
Ch 5

3rd person POV

The car came to a halt. Killian picks up Hayley in compassionate and careful way, ensuring not to startle her. He radiated a sense of protection and care. While Hayley felt herself being lifted but it was too hard for her to open her eyes in the disoriented state she was in.

She felt the cold air hit her and she shuddered in Killian's arms. He held her more close to his body while he walked towards a grand mansion in the distance, the surrounding landscape bloomed with an abundance of greenery. Tall, lush trees sway gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows over the well-manicured lawns. The mansion, a majestic structure of classic architecture, stands as a serene sanctuary amidst this natural splendor. Sunlight of the setting sun filters through the leaves, creating a serene and hopeful ambiance.

"Sir" an elderly women most likely in her mid fifties, stood in front with a line of the maids, dressed in black welcomed Killian back home.

"The doctor is in your room" the elder lady spoke , she was dressed different than the other maids. Her dress was more greyish, formal and elegant.

Killian rushed straight upstairs towards his bedroom. "Mr Kingston" the doctor stood up as soon as Killian entered the room. He layed Hayley down on his bed and covered her shivering body with blanket.

"She is burning up" Killian stood up straight letting the doctor examine Hayley. The doctor checked her pulse and then checked her temperature.

"It seems that miss has mild fever, nothing to worry about Mr Kingston. Give her some rest and healthy food and she will be just fine in a day or so." The doctor stood up after examining Hayley.

"If miss has any headache or any body pain then give her some painkiller, it would calm her" He spoke to Killian, who was relieved when he heard that it was only mild fever. After all these years he was finally going to live the rest of his life with his little angel, he couldn't even dream of anything happening to her.

"For now I have given her medicine, it would be best to let her sleep till she wakes up herself" the doctor spoke before exiting the room.

Killian placed a small kiss on Hayley's forehead and dimmed the lightening.

"Sir, what about dinner?" the same elder lady stood by the gate.

"I won't have dinner without her, Estelle."

"I shall keep the food in the refrigerator" Estelles responded, just in case they might feel hungry at night. She closed the door and left

Killians body ached, he hadn't slept properly for two days. After the bar incident he couldn't take his eyes off his angel. What if something had happened to her? He has many enemies who would want to hurt Hayley to get to him.

Killian feels the need to take a warm shower to soothe bis aching body before going to his angel. Even the fifteen minute bath seemed to irritate him, keeping him away from Hayley.

He was quick to change into his comfortable clothes and was finally able to lay down in bed besides Hayley.

His heart felt at contempt, a small smile appeared on his face. He didn't know that a cold, ruthless man like himself could ever fall head over heels for a girl. He had never imagined nor desired but here he was madly smiling after finally being able to hold his angel in his arms.

Killian carefully pulled Hayley more close to his body. Her face buried in the crook of his neck while his arms wrapped snugly around her body.

Her warm breath tingled at his neck, in this moment it took everything in him to not pin her hands above her head and kiss her all over her sweet body.

He closed his eyes, taking all of her presence in.

Hayley felt warm and cozy, her splitting headache had subdued. Slowly she regained her consciousness and felt warm hands engulfing her. She opened her eyes immediately, found herself lying in the bed being hugged too close by someone.

Her heartbeat fastened and she nervously glanced up and came face to face with sleeping Killian.

His face is a harmonious blend of chiseled features, exudes a rugged, intimidating charm. His strong jawline, shadowed by a hint of stubble, contrasts with the softness of his closed eyelids, while a slightly furrowed brow suggests a life of intense experiences. His thick, dark hair, slightly tousled, adds to his enigmatic and powerful presence, even in repose.

He held her as if he was afraid to let go of her, which scared her but also in the deepest corner of her heart she felt warmth after long.

However this didn't change the feeling of running away from him, He who kills for pleasure and god knows has done many evil deeds.

She tried to carefully wiggle out of his arms however his grip tightened and Hayley looked up at him only to find his intense grey eyes already looking at her.

