
kings, God and calamities

drgoB · Fantasía
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17 Chs

WAR! l

its now been 7 years since I've last seen stizel. it wouldn't be difficult to tell when he comes back to the body but nobody has been able to kill him so far so its helping us turmedisly.

A lot has changed since then I no longer hear most of the voices the only one who really sticks around is trinity, and Jack thanks to them j can use some of there power but its still far from mastering it. with trinitys power k can only conger two or three blades but its hard to m I very them around without my body holding them though. and with jacks power its completely complicated to even understand. so far with his power all I can do is shoot a single drop of blood at a high speed. it can peirce metal but thats about it for his.

right now I'm focusing everything I have to master trinitys power first it would the best for.me to start with.

"come on Adam are u going to sit there with that blank expression all day." after I left that planet I searched for a livable inviorment and it led me to find a town that was populated by dragon kin. the girl that just spoke was T she is the head chiefs daughter and were roughly the same age. truth be told she saved me. I may be immortal but by the time j found this place I already died twice. one from starvation, and the other was because i was careless and fell of a cliff that my proudest moment to lose a life like that.

well ever since I found this town I learned that this universe was in another war and these people called it the second universal war. anyways its only in its 9th year of this war and so far this world hasn't been hit yet thanks to stizel. and yes I'm just going to call him stizel until I hear news about him even I hate saying it though.

as we walk to the town meeting I guess it needs to talk about the races in this universes, demons,gods,elvs,orcs,demihumans,dragons anything that is known resides on many different worlds each race is lucky to hold a world to themselves no matter how small. apart from dragons each race only holds one or two world that they reside on. dragons on the other hand hold too many worlds due to external conflicts. their are three different races of dragons. one are the (Wings) there traits consist of wings that are attached to where front arms. they have very hard scales but there underbellys are their greatest weakness. next would be the ( draug) their traits are that they have four sets of wings on their backs and what interesting is that they can attach two too their front arms and can act as blades that can slice through anything. the downside is that there race is going extinct due to the war and because other hunt them down for their scales. their scales are said to be the thickest and very had to break through. and lastly is the race know as the (draconians) I fall under this race and we are the pureist form of are kind. we hold one set of wings on our back and magic for us is extremely devastating to others. but we don't take pride in it. it would only take one of us to make an entire country or content trimble in fear.

back to the present the chief is right now considering which group to save from our impending doom. I may have said that we are powerful but this village is very small and armys are heading here as we speak. he's more or less concerned about the children. although I fall under those lines I can save them all but the others advise me not too.

the chief spoke,"is there anyone who.is willing to escorts the kids to a different world the enemy is fast approaching. we are already low on man power and I'm not sure we can even survive the next onslaught." no one stepped forward. they were all visibly shaken.

hey I know you can hear my thoughts, I'm stepping forward and I'm taking action. almost Instantly trinity, jack and black poped out.

"You will not have you way now?" I exposed the moment they showed...