
Ch 1

Hayley POV

The bell rang and i finally put my pen down after three hours of writing continuously.

"How was it?" Miss Sophia, my teacher asked me when she came to my table to collect my paper.

I smiled at her "It was good"

"I am expecting you to get full marks then!" she smiled brightly at me, miss Sophia was in her mid fifties however her face was in sharp contrast to her age. To everyone and anyone she would look like in her thirties.

Miss Sophia has always helped me out with my studies, since I couldn't afford tuition and for that I will be always thankful to her.

"Hayley!" my friend Amanda came running towards me, waving her hands in the air

Behind her were four other people whom I had helped in the papers.

"Thank you so much for helping us out, would you like to join us for a party tonight?" she asked sweetly

"I don't know" I didn't know how to reject them sweetly, to be honest I was never the one to go to parties and all because i was too focused in my studies.

"Oh come on Hayley, exams are over! Besides we wanna thank you for helping us out!" Amanda pouted

Well that is true the final exams are over and soon I will be graduating from college, but parties?

"Hayley it is going to be fun, you helped us out a lot man I would have failed if it weren't for you" one of the boys said, I believe his name was Max.

All of them looked at me with anticipation, well I guess one party won't do any harm anyways I have nothing else to do today.

"Okay fine, I'll come"

"Okay then i'll pick you up at correct seven!" Amanda gave me a bone breaking hug, and smiled at me before leaving with her friends.

I sigh and make my way towards the exit of the college, my house is not far away from here so I can walk home.

The thin clouds slowly drift apart, presenting a beautiful above as fresh air of Manhattan filled my lungs and i felt relaxed and exhilarated.

Manhattan is not my birth place, I grew up in Texas where my family home is situated however after the death of my mother and father in a plane crash, me and my grandmother sold our old house, my childhood house where I grew up and came to Manhattan for my higher studies.

I inherited all the property of my father after he died, which was enough to sustain us for years. Last year only my grandmother passed away, leaving me all alone in this world.

Living alone with no one to support you is a big challenge I have been trying to face for the past one year.

Sometimes the feeling of loneliness numbs me, i try to distract myself by reading novels and focus on my studies. Once my graduation is done I'll be eligible to design a house and work as an interior designer but I will soon have to find the job because my savings are going to end in the next three to four months, luckily our result would be out before I come on the streets.

I unlock my house and enter. Though I am not that rich but thankfully I have got a comfortable house and in a safe area.

My hand hurts because of writing so much, without changing my clothes I drop on my bed.

I still have four hours before Amanda shows up, I can take a quick nap.

I don't even realize when I slept and when Amanda came knocking on my door

I told her to wait in the car for me as I quickly get ready, I don't have any party dress because i don't spend much on shopping so I decide to wear a red dress with lace sleeves that my mother got for me on my 18 birthday however I am not sure whether it would fit me now when I am twenty four.

Surprisingly the dress did fit me well, when my mother had got it for me it was too loose but now it fits perfectly, tightened around my body showing all my curves. it had a v neck but not too deep.

I pull my hair quickly in a messy pony tail and grab my keys before heading out.I noticed a black car in-front of my house, Amanda waved to me from the window.

"Hey, you look hot!" she commented

"Thanks, you look beautiful as well" Amanda wore a very short tight black dress with deep v neck showing her cleavage.

"Come on, everyone is waiting for us" Amanda started her car and pushed the accelerator to the fullest

It hardly took us any time to reach to the club. It would be my first time ever going to a club.

I adjusted my dress after getting out of the car, Amanda ran up to all her friends and waived towards me. I walked towards them greeting all of them and they flooded me with comments which made me blush hard.

"Woah, Hayley you look stunning" Adam commented

"stop flirting you guys!" Amanda smacked Adam on his arm "Let's go inside"

We waited in the line, all the guys passed one by one and then Amanda and now it was my turn.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot to make an id for you" Amanda smacks her hand on her head. She nervously looks around trying to figure out a way to let me in.

I myself forgot that for entering clubs you need an id.

The guard suddenly moved barrier "You may go" he said

I looked at Amanda confused her eyes were widened as well, I walk in "what was that?"

Amanda shrugs "I have no idea why they let you in without an id, I guess it's your lucky day!"

All the boys left to have fun while me and Amanda ordered a drink

"I don't drink" I refused politely

"Oh Hayley for one night let go of your angelic side!" Amanda grabbed one glass of vodka and brought it near mouth, forcing me to drink it

"Come on just once" She grabbed my cheeks and poured the vodka in my mouth.

I drank it in one go "whoa, that was awesome for a first timer" Amanda laughed

"come one let's go to the dance floor" she grabs my hand and pulls me with her

I am crushed in between the mob going crazy while dancing. Amanda joins the crowd and starts dancing freely whereas i am standing there like a fool.

I notice Adam making out with some girl in a corner, probably the other guys are doing the same. I look for more, finding the other guys and then my eyes catch someone sitting in the dark towards the end of the bar, in the private section.I can't see his face because of the darkness but I feel uneasy as if he is watching me.

I shudder and look back only to find Amanda kissing and dancing with a guy who whispers something in her ear making her eyes gleam.

Amanda makes her way towards me "hey hayley would you be fine by yourself for some time or would you like to join us?" she shouts

Join her? was she serious?

"No! I am fine" I shout back with the booming voice of music in the background

"Oh okay, i'll be back" She smiles and leaves with the stranger.

I make my way back to the bar before i get crushed. so much for being lucky

"Um excuse me, can you please tell me where the washroom is?" I ask the bartender

He points towards my left, I thank him and make my way downstairs, Ah finally some peace.

The music is not so loud down here, I follow the signs and finally found the washroom.

I look at myself in the mirror, I did not apply any makeup. I had deep blue eyes I got from my father and my black hair same as my mother.

Someone bangs on the door

"Come out!" he shouted, what is an man doing in ladies washroom?

I slowly open the door and notice a man standing .

"Who are you?" I ask moving back towards the washroom exit

"It doesn't matter"He licks his lips

"Why are you here?" i move back nervously hitting my back on the wall

"I followed you here, enough with the interrogation" He moved closer to me, he smelled of alcohol

"Stay away from me or i'll shout" I pushed him on his chest he stumbled back a little bit but then moved back more closer, touching his body, crushing me between him and the wall.

"Let me have some fun babe" He licked my neck and grabbed my breasts

My pulse quickens with fear and I scream but a wet hand clamps over my mouth "shh let me finish babe" He speaks disgustingly

Tears spill from my eyes as i try to remove the drunk bastard off my body. He keeps on licking my neck before his hand grabs my thighs spreading them apart. Fear grips my heart and automatically my legs shot up hitting the guy where the sun doesn't shine. The man grunts in pain.

I inhale air in my lungs after the guy collapses on the ground, my legs become weak and I had no power to shout before he gets up I run towards the gate but am pulled back by my hair.

Low Whimper escapes my mouth "You bitch!"

The guy punches me in the face, I fall back on the ground with a cry.

"Let me teach you a lesson"

He climbs on top of me pulling his pants off "NO!" I cry loudly protesting but he grabs my hands and slaps me

"Oh sweet babe let m-"

Something cold splashes on my face, blood trickles down the the head of the man who had climbed on me and he falls on the ground with a loud thud.

Someone shot him.

I try to speak and get up but my vision blurs and my head spins, before shifting into darkness I feel someone picking me up and calling me

"Hayley" he said in a deep voice and after that I fainted.



Hey guys I hope you like the first chapter!

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