"How are you feeling now?" His deep voice broke her out of her preoccupied mind.

She did not respond to him, she didn't know how to react to this situation. Her being engulfed by a mafia who is so powerful. It was like she was losing her mind.

"Are you still down with fever?" he spoke again but this time also put the back on his hand on her forehead checking the temperature.

Killian felt how stiff Hayley was in his arms, he didn't like it but he also couldn't blame her. She needs some time to adjust.

Hayley had no idea how she was going to run away from here neither did she know what is gonna happen next. the anxiety was killing her.

Her stomach grumbled and Hayleys eyes widened, Killian looked at her cute reaction and laughed softly. Which was a shock to Hayley because she never thought that a man as powerful and cruel as him would have such a sweet laugh.

She didn't know whether to worry or be mesmerised by his beautiful laugh.

"You are hungry, little mouse" Killian finally let go of her only to pick her up again in his arms.

A small yelp escaped her mouth as she felt her body lifted in air and into his arms. Her small hands wrapped around his neck.

"Put me down!" she protested

"You haven't healed completely" Killian spoke in his commanding voice while carrying her out of the room

"No I-I can walk on my own, please put me down" Hayley wiggled in his arms trying to get away from him

"Hayley" Killian stopped and took a sharp breath in before locking eyes with Hayley

She had fear in her eyes, he didn't want her to fear him. His eyes softened a bit "Let me carry you, I won't hurt you"

Even though he has said that many times now still, Hayley finds it impossible to believe. How could she? If he didn't want to hurt her then what did he want from her?

She found herself being seated on the big marble counter in the middle, everything in this kitchen was screaming luxury and modern, a built-in sink and a high-tech induction cooktop, and stylish pendant lights dangle elegantly above her. The state-of-the-art stainless steel appliances, including a double door fridge, dishwasher, and oven, are integrated seamlessly into the cabinetry around her. The large, light-colored floor tiles complement the soft, neutral tones of the walls .

As she sits here, surrounded by the quiet luxury of her surroundings, Killian grabs the food from the fridge and heats it up. Hayley watches quietly and the smell of the lasagna made her stomach growl again and she held her stomach with her hands too embarrassed to look up.

Killian wanted to laugh, but more than that he wanted to kiss her and tell her that she doesn't have to hide her embarrassment from him. He couldn't kiss her, that would freak her out no matter how much he was dying to.

He walked up to her, Hayley shifted in her spot. Killian was quiet and she couldn't understand what he wanted to do until his warm hands touched her inner thigh. Hayley gasped, she didn't get a chance to move away from him because he spread open her legs and place himself in between her legs.

Even though she was sitting on the counter she still had to look up at Killian, his tall stance covered her small body.

He didn't say a word, however Hayley was going crazy with the closeness. She wanted to run.

Killian picked her up from under her arms like she was a light weight child and placed her down on the floor.

"Go sit at the dining table, I am getting your plate"

Hayley practically ran out of the kitchen, her heart raced like a mad horse and that's not even the worst part. the worst part is she didn't know why it did.

Killian was already controlling himself but being around Hayley and not being able to touch her was painfully and tormenting for him. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he knew better than that.

Within a minute Killian was out with two plates of lasagna. Hayley was quietly sitting at the dining table. As soon as she smelled the spicy sweet flavour of lasagna her head turned and her eyes fell on her captivator. He has a robust and muscular build. Standing tall, his broad shoulders stretch the fabric of his fitted t-shirt, hinting at the powerful muscles underneath. His arms, sculpted and defined, are the result of rigorous training and discipline.

She turned back when he started coming close to the table.

Killian placed the plate filled with lasagna in front of Hayley while sitting in the opposite chair to hers, so that they are face to face.

Hayley was dying to take a bite but she didn't know if she could trust him, what if the food is poisoned or mixed with some kind of drug or sleeping pills?

Killian noticed her tension, he was getting irritated by her not trusting him but he couldn't blame her. He was a mafia king after all.

Killian grabbed his fork and took a bite of lasagna from Hayleys plate.

