's breath hitched, his chest heaving as he tried to focus on anything but the overwhelming need for release. He could feel every inch of Snape's cock inside him, feel the way his body ached for more, for the permission to finally let go. But Snape held him in place, controlled him so thoroughly that even the thought of defying him didn't cross Harry's mind.

Snape's thrusts grew rougher, his grip on Harry's hips almost bruising as he drove into him, his cock slamming into that perfect spot inside Harry again and again. The desk beneath Harry creaked louder, the sound mingling with Harry's desperate moans as the pressure inside him reached a breaking point.

"Beg," Snape growled, his voice like velvet over steel. "Now."

Harry's control shattered. "Please!" he cried, his voice raw with desperation. "Please, Professor, let me come—I'll do anything, just please—"

Snape's hand tightened around Harry's cock, stroking him in time with his thrusts, his grip firm and unrelenting. "Anything?" Snape murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "You'll do anything to come, won't you?"

"Yes," Harry gasped, his body trembling with the effort of holding back. "Anything, please—"

Snape's smirk was palpable, even though Harry couldn't see it. The satisfaction in his voice was unmistakable as he thrust harder, deeper, driving Harry closer and closer to the edge. "Then come for me, Potter," Snape growled, his hand moving faster over Harry's cock, pushing him to the very brink of release. "Now."

The command was all Harry needed.

His body convulsed as his orgasm ripped through him, a loud, choked cry tearing from his throat as he came, his release spilling over Snape's hand in hot, desperate spurts. The pleasure was overwhelming, his entire body shaking with the intensity of it, his vision going white as the waves of release crashed over him.

Snape didn't stop. He kept thrusting into Harry, riding out the final waves of his own release as Harry's body trembled beneath him. Harry could feel the heat of Snape's climax inside him, feel the way Snape's cock pulsed as he came, his grip on Harry's hips tightening one last time before finally slowing.

For a long moment, the room was silent, the only sound their ragged breathing filling the air. Harry lay slumped over the desk, completely spent, his body still trembling from the force of his orgasm. Snape's hands slowly loosened their grip on him, and after a moment, Snape pulled out, leaving Harry feeling empty and utterly wrecked.

Snape stepped back, his dark eyes still fixed on Harry's prone form, watching as Harry tried to catch his breath, his chest heaving from the effort. Without a word, Snape flicked his wand, cleaning the mess of their release from both their bodies, leaving Harry feeling raw and exposed but no longer sticky.

"You did well tonight, Potter," Snape said softly, his voice calm but still carrying that edge of authority. "You're learning to submit properly."

Harry nodded weakly, his mind too foggy to form a proper response. His body was exhausted, every muscle trembling with the lingering effects of his release, but there was also a deep sense of satisfaction. He had given everything over to Snape, had let the man control him so completely, and the thrill of it, the release of all his pent-up tension, filled him with a strange kind of peace.

Snape straightened his robes, his expression cool and unreadable once more. "Get dressed," he ordered, his voice losing its edge as he returned to his usual composed demeanor. "You're dismissed."

Harry slowly pushed himself up from the desk, his legs shaky as he climbed off and began pulling his clothes back on. His body still hummed with the memory of Snape's touch, of the way he had been used and controlled, and despite his exhaustion, Harry felt a flicker of desire for more.

Once dressed, Harry stood in front of Snape, his gaze lowered as he waited for further instruction. Snape regarded him with that same piercing stare, his dark eyes taking in Harry's disheveled appearance with a flicker of satisfaction.

"You may go," Snape said, his voice soft but firm. "And Potter?"

Harry looked up, his heart skipping a beat as he met Snape's gaze.

"Remember this," Snape said, his tone laced with dark promise. "You're mine. You'll come when I say, and you'll always submit to me when I call for you."

Harry nodded, his throat tight as he whispered, "Yes, Professor."

Snape's smirk returned, and with a final, lingering look, he turned and strode out of the classroom, his black robes billowing behind him. Harry stood there for a moment longer, his body still trembling from the intensity of what had just happened.

He had been taken, used, and controlled in a way he'd never imagined. And the thrill of it, the way Snape had pushed him to his limits, left Harry craving more.