
Chapter 188: Low Key

"This is indeed an excellent choice." Kaslana laughed, "The humans who can wear the Demon Hunter Armor are true knights who are undoubtedly of exceptional character. They are the best choice for making friends."

"Humility, honor, sacrifice, valor, mercy, spirit, honesty, justice! A human who can adhere to these eight principles is naturally qualified to be my friend." Muria smiled, "But now, the question is, how do we find this Demon Hunter Knight?"

"Let's go. We should first go to the place where this Demon Hunter Knight fought, to see if we can track him."

Kaslana shot up into the sky and headed towards the rising column of gray-black smoke in Valiant City. The spirit light radiating from her body flowed into a magnificent golden rainbow behind her.

"Isn't that audacious!" Muria watched as the undisguised Golden Dragon Sister flew over Valiant City and then looked at the city residents below, who had an awestruck expression on their faces when they noticed her.