
Chapter 142 Skiing Lesson

Given Naughty Nana's hazardous gun skills which could harm both foes and friends, training to reinforce precision shooting was promptly put on the agenda. Lin Wu brushed off the shrieking snow with a stick, prompting Shana to start with single shots. Miraculously, with one shot Shana broke the rope suspending the screamer, dumbfounding Lin Wu on the spot for quite a while before he snapped back to reality. Looking up at the sentry post, the sentry Shana had already holstered her weapon, gazing around as if sightseeing, seemingly unconcerned by everything that had just occurred.

What else could be done? So, they went out to the road to capture another screamer. After hoisting up the new screamer, Lin Wu let Shana practice her shooting while he headed to the cement factory. After all, thanks to Shana's morning round with the screamer, most nearby zombies were already dead, and there were very few screamers left to be attracted.