
Kingdom Calamity!

Follow princess Lana as she looks for her champion to save her family and kingdom from her wicked uncle. Set in an epic fantasy world filled with spoiled princesses, terrifying dragons, and drunk wizards?

RubyAzalea · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Black Rock Castle

The world looked so different in the daylight. Lana sat in her bedrooms window seat. she could see the training yard below, she was watching the gaurds go through their daily drills. The caption was being extra cruel to the men today. It was punishment for allowing the princess to get past them. She felt terrible for their suffering but she didn't understand how she had gotten out to the woods unnoticed, in her sleep no less! Lana's memories of the event where fuzzy to say the least. All she recalled where snippets of her strange dream and glimpses of Lord Gregory carrying her through the woods. she had trouble regaining consciousness untill Cherri had warmed her.

Cherri was her aging governess, the women had chestnut brown hair, which held three distinct streaks of silvery grey hair. Lana thought this made Cherri appear wiser but the governess would rebuff such a statment. A knock on her chambers door roused Lana from her thoughts.

" Enter" she said without taking her eyes off the sweaty men below.

Cherri entered carrying a rather large long box, It had a red silk ribbon on it. " look what just arrived! a present from the Dragon prince" she sang excitedly " out of all your suitors I like Prince Haco the best. " she said Lana rolled her eyes

" you like the expensive gifts he sends." lana accused. Cherri shrugged

" They are also the largest nation, with the largest army and navy and don't forget we share Two boarders with them" Cherri said as she began to unpack a rather luxurious coat. it was a soft purple velvet with white ermine trim.

Lana shrugged she turned to look at the gift it was beautiful without a doubt something she would have adored under different circumstances. however she was painfully aware that beauty was all Prince Haco cherished. Lana turned back to the courtyard below wordlessly dismissing the gift.

" we are an island nation, technically we share our borders with the sea they are just the closest nation across the water" Lana corrected Cherri who gave an exasperated huff at Lana's attitude.

" An alliance with such a strong nation would bring your people prosperity, wealth, and most importantly security. Prince Haco is a good match in those respects." Cherri reminded Lana of her responsibilities as Princess.

" I have several candidates I have yet to even meet much less consider. Haco was the first I have meet simply because their nation held the Festival of the Heir. we had simply been invited so father took advantage." Lana remembered the festival. it had taken place three months ago however the things she saw there in that kingdom had etched themselves to deeply into her mind that she doubted she would ever forget them...


The dragon's castle was so different from her father's. Lana had been struck by its raw beauty. The castle was made from smooth Shiney Obsidian stone. the entire Castle looked like it was Sculpted from black Glass. It had been built into the side of an active Volcano. though the volcano was affectionately refered to as Mother, by all dragons. This is the volcano where the dragon nobility hatched their eggs. tas this was the only volcano t they could control.

Lana had worn her best dress for this occasion. it was made from a beautiful shimmering tulle, in a deep purple like anamethysts. she had woven silk ribbons of the same color through her black hair. She stepped off the river barge two Beautiful dragon gaurds clade in black and red armor helped Lana off the boat. they both had Deep green scales on their arms and neck. Her father followed after her, it wasn't often her father left his own kingdom. he was an older man now his hair was black with sprinkling a of grey starting giving his hair a salt and pepper asthestic. he wore a red tunic with forest green pants.with soft brown boots which came up his calf's and turned down at the top.

" the castle is magnificent father, is it not?" she had asked turning to face him a wide smile on her face. this was her first trip outside if the small island kingdom they called home.

" It is beautful" her father agreed and flashed her one of his rare smiles. The servents began to unload their baggage from the barge as they walked into the castle. There they where greeted by ambassador Thatch.

" welcome to Black rock castle" the man had a warm voice and a lighthearted smile he swept into a low bow to both her father and herself. this man was clearly dragonic he had Green Shiney scales around his face and up his arms. he had sharp teeth and slitted eyes. his hair was a deep red color and cut short as was the custom for men here. This particular green was very common among the dragon's. Lana had been told only the elite and ruling class dragons had different colored scales.

" where is King Darius?" her Father asked impatient already.

" I am sorry your Highness His majesty King Darius is busy preparing for the festival" Amassador Thatch said this was meet with a derisive snort from her father.

" very well then take us to our rooms I would like to rest after our journey" he said.

" right this way your grace" Thatch said and lead them to a very lavish set of apartments. Cherri had arrived earlier along with a few other of their servents to help set up their rooms. Everything inside BlackRock castle was made from the same shiny stone as exterior. the only difference was a few gold inlays for decoration.

Lana closed the door and practically squealed to her governess

" Oh Cherri isn't it just so exciting?" she cried happily she had hoped to see more of the castle before having to make royal appearances but knew it wasn't proper to wonder around someone else's castle unaccompanied. Cherri clucked and forced her charge to sit down and wait for the banquet.

" tonight's banquet will honor those participating in the Festival tomorrow. The event is a fighting tournament, the Dragon's don't have a sense of bloodline or ownership over their young. They respect power over all else. The winner of the festival will become crowned prince and when King Darius passes will take his throne." Cherri began to coach the princess.

Lana stared at her with wide eyes

" what do you mean? doesn't the king want his children to rule?" she asked

Cherri giggled

" the dragon females all lay their eggs at the same time inside Mother they are covered with volcanic ash and left untill they hatch." still Lana had a dumbfounded expression on her face.

" I still don't quit understand" she said and sighed " Mabey some handsome Dragon will explain it better for me at the banquet tonight" she said Lana's eyes already held a faraway look to them and Cherri giggled

" don't get to carried away flirting. I think your father wants to secure a marriage for you here it won't do to be to forward" Cherri warned Lana rolled her eyes at the governess

" stick in the mud" she grumbled but the prospect of her father securing a marriage for her was jarring. Lana knew she was coming to that age but it still felt soon.

later that evening Lana and Cherri where being seated at a long table. The table was made entirely of carved rose quartz. Lana was seated at the high table to the left of her father, Cherri sat beside Lana. the plates where made from gold and the goblets where crystal with golden stems. The cutlery was laid out neatly beside the plates each held a different gem stone inlaid into the gold handles. Lana was astounded by the amount of wealth casually on display. soon King Darius took his seat at the head of the table.

The dragonic king was fearsome in appearance. he wore all black leather. his crown was made from a black metal and held black Onyx and ruby. he had snow white hair, his scales where a beautiful white that shimmered with the colors of the rainbow in the candle light. Lana was struck by his appearance. He didn't seem very old at all even though he was much much older then her father. fine lines had just begun to form on Darius' face.

' well if I do take a Dragon for my husband I will be an old women long before he ever shows any signs of old age' Lana gave a soft sigh at such a depressing thought. Darius turned to greet then

" Hello Merek. I'm glade you and your daughter could make it" he said to Lana's father who smiled at that man. Lana knew Her father and King Darius where boyhood chums.

" It has been to long, how is your war faring?" her father asked Darius.

" slow one stubborn kingdom to the east seems to have stumped my generals" he said with a bit of an edge to his voice it was clear he was growing impatient with his generals failures.

" why do you want this kingdom so badly?" Lana asked unable to stop her curiosity. Darius chuckled as her father shot her a look for speaking out of turn. Darius leaned over the table a wicked smile on his face.