

Valeron stood off against the seven figures as they surrounded him in a circular formation. They were some of the few who didn't get disoriented by the flames. One figure among the group piqued Valeron'e interest.

At the edge of their formation, a figure wrapped with black bands all over, with the only way to tell her gender being the long hair flowing behind the plain white mask she wore.

What intrigued Valeron was the fact that even though he could physically see her, he couldn't sense her presence no matter how hard he tried. He quickly deduced that she was the culprit responsible for masking everyone's presence earlier.

'She's dangerous!'

Even so, he grinned as he rushed wildly toward the first figure in front of him and as he brought up his sword to defend, Valeron pivoted on his right foot and changed targets toward the masked girl.

'If I don't take her out, I'll constantly have to watch my back'