
King of the Tower

"You don't have the power to change anything, some things are just meant to be" "Then this world is wrong" [Everything You Desire Is Here] His lover's death and his incapability to save her leads Johan to answer the call of the tower.

CultivationKing · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Call Of The Tower


My hand turned slowly as I continuously peeled potatoes, one after the other. The same monotonous motion being repeated too many times to keep count of. Ever since I and Isa fought, time seemed as if it came to a halt...

"Finish up, this is the last batch before we leave for the capital"

Everyone in the kitchen released a sigh of relief after hearing the head chef say this, after 3 hours of continued work with no breaks the thought of freedom was enticing. The work rate in the kitchen sped up.

The only thing left to do after completing work in the kitchen was to visit the capital to watch Isa's wedding which was the last thing I wanted to do...

"Johan..." A sweet soft voice reverberated inside my mind.

Sure I was heartbroken, but Isa was going through a much tougher time. The least I could do was be there for her wedding. I quickly sped through the rest of the unpeeled potatoes and left the manor toward the capital.


The rowdiness and bustle was unmatched, it paled in comparison to the unease of yesterday. I shuffled in between the crowd to find a spot to watch Isa's marriage from and managed to find a relatively spacious slot behind a few familiar faces.

"I can't help but feel bad for my lady."

"She was dealt a bad hand I suppose."

The ladies in front of me I had recognised were Isa's maids, me being in the kitchen meant I would never really interact with other sectors of the manor. However, my spending most of the free time I had in Isa's quarters made bumping into a maid or two an inevitability.

"If not for her house's decrease in status she wouldn't have had to marry that-"

"Quiet! You better pray no one heard you say that!"

I heard it though... not that I would tell anyone. Even though I wished to be with Isa dearly it was true that she had to marry, it was a given. When engaged to a spouse by their family a woman had to marry, that's how it was before and how it always will be.

The crowd that was chattering wildly just a few minutes ago quickly fell silent, making way for a beautifully adorned wagon that approached the centre of the capital. An attendant opened the door and out came Isa and her fiance who were led onto a platform were they faced each other, surrounded by attendants, peasants and a single priest.

Even now my heart pulsated fiercely, what kind of sick joke was this?

"... Do you take Lady Ard as your lawfully wedded wife?"

After a long-winded speech from the priest, it was now where they had to say their vows and affirm their allegiance.

"I do!" Disgustingly, without any hint of reservation, the piggy quickly said his vows.

A deep rage welled within me, hate toward this golden spoon-fed piggy, hate toward my inability to do anything but most prominently hate toward this world that would not let us be together.


Isa stammered over her words clearly reluctant to admit that she would spend the rest of her life with a stranger. Her silence caused unease to begin to manifest among the crowd and priest.

"Lady Isa?" The priest questioned.

The silence continued for just under a minute but that was enough to cause the crowd of onlookers to begin whispering among themselves, some out of concern and some out of confusion.

"Pay it no mind your holiness, my lady must be nervous"

Hah? it's obvious she doesn't want to exchange vows with a pig!

"Who in their right mind would want to exchange vows with a pig" Isa angrily yelled as she ripped her veil to shreds.

As if she read my mind the exact thoughts I had inside my mind were mirrored in what came out of her mouth the next instant.


The repercussions for not only disrespecting a noble of higher ranking so publicly but also refusing to marry him were...heavily punishable. Isa would be lucky to get away with her life intact.

I was scared not only about what would become of Isa, this would leave a major dent in her family's reputation. My security wasn't guaranteed... although deep down somewhere, in the darkest innermost part of my heart, I was happy.

Despite knowing what could come of disobeying the natural order she still held the resolution to vocalise her feelings.

"Such Impudence?! It seems like you won't change until the very end!" Isa's fiance raged violently causing the priest to attempt to calm him down.

Typical of Isa, it looked like this wasn't the first time she had shown discomfort and discontent with her engagement.

"-dead..." The angry man slowly regained his composure and glared at Isa.

"Sorry?" The priest replied in confusion.

"I'll have you dead for this." Isa's fiance had a serious, chilling tone.

There was a collective feeling of dread, this was no empty threat. His high standing in the empire and Isa's disregard for the law made it so that her execution was possible.

The priest's attention as well as the crowd's was directed toward Isa's parents, who has been watching the wedding from the sidelines. Her mother grew shakier and shakier.

Now wasn't the time to prioritise thier feelings, it was their daughter or the prosperity of the family. It was not an easy decision but a vital one.

"Do as you must" Isa's father said sternly wearing a serious, somewhat disappointed look.

It felt like not even a minute had passed before Isa was knelt below her fiance, held down by guards. His sword inches away from her neck.

We locked eyes... somehow she found me within the dense crowd. Her gaze was a mystery in itself, what she was trying to convey... what she was trying to tell me might've been the hardest yet easiest question to solve.

Her head fell to the ground with a slight thud.



Constant thuds were heard coming from my door, I couldn't bring myself to leave my bed. Eventually, the banging stopped and footsteps could be heard growing quieter and quieter.

It had been half a year since she had died and since then I never left my room. The shack I lived in was small, sure... but it was the only place I could get away from the guilt I felt inside.

If I had tried to save her that day maybe things would have played out differently. At least I wouldn't feel as guilty as I did.

I cut everyone and everything off, Dina, my co-workers and the city that felt empty now that Isa was gone.

It must've been fate, like magic in my darkest moment in which I felt like I had nothing worth living for... it called out to me. A life-changing moment that I would never be able to come back from.

A robotic, slightly calming voice pierced the silence in my room. It was neither earthly nor inhuman, something higher... I knew that no matter how much I thought it over I would never understand it.

[Everything You Desire Is Here]