
Chapter 150 Stick Technique

After delivering the food supplies to the supermarket base, Lin Wu headed to the cement factory where he first laid eyes on Little Knife in a frenzy. With arrows on her person and a quiver on her back, she looked striking, but she wasn't using her bow to shoot; instead, she was up close and personal, clashing with Blood Zombies. The others, armed with various crossbows, spread out and took turns shooting zombies—one arrow after another.

"What's going on?" Lin Wu asked.

Shana replied, "Little Knife wants to regain her 'Undying' and 'Immortal' status."

"Not likely," Lin Wu said. "I'll go pull some aggro." Little Knife must have injected herself with Serum; he let her have some fun for a while.

Lin Wu lured out over twenty Blood Zombies from inside the factory, including two Blood Frenzy, and with everyone nearby calling out, Lin Wu shouted, "Little Knife, take one."