
King Spare Me 大王饶命

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 Daytime Practice

 When Lu Shu had sold almost half of his eggs, an old lady came over with a child. It was estimated that the old lady was helping to take care of the child during the winter vacation and took the child out for dinner in the morning.

  The child was clamoring for eggs, so the old lady pulled the child over to Lu Shu and said, "You've already had breakfast. Eat an egg and go home obediently to finish your winter vacation homework today."

  "Okay." The child nodded.

  After eating one, the child wanted to eat more, because it was indeed delicious. However, the old lady did not allow it, saying that a child of seven or eight years old would be hurt if he ate too much.

  "Grandma, I need to eat more to wake up!" the child said seriously.

  Lu Shu next to him almost peed himself. Such a young child is already thinking about awakening? How influential is this website called the Foundation now?

  The old lady next to him didn't have any special reaction. To coax a child, you have to be a little childish: "If you eat too much, you will become very fat and may not be able to wake up."

  Lu Shu couldn't help himself: "Little friend, why do you want to awaken?"

  "I want to maintain world peace!" the child said seriously.

  Hehe… they've even come out to maintain world peace. Lu Shuyan said insincerely: "You're really ambitious…"

  In fact, most boys would be a little immature when watching cartoons when they were young, but Lu Shu didn't have this opportunity. There was only one TV in the welfare home, and all the TVs played were the director's favorite things to watch.

  "Brother, what will you do if you wake up?" the child asked back.

  Lu Shu was stunned for a moment. He had never thought about this question carefully.

  Lu Shu thought for a moment and said, "I'll probably try to make some money first, and then go out and visit the places I want to go."

  When he was in school, he envied others because their parents would take them out to play during the winter and summer vacations, but he couldn't go out, so in such a big world, he had only been in Los Angeles.

  The child was curious: "And then?"

  "Then I'll just stay at home secretly." Lu Shu answered seriously. This was what he really thought. Sometimes when he thought about it, it would be fun to play around with Lu Xiaoyu and watch TV series without any worries.

  "You are such a loser! People like you will never wake up." The kid felt that in terms of ideological level, he had already won!

  Lu Shu's face darkened at that moment: "Have you finished your winter vacation homework? If not, hurry up and go back with grandma to finish it!" Then he turned to the old lady and said: "Now there are always people selling answers to winter vacation homework outside, you must be careful, if you copy the answers to your winter vacation homework, it will not be effective for review!"

  The old lady was surprised: "Is this true?"

  The little boy was totally confused, not knowing what had happened before this misfortune struck him!

  "Yu Li's negative emotion value, +90..."

  The child didn't end up getting to eat the second egg and was taken back by his grandmother to do his homework.

  During this time, Lu Shu saw several classmates passing by this road, but neither of them said hello, just like real strangers.

  This distance is just right for everyone, and no one needs to feel any burden.

  Today is the first day of work for adults after the Spring Festival, so Lu Shu's business is pretty good. There are still 20 minutes before class. He has five minutes to go home to put his things away and five minutes to walk to school, which is more than enough time.

  I originally rented the house here because it was close to the school.

  When Lu Shu returned home and saw that the meal on the table had been eaten, he packed up his things and went back to school. In fact, he also wanted to know what the school would be like after the incident on the foundation website.

  When he was walking on the street, he could hear people loudly discussing about awakening. Some people were simply envious and yearning, while others were rationally analyzing how to awaken...

  This kind of analysis is basically based on the summary of awakening types and methods in the videos published on the foundation's website.

  However, so far, the biggest probability is that this situation is more likely to occur due to huge stimulation.

  There seems to be no other more effective way.

  The entire campus seemed to be bustling with activity. Even though it was the eighth day of the Lunar New Year and only the second and third year high school students started school, it was still extremely lively.

  When the foundation's website was not closed for a long time and even started a nationwide discussion, when everyone finally understood that awakening had become a fact, everyone's hearts were warmed.

  Especially young boys who are full of vigor and vitality, they are a bit rebellious and yearn for freedom due to the discipline and suppression of their family. At this time, all boys and girls in adolescence are the ones who are most eager to awaken.

  Because awakening means that they may have a chance to escape control.

  They also don't know what they will do after they are no longer controlled by their families. They don't think that far ahead and just think that awakening is a very awesome and cool thing!

As Lu Shu walked and listened, he suddenly thought, could he practice his star map during the day?

  Although stars can only be seen at night, modern people know very well what stars are. Aren't they just the stars in the sky?

  Just because you can't see them during the day doesn't mean they disappear.

  Lu Shu secretly went to a deserted place and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star quietly. The next moment, he really felt the star map in his body communicating with the sky again!

  However, this time there was no falling starlight. Instead, for a moment he seemed to be penetrated by the sunlight. In the process of the sunlight penetrating him, bright spots of light appeared in his body and converged towards his heart. Without any guidance, they would choose the direction to rush towards by themselves, and their target was actually the flame in his heart.

  It's so strange, practicing during the day actually has another effect?

  Obviously, the flame appeared first, and I got the gold paper later, so why do I feel that this cultivation method is closely related to me? Is it because they all come from the pendant on my neck?

  Sometimes Lu Shu wondered who gave him this pendant and why it contained such a magical secret.

  But he was destined to not be able to figure it out. How could he think when he didn't even know who his parents were?

  There was no obvious change in the white dancing flames, except... it became a little more solid?

  Lu Shu felt that since practicing during the day was like this, then there must be a reason for it, and it didn't seem to be as troublesome as practicing at night, where one had to guide the starlight.

  Then just leave it alone, that would save you a lot of trouble.

  Lu Shu carefully observed the expressions of the people around him, and since no one noticed that he was practicing, he felt relieved.

  For some reason, it seemed as if his secret was very hidden. He could feel the fluctuations on Liang Che's body, and the man in the black windbreaker could also feel it slightly, but the other party seemed not to feel the strangeness on himself.

  Is it because of the problem of cultivation method?