
Kingdom: A Demon slayer

A determined soul is sent to the world of Kingdom. Will he follow the storyline and rise with Qin or make his own dynasty to last for millennia. - This is more wish fulfillment than anything - Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated as always. - I own nothing except oc's

Random_Name_7 · Cómic
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17 Chs

Sneaking into Kanyou

Before us in all her glory stood the majestic capital of the kingdom of Qin, Kanyou. It was so large the everybody besides myself couldn't see the other side even with the difference in altitude between the cliff where we were and the city itself and even I almost couldn't see the other side. It was surrounded by several looming walls that made attacking the city a seemingly impossible task. And in the middle of it all stood the palace towering over everything else with a grandeur that nothing else in sight could even come close to matching. As I gazed at the city I couldn't help but feel my blood pumping at the idea of sieging and conquering a city like this one with an army of my own. 'lets focus on the task at hand first' I think before focusing once more on the gate where we will be passing by on our way to the palace if they let us in.

The strategy meeting at Duke Mu's pavilion had gone very similar to the one in the manga with the only real difference being my presence and Shin being slightly more subdued as he still had mine and Bajou's fight on his mind.

Ei Sei goes over the plan once more before prompting everyone to done their disguises. My disguise is just like the others consisting of a straw robe like thing and a grass shawl. The last and most important part was the mask which I had carved to the likeness of an anbu mask from the hidden mist village.

An hour later we are before the grand gates of Sanyou and waiting for the decision of minister Jie Shi on whether we would be allowed into the city. A few moments later the gates slowly creak open to reveal a few middle aged men who were sent out to welcome us causing many of the men surrounding me to let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Greetings, the state of Qin welcomes you" states one of the middle aged men in front of us as he takes a small bow.

We proceed to enter the city passing several layers of walls in the process. Heki notices the odd tension in the air before noticing the above average number of police officers around the citizens and poiting it out to which Sho Bun Kun replies that this is just how the new regime will stop rumors from spreading and reinforcing the king's rule.

Before long we find ourselves in front of the walls of the royal palace. I look over to Ei Sei only to see him staring at the top of the walls as if only to find his brother faster and end the rebellion. "Its time to end this Shin" states Ei Sei looking at the walls. I would say I am hurt but I long ago realized the weird bromance between the two of them. I think that Ei Sei trusts me but still has some reservations about who I really am.

Back to the wall Bajiou who had been sent to check with the guard comes back reporting that they will only allow 50 people to pass this checkpoint. Ei Sei already expecting this calls for Sho Bun Kun to select 5 of his soldiers with knowledge of the palace to come forward as guides along with 39 mountain people. The remaining 6 are Me, Ei Sei, Shin, Ka Ryo Ten, Heki and Sho Bun Kun who refused to be left behind. Once the 40 best warriors of the mountain people have been selected we dismount our horses and proceed towards the Zhu Gui gate where we would be disarmed. As we walk The two kings in our group talk about the impending bloodbath as the two kings are surprisingly close in age with this world's Yo Tan Wa only being around 16 years of age the only difference between this world and the manga that I had noticed so far in my time here.

After a few minutes of walking we find ourselves closing in on the Zhu Gui gate where around 200 foot soldiers are standing guard to make sure that we comply with handing over our weapons. As the guard in the lead approaches us to demand the surrender of our weapons we begin a jog towards his position. This angers the guard prompting him to yell his demands our weapons once more only for Ei Sei to close in on him striking a fatal blow and beginning the battle.

As soon as the the officer's body hits the ground we begin sprinting towards the remaining guards who looked shocked at the death of their commander but still raised their spears just in time to meet our charge. The mountain men crash into their first line destroying their formation and only receiving a few wounds in return.

I quickly charge in with the remaining mountain men attacking the disoriented soldiers. 'These guys are weak' is all I think as I effortlessly land blow after blow taking a life with each swing I make. By this point the fight had descended into a hopeless brawl with people dying everywhere you look. Tajif the mountain man with a giant boulder on a handle for a weapon begins smashing his weapon into the gate hoping to bring it down only for his handle to splinter not being able to take the strain of his attacks.

Seeing his failure I move to the wall before the mountain men attempt it only to die like in the manga. I sprint, quickly reaching my top speed before lowering myself and jumping with all of my force at the base of the wall soaring into the air. At this point my jumping height is far greater than Shin's easily allowing me to jump to the top of wall. From this vantage point I can see the chancellor Jie Shi who is truly tremendously ugly most likely weighing over 200 kilograms (440 pounds) and having warts allover his face. After spotting him I jump down the opposite wall where only a dozen or so soldiers are standing guard. As I land they look over shock apparent on their faces not expecting someone to jump over the wall which was over 12 ft tall. I dash towards them swinging my sword cutting them up in the process with minimal effort. As I reach the gate I push the locks out of place unlocking the door.

With the door open our group now only numbering around 45 sprints toward the chancellor who is now awkwardly climbing into his chariot to escape. Our speed being slightly faster we catch up to him quickly. The chancellor seeing the hopeless situation chucks his advisor from the chariot in order to speed up. Despite picking up speed three mountain men who snagged a horse from one of the guards catch up. Just as they are about to kill the chancellor a round of bolts slam into them knocking them from their horse who was now dead receiving several bolts itself.

We are brought to a sudden stop once we see this happen only to be confronted a by company of me several hundred strong who have a different feel about them than the gate guards previously. With a squad of crossbows the chancellor makes it to friendly lines where his advisor Jie Shi is waiting for him. An uneasy stand off forms between the two sides with us staying out of their range and them waiting for us to enter their range. Seeing that we wouldn't breakthrough here Ei Sei turns to Shin and asks him to make it to the palace through the corridor. Shin soon departs with around ten men including Bajiou leaving us with with only around 30 soldiers.

As we face off an uneasy tension forms as we were approaching the final moments of a fight that would determine the next king of the state of Qin.


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This chapter covered manga chapters 2

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