
king of the Night

The long night covers the world, and the dawn is slow. Evil has descended on the earth, and all living beings have been devastated. He wandered in the long night, hovering on the blade, swinging between the clouds and hell. Ignite the fire of the star soul. Since the night is long, I will be the king of the night. is the eighth book of Feng Lingtianxia same author of :[Legend of Lingtian] [OTHERWORLDLY EVIL MONARCH] [Proud of the Ninth Layer of the World] [Celestial Firmament] [I Am the Supreme] [Left Way Qingtian] [Blue Falling Heavenly Sword].

FALCON_N · Acción
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97 Chs

Chapter 12: Chen Ruohai.

Chapter 12: Chen Ruohai.



"This matter..."


The senior members of the One Heart Sect gathered together, all sucking in cold air through gritted teeth.


They all felt that this matter was too bizarre.


"The Guardian Hall has already set its sights on the Su family. If we, the One Heart Sect, want to swallow the Su family's wealth, we will end up in trouble. So, we won't get it!"


"Most of the wealth will either be embezzled or divided, or it will fall into the hands of other members of the Su family, and then these people will disappear with the wealth."


"Disciple Sun's move... cough cough, is quite feasible."


"Yes, after all, falling into Fang Che's hands is equivalent to falling into the hands of the One Heart Sect; whatever Fang Che does with this wealth, whether it's for his own purposes or to elevate himself, some hidden benefits are also considered ours!" 


"Shall we proceed like this?"




Starting this evening.


Suddenly, the city of Bibo was abuzz with the friendship story between the Fang family's Fang Che and the Su family's Su Yue.


They were inseparable, became sworn brothers, had deep brotherly feelings, supported each other, were as close as brothers, and were inseparable as the sun and the moon.


Su Yue and Fang Che became friends, and for Su Yue's sake, Fang Che did many things. When Su Yue fell ill, Fang Che went to great lengths to find medicinal herbs, found them, and sent them over, immediately turning around and leaving.


He said magnanimously, "For you to get better is more important than anything else! What does it matter if I go through some hardships?"


When Su Yue was short of money, Fang Che immediately helped out generously, even willing to incur debts.


He laughed and said, "What is money compared to the brotherly bond between us?"


When Su Yue was bullied, Fang Che resolutely drew his sword and charged into the battlefield, facing opponents far beyond his own strength, saying, "Who dares to bully my brother!?"


He was beaten to the point of having his legs broken.


But he still smiled and said, "I, Fang Che, cannot bear to see my brother bullied! Even if I am dead, what do I fear? Where there is righteousness, there is unity in life and death! I fear not the mountains of blades or seas of fire!"


Su Yue was about to undertake a major task. Before leaving, he solemnly entrusted Fang Che: "Brother, I am embarking on a journey with uncertain dangers and an indefinite return date. I entrust everything at home to you, my brother."


He even wrote a special note as evidence for Fang Che.


Fang Che solemnly promised, "Between brothers, what need is there for the word 'entrust'? As long as I, Fang Che, draw breath, I will surely preserve the entirety of the Su family's wealth for you!"


When Fang Che heard the bad news that Su Yue was missing, He vomited blood, almost fell seriously ill, and sorrowfully shouted to the sky, "Heaven... return my brother to me!"


Countless people were praising Fang Che, saying that he was the epitome of brotherly love and the model of friendship.


Many were sighing, saying, "To have a friend like Fang Che, this life is truly not in vain!"


A poet was so moved that he wrote a poem to praise this beautiful friendship:


"Who says there are no brothers in the world? A promise to stand by each other in life and death; 


You can rest assured and go far away; there is righteousness and integrity here.


The young men of the Fang family are full of brotherly love, the oath of golden bonds engraved in their hearts;


Leaving the green mountains for you, waiting for your return to reunite!"


Regarding this statement, Bibo City was abuzz with rumors, but the Su family did not acknowledge it.


"Fang Che and our Su Yue don't have such a good relationship!"


"Our family members are just out and haven't come back for a short time; that's all; they're not dead."


"There are plenty of people who go out and don't come back for a year or more, so why should our Su family be an exception?"


"What is Fang Che? How can he control and manage the wealth of our Su family?"


"Absolutely not!"


When this statement spread, a chivalrous person, filled with righteous indignation, came out to question the Su family: "Can you justify your words against the feelings between Fang Che and Su Yue?"


Instead of agreeing, the Su family gathered people and beat up this righteous person, even trying to take his life.


However, to their astonishment, this righteous person turned out to be a master. In great anger, he roared to the sky, "To defile friendship like this, to insult brotherhood like this, I, Wang Laosan, cannot stand by and watch. Today, I will uphold justice on behalf of heaven!"


He then drew his sword and killed all the Su family members who were attacking him.


He then entered the Su family's mansion with his sword and killed all the Su family members, young and old, in the mansion.


He drove out all the servants, maids, and other household staff.


Afterwards, he leaped into the air, let out a long roar, and passionately proclaimed, "When I see injustice, I draw my sword to help! I am Wang Laosan of Pinghu!"


"I cannot stand by and watch filth and dirt. Today, in a fit of passion, I truly enjoyed killing!"


He laughed heartily, leaped up, and disappeared from Bibo City.


By the time the experts from the Guardian Hall arrived, Wang Laosan was nowhere to be found.


From the incident's beginning to the massacre of the Su family, the entire process took less than half an hour.


It happened lightning fast.


All the Su family members were killed.


Now, apart from the missing Su family members, there was only Fang Che left, who had a life-and-death bond with Su Yue!


With the situation having reached this point, everyone was dumbfounded.


Naturally, the Guardian Hall focused its investigation on the Fang family.


The result...


It was discovered that Fang Che and Su Yue's relationship was indeed genuine. Su Yue would often visit the Fang family to see Fang Che, and the two would talk happily...


Even the Fang family members suspected that Su Yue had ulterior motives and was actually scheming something, but Fang Che himself never doubted it. He firmly believed that Su Yue was his good big brother!


Because of this, he even quarreled with his grandfather, fell out with his uncle, and defied his mother countless times...


In short, in Fang Che's eyes, Su Yue was settled as his best friend!


There are still many people in the city of Bibo who can testify to this.


Some even said in unison: Fang Che is actually a fool, being used by Su Yue...


Various rumors and speculations were rampant.


There were all sorts of claims!


The more they investigated, the more confused they became.


Fang Che himself remained innocent and appeared to be a passionate young man. In any case, Su Yue was his good big brother!


I don't care about the wealth, but anything that belongs to my big brother, no one can touch!


But now, all the wealth and assets of the Su family are at a standstill...


Not even a victim was left.


As for the so-called 'Wang Laosan of Pinghu' who killed the entire Su family... it's like a bubble melting in the sea, completely disappearing.


Although the Fang family did nothing, the One Heart Sect mobilized all local forces to facilitate 'Fang Che taking over the Su family's inheritance'.


"Recognize the oath of golden bonds, the friendship of all friends!"


"Leave a thought for the missing members of the Su family."


"The Su family members are just missing, not dead. Even if you are law enforcers, you can't just confiscate the Su family's property like this, right? This is the result of generations of effort!"


"Why do you law enforcers obstruct such a noble sentiment of brothers taking care of each other's affairs?"


As for the One Heart Sect, in the shadows, they were hunting down all the Su family members who were executing tasks outside... Anyway, none of them are coming back.



 " Note: Do you prefer the Yixin sect or the One-Heart sect? "

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