"There you go, the food isn't tampered with. Eat" He assured her

Hayley observed Killian for a minute before chopping on the food. Each bite was heavenly for her, the sweet spicy flavour mixed in her mouth and the chicken almost melted in her mouth. She enjoyed her food while it lasted.

As soon as her plate got empty she came back to her senses and looked up at Killian who had his hands crossed infant of his face, his elbow on the table and his eyes on her. He hadn't finished his food however one look at Hayley stuffing her mouth with food had him looking at her.

She was so hungry that she couldn't even listen to what he said, when he told her to eat slowly. He loved her carefree side, especially for the first tie since being with him she was not on her guard.

However as soon as the food finished she was back to her reserved self, conscious of her surrounding.

"Do you want more?" Killian asked softly

She shook her head to a no.

"Okay, let's head upstairs then, you need to rest, your body is tired. " Killian stood up and walked to Hayley, he gently slides his hand into hers and interlocks their fingers.

Hayley stiffened "W-what are you doing?"

She tried to set her hand free but she was no match to him. "Don't" one word, just one word from his mouth already sent shivers down her spine.

She stopped protesting and walked wherever he took her. He led her to the bedroom and Hayley recognised the room she had woken up in just a few hour ago besides Killian.

Killian walked her to the bed and made her sit, she did not dare to look at him even once.

Killian walked towards the other side of the bed to get in which was to Hayley's surprise

"What are you doing?" she questioned him as he was getting in covers. "What does it look like to you, Mia cara?" He replied

A sense of overwhelming anxiety and panic rises, her eyes widen, with a posture that is tense and defensive, she acts on the first thought that strikes her mind. Run.

Which was a bad decision because even before she could reach the door lock of the bedroom, Killian in just two long strides pulled her back with force and turned her around, caging her between the door and himself.

"What do you think you are doing?" He took in a long breath and tried to force out his anger from his exhaling.

Hayley shouted "Let me go!" tears streamed down her eyes, fear gripped her throat but it didn't stop her from protesting.

She tried to wiggle out of his hold, kicking and punching on his chest which only seemed futile. Killian grew impatient, his held both her in his single big one and pulled them behind her back while pressing her body more close to his.

"Stop it, Hayely" his cold command stopped her from protesting. As fear settles in her heart again

"Why are you doing this to me" she whispered quietly while tears streamed down her face. A nerve twitched on his face, he didn't want her to cry.

"You cannot run away from me, do you understand ?" He looked deep in her eyes and spoke with his stern voice.

Her world started spinning, she was afraid of being held by him forever. What was going to become of her life now?

When Hayley became quiet Killian loosened his hand grip. He slowly rested his forehead on her head. A sweet flowery scent hit his nose, calming his mind.

"Your hair smell good" he sucked in her fragrance and sighed

"Hayley, I will never hurt you. I know it's hard for you to believe me but it is true. You are my precious, I wouldn't dare hurt you" He spoke softly

Hayley listened to him, his calm and gentle voice. She had a hard time believing him but up until now he hasn't done anything to hurt her so a relief flowed in her heart but still there was uncertainty.

Killian forcefully pulled himself away from her "I won't hurt you, or do anything to you until you are ready"

She looked at him confused but somewhere what he said relieved her.

"But you will sleep with me, I can't let you have a separate room. It's too dangerous, I can't stand being without you anymore" He pulled Hayley to the bed, covering both of their bodies with covers.

Hayley couldn't protest, what would she do? he is too strong.

Killian pulled Hayley's body more close to his and placed his arms around her waist, hugging her from behind. "It feels so good to hold you, mouse. You have no idea just how much I am holding back from ripping your clothes off"

Hayley tensed, her body stiffened

"shh, sleep Mia Cara. I won't do anything till you want me to" His one hand brushed her hair lightly, to release some tension from her body.

Hayley couldn't help but give in to the pleasure of his hands brushing her hair. No matter how hard she tried to stay awake, her eyelids felt heavy and slowly she drifted off to sleep.