
King Spare Me 大王饶命

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Drifting Bottle

"Lu Shu, why do I feel like you're not tired at all?" Lu Xiaoyu was a little confused when the two of them returned to the house after building a snowman. Usually, Lu Shu would be out of breath after going out to buy a ten-kilogram bag of rice.

  Lu Shu thought about it and it seemed that there really was a big change. Novels always wrote that people with good bones can cultivate faster. So now that he has eaten the Marrow Cleansing Fruit, does that mean he has a good bone structure?

  Thinking of this, Lu Shu laughed first. He didn't know what that different world was like yet, so he started to have wild thoughts.

  Who knows what the future will be like? Let's take it one step at a time. For now, I have to continue studying this new system.

  Back in the house, Lu Shu was curled up on the sofa, happily playing with his phone. Lu Xiaoyu took a curious look but saw nothing: "Lu Shu, what are you doing?"

  "Chatting." Lu Shu continued to stare at his phone.

  "Let me see." Lu Xiaoyu held Lu Shu's hand and saw Lu Shu sending a WeChat message. There were three words on the chat window: Drifting Bottle.

  Lu Xiaoyu said disdainfully: "Lu Shu, you actually played with the drifting bottle!"

  Lu Shu was too lazy to pay attention to her and picked up another drifting bottle: Is there any cute fat guy?

  The other party: Big brother, do you want it?

  Lu Shu: Are you a fat otaku?

  The other party: Yeah.

  Lu Shu: Fat otaku, why are you still picking up bottles here when you don't want to lose weight?!

  The other party was stunned! Are you sick?

  Lu Shu happily looked at his income record: Negative emotions from Lu Mengyu, +50...

  OK, OK, I gained a lot. Lu Shu was so happy. This thing can quickly increase the negative emotions! If it comes to scary, Lu Shu may not have any idea, but how can he make people resentful? Lu Shu is simply an expert among experts!

  I picked up another drifting bottle, and the other party came up and asked, "I can't sleep, who has a movie to send to me?"

  Lu Shu: "I have a close-up of breasts."

  The other party: "Send it quickly, good people will have a peaceful life!"

  Lu Shu searched the Internet for a chest X-ray and sent it to the other party.

  other side:???

  "Negative emotions from Li Mingle, +20..."

  Lu Shu was having a lot of fun playing with the domestic gaming machine that he had spent several hundred yuan to buy last year. Regardless of what he could buy or win with the income, Lu Shu was very happy at the moment.

  It was like my talent had a legitimate place to be used...if that could be considered a talent...

  Lu Shu has been studying in the high school department of Los Angeles Foreign Language School for two years since he left the orphanage. The reason why he still doesn't have many friends is probably because his personality is a bit unserious and he easily chokes people to death...

  "Negative emotions from Zhiwei, +1..."

  Haha, Lu Shu has to admit that this guy is too vindictive.

  He usually doesn't think about how offensive his words are, he's just used to it...

  Seeing that his negative emotion value was almost reaching the peak of 700 in one night, and a star fruit was worth 1000, Lu Shu wanted to try the effect of this fruit, but then he changed his mind and thought that he didn't know how to practice yet, and he didn't know what this thing was used for. He also didn't know if it had a shelf life and whether it would go bad.

  Right now, it seems that only the Marrow Cleansing Fruit is of the greatest use to him, which means that the lottery seems to be of the greatest use to him.

  What exactly can be drawn from the lottery? Is there such a thing as a secret book? Thinking of this, Lu Shu's heart was a little hot.

  He had already guessed that what he had was probably different from others. After all, when he was looking for his life experience, he searched the Internet for countless information, but no one had ever known what this thing he was wearing around his neck. It seemed to be a unique item.

  Moreover, in those video news, some said that the abilities appeared suddenly, while others said that the abilities appeared after being stimulated.

  Some people have also photographed Taoists breathing in clouds and the essence of the sun and the moon on the top of a mountain. From this, it can be seen that the way everyone acquires abilities seems to be quite different.

  But it seems that someone has obviously taken a step ahead of him. Lu Shu really wants to know whether his system will give him the skills to practice, so that he can take the first step into the new world.

  However, if the reason is really the revival of spiritual energy, then even if those people are one step ahead of him, the difference would probably not be too big. After all, the abnormal events have only occurred for a few months.

  Swallowing the Marrow Cleansing Fruit seemed to be just a half step forward. Without the method of cultivation, everything would be in vain.

  After collecting 700 negative emotions, Lu Shu chased Lu Xiaoyu back to his room, then he went all-in and drew 7 times in a row!

  Lu Shu looked at the wheel expressionlessly as it said "Thank you for participating" five times in a row. His face had turned completely black.

  Others gain abilities directly, and the legendary attribute of being able to awaken powerful abilities when stimulated is simply too enviable.

  I am also being stimulated now, but it is the system that I regard as a treasure that I am stimulating. Others can gain abilities when they are stimulated, but I can only get thanks for participating.

  However, bad luck is not always on Lu Shu's side. The sixth time, he got the Marrow Cleansing Fruit. When he saw the Marrow Cleansing Fruit, Lu Shu was already in great ecstasy. The effect of this thing was obvious. Since the second one appeared, it meant that the probability of its appearance should not be low. And it also meant that the "root bones" that he had guessed could continue to improve?

The seventh time, a golden page appeared on the turntable. On it was something that Lu Shu was very familiar with. He was so familiar with it that he even sang it out loud...

  "Twinkle, twinkle little star, the sky is full of little stars..."

 Lu Shu: ???!

  What is this?!

  Can anyone tell me what the hell this is!? I finally picked up so many bottles in the middle of the night and threw away so many bottles. The uncle who recycles soda bottles is not as diligent as me, okay? In the end, I won this thing in the lottery?

  It's a good thing that my resentment can't be transformed into negative emotional income for the system, otherwise I would be invincible!

  Lu Shu was confused at that time. He felt that he had already received a huge stimulation, so why didn't he awaken his ability? Was this system meant to stimulate him?! It must be like this!

  But when I looked further down, the lyrics seemed a little different.

  Twinkle, twinkle little star, the sky is full of little stars.

  It floats far above the world's clouds, shining like a diamond in the night sky.

  The blazing sun burns out and the universe becomes silent; the starry sky is no longer clear at sunset.

  Where can I find the long road in the night, until the blazing flames start to sing.

  Lu Shu tried to sing the whole passage, and there was nothing different about the golden paper. He read it seriously, but there was no response.

  Although the words are different, no matter how different you are, you are still little stars. Lu Shu was a little powerless to complain as he held the golden paper in his hand.

  At this moment, Lu Xiaoyu next door suddenly shouted across the wall: "Lu Shu, Lu Shu, the snow has stopped!"

  Lu Shu suddenly looked out the window.

  At this time, the starlight in the snowy sky outside the window was as brilliant as a galaxy. In the silent night, the silvery-white starlight shone into the house through the transparent glass windows. The golden paper burned with white flames under the shining of the starlight.

  The flames danced like the hottest and most abundant time. The golden paper turned into pure white ashes in the flames, and the ashes went straight to the sapling in Lu Shu's palm and merged together.

  Lu Shu suddenly felt that maybe if he sang this unusual song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" again at this time, something unusual would happen.