
King Spare Me 大王饶命

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 14 Foundation

The star fruit condensed in his hand, and a majestic sense of power radiated from the inside out. This feeling was extremely obvious, which made Lu Shu clearly understand what kind of star power this fruit in his hand possessed.

  The star fruit sparkled with bright light, just like a star in the sky. Lu Shu hesitated. Is this thing edible or not? It doesn't look like a fruit at all.

  But since the store calls it a fruit, it should be edible, right?

  To Lu Shu, he was like a frog at the bottom of a well. Now that he had finally reached the edge of the well, there was no reason for him not to jump.


  Lu Shu stuffed the star fruit into his mouth, and the fruit melted in his mouth again.

  In an instant, the majestic power of the stars surged down and rushed straight into the star map between his chest.

  It was not until this moment that Lu Shu could see the star map clearly: it was composed of seven dark nebulae of varying sizes. The stars inside were all dim, as if they were waiting for something.

  And each nebula has seven main stars. At this time, the power of the stars is rushing towards a dark star in the smallest nebula.

  The moment the star power was integrated, the first star in the smallest nebula was actually lit up directly.

  Lu Shu felt that the power of this star had been filled up, and the power of the star rushed to the next one again until the second one was also fully lit!

  At this time, the star power in the star fruit was finally exhausted.

  When Lu Shu opened his eyes, he could clearly feel the power of the stars shining in his body, like another different kind of life force!

  This power can be used by him!

  Lu Shu had always been weak since childhood, and could be said to be very fragile. However, at this moment, he felt that his physical condition had never been so good, as if it contained tremendous strength.

  One star fruit lit up two stars in the smallest nebula. Although the stars that needed to be lit up later in the nebula were bigger than the last, Lu Shu felt that as long as he was willing to work hard, he would be able to light up the entire nebula sooner or later.

  What changes will happen then?

  The stars that lit up in his body flickered as if they could breathe. Every time they flickered, Lu Shu felt that every part of his body was washed by a warm current, which was extremely comfortable.

  This is the power of the stars.

  This is the power of surrealism!

  Lu Shu tried to lift his bed. The bed that he couldn't lift before was now liftable. He took a deep breath and swung his fist to the ground!

  A burst of star power suddenly burst out from the nebula within his chest cavity, gathering towards Lu Shu's arm like a surging river, and the starlight like dust filled every blood vessel and muscle of his, even reaching his cells.

  With a thud, a muffled sound was heard from the ground, and the sound was very loud.

  Hiss! It hurts so much!

  Lu Shu smashed his fists on the ground because he was afraid of breaking furniture and being asked to pay compensation by the landlord. However, he still overestimated his own strength. It was definitely much stronger than usual, but the problem was that his fists were still not as hard as the ground.

Lu Shu had a rough idea of ​​his own strength. At his current stage, he was only slightly stronger than a normal adult.

  Compared to Liang Che who can set fire as soon as he awakens, it is definitely not comparable. Lu Shu can only envy him.

  But this does not mean that his practice is useless. On the contrary, Lu Shu is very happy. After all, he has only lit up the two smallest stars.

  No one knows what the future will be like.

  Lu Shu exchanged for two star fruits again and ate them. This time he was much more skilled. He watched as the star power filled up the third star in his body again and then consumed it.

  This was something Lu Shu had not expected. It took one star fruit to light up the first two stars, but it took two star fruits to light up the third one.

  Lu Shu felt the strength in his body. Although it was not exaggerated to say that it had increased by two times, it was almost the same.

  But his body looked unchanged from the outside, still looking like a pale young boy, just no longer weak.

  Lu Shu estimated that he had twice the strength of an adult? No matter what, he was much stronger than before, and life seemed to have hope again.

  What did Lu Shu envision his future like before? He was like a normal person, working from nine to five after graduation, getting married and having kids, and that was it.

  Just thinking about it makes me feel a little gloomy...

  This is the life of most ordinary people, but for some people, being ordinary itself means a tragedy.

  What is the purpose of life? This is a false proposition. No one can get a unified answer because everyone is different.

  For Lu Shu, it was all about more freedom.

  This freedom does not mean lawlessness, but more choices. You can go wherever you want, eat meat if you want, and stay at home without worrying about your livelihood.

  Some people make money all their lives just for this. The higher the social status, the higher the degree of freedom. He can buy luxury cars that others cannot afford, which is also a kind of freedom.

  In fact, Lu Shu could understand Liang Che's behavior to some extent. Although he did not agree with the arson, Lu Shu put himself in his shoes and thought that if he was also captured for research or forced to work for someone, he would also resist with all his might until he was free or died.

  Lu Shu felt that this was a matter of principle.

  Well, it is indeed a matter of principle.

  At this moment, Lu Shu felt very happy, because he didn't need to rely on anyone for his practice, he could just play slowly by himself. Anyway, no one seemed to have much experience in this kind of thing, so he didn't need to spend effort to communicate with others.

  Instead of risking being caught to explore the outside world, it is better to play slowly on your own.

  There are only more than 1,800 negative emotion points left. What is more urgent now is how to continue to earn negative emotions. Lu Shu has not figured out what to do yet. Now that he understands the effect of the Star Fruit, should he directly exchange for a Star Fruit or draw a lottery?

  A lucky draw? Lu Shu's face darkened when he thought of the words "thank you for participating"...

  At this moment, in the dark room, the phone on his bed lit up. It was someone in the class group sending a message: Open this URL I sent you. It's explosive! Quick! You must be shocked after reading it. This thing might be blocked soon!

  Lu Shu was curious about what could make this classmate so excited. He clicked on it and saw that the phone entered a black interface with complicated patterns on the edges. It seemed to have some meaning, but it also seemed to have no meaning and was just an embellishment.

  The website header has only one word: Foundation.