
Kingdom Of Fungi


Lavellwolf_12 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


ARG, I knew I shouldn't have come to class today! The name's Lavell Ark, and It'd do you best to remember it.

I wasn't just some "Ordinary High Schooler", I had things going for me! I didn't just sit on my ass and study all day and night, unlike these fools, I ran and operated a whole gang. Most people think those who join gangs are either deranged or they made a gigantic mistake in life, but I'm living proof that that's all NONSENSE! I receive A's and B's in all my classes and on each and every assignment. And due to my gang, I'm basically made of cash.

The deranged ones are those who study all day and night! Although the funniest thing is when they'd receive a grade worse than mine. And so I Lavell Ark, am a high school gangster and I have no need to study or for money, only entertainment! And that's why I've decided to show my face in class today, for the entertainment of those who are struggling. Although it didn't all go as planned, just because some imbecile interfered.

Heres what happened, I came running in from the halls, shortly after bullying some kid for his lunch money. And get this, I didn't even need it, but it was worth it for the entertainment! As soon as I set one foot into the classroom, my whole body came to a sudden stop. I dropped down and onto the floor and saw a few of my classmates and of course my teacher. We were all struggling to move and some even tried to stand, it wasn't before long that the whole classroom started flashing colors, red, green, black and then white. It was at this point where I couldn't move, see or feel anything, I could only hear a faint voice. Their voice began to get longer and louder as if I was somehow moving closer to them. This way, a faint voice called out to me and said. Just hold on for a little bit longer, you can do it, I know you can! Finally! We're here, you can open your eyes now. The same colors as before began to start flashing, red, green, black and white.

Welcome great heroes of our foretold prophecy, we welcome you to the kingdom of Fungi. Kingdom!? Fungi?! Where they heck are we!? Everyone listen up, I think I've seen this somewhere before, I think they called it an Isekai anime. Stop relating this situation to sum dum ass anime Jafar! Whelp, you're going to wish you'd listened to me Lavell! Calm down children! I'll go and have a talk with the people in the robes. I'll ask them very kindly to send us back, ok?! Our teacher ran in the very opposite direction of the men and women in the black and white robes. As a matter of fact, she ran directly towards the entrance, in this case her exit. It was almost like she was leaving us behind. She would have left if it wasn't due to the guards, stopping her on the way out. "You may not exit until the king has arrived"! The guards slowly lifted up their spears and backed our teacher (Ms. Prendergast) into a corner. Everyone besides Jafar and myself were cowering in their boots. Still holding on to the fact that we've arrived into an entirely different world or era than beforehand.

All hail king Fungi! King Fungi my ass, where is this king you speak of!? Lavell! Normally in animes where people arrive into different worlds, they praise that world's lord and ask them to send them back home. Jafar! Quit it with the anime talk, and help me get back home! Dear heroes of the Prophecy, I worked hours, no even days, just so you could stand here before me. And this is how you repay me, let I remind you of who brought you here and who can send you back. All you have to do In order to be sent back is, protect our world. The world that us Tunurens hold so dear is simple being under attack you see. Jafar, what's he talking about? Oh, so now you want my help?! I wouldn't really know as I've only watched animes where the protagonist gets transported into another world and fights for his love. Useless, I knew I should have cut you off once you said protagonist! Oh YEAH Lavell! Heroes, hey heroes! Would you like to know how our world became this way, we'll you see… (He didn't even give us a chance to answer.) Our world Nakteal, is currently having too much of a hard time dealing with the monsters that live underneath Nakteal. You see these monsters have gotten stronger and stronger over the past few coming years, and so some of them have reached a level far surpassing than that of some of the strongest known mages and warriors throughout the lands and so all of the kingdoms have come to the decision of summoning the great heroes of prophecy. The prophecy for tales of a time where the monsters underneath Nakteal will receive a surprising growth spike intelligence and power. This power far surpasses the power of anyone on Nakteal and so will have led us to summoning four great heroes and their main supporter. Once these heroes are brought into Nakteal, they'll need four magical items. These magical items must include the extremely destructive Bladerang, although the prophecy also foretells tha- Man someone really needs to stop watching anime, especially at your age. Guys, I guess they must have anime in this world as well, Jafar maybe now you won't be such a loser anymore! I walked over towards the magical weapons and hailed up the weapon which I thought looked the coolest, it was of course the one he mentioned, The Bladerang! Once I lifted up this weapon, my appearance began to change. My skin began to bump up all over and my skin tone began to Fade away into a mossy greenish color. Even my eye color began to change, and of course it changed from yellow to brown. My sclera even changed, it went from white to black. I even changed in terms of size, I was fifty eight inches when I arrived and now I'm Seventy inches.

Just what have I become?!