

Chapter 10: Choice

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the secluded training ground at Black Rose Academy. Valeron stood poised, his two short swords gleaming in the moonlight. Opposite him, a formidable opponent materialized—a golem crafted from enchanted stone, its massive form imposing and unyielding.

With a graceful leap, Valeron launched himself into action, his body moving with the fluidity of a dancer. He danced a deadly waltz with the golem, each step and strike calculated to perfection. The clash of metal against stone echoed through the night as he expertly dodged the golem's powerful strikes, his agility a testament to his training.

The spar between Valeron and the golem was a breathtaking spectacle, an acrobatic display of skill and finesse. Valeron's movements were a mesmerizing blend of grace and precision, as he weaved between the golem's attacks, striking with calculated speed and accuracy.

With a final, acrobatic flip, Valeron landed a devastating blow to the golem's core, causing it to crumble into a pile of enchanted stones. He stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion but satisfaction in his eyes. It was a testament to his dedication and training that he could overcome such a formidable opponent.

After catching his breath, Valeron retreated to a quiet corner of the training ground, where he sat down to focus on core refinement. His elemental core, already at the limit of orange, shimmered with potential. He closed his eyes, delving deep within himself, channeling the energy of the elements to further harmonize and strengthen his core. He hoped to break through to the next level within the week, a milestone that would mark his progress as a mage.

As he concentrated on refining his core, Valeron's thoughts drifted back to a few hours earlier when he had been in his room, reading about the specializations on his Holodevice. His mind replayed the holographic information, detailing the two paths within the warrior specialization—shadowblade and battlemaster.

**Shadowblade:** *Masters of stealth and precision, shadowblades are adept at manipulating the darkness to their advantage. They excel in close-quarters combat and are skilled assassins who strike swiftly and silently.*

**Battlemaster:** *Battlemasters are warriors of raw strength and power. They favor direct combat and are known for their unyielding determination and proficiency with heavy weapons. They lead from the front lines in battles.*

Back in the present, Valeron contemplated his choices. He had trained diligently in the ways of the shadowblade, emulating the clandestine skills of his ancestors. It was a path that resonated with his training and ambitions.

With conviction in his heart, Valeron made his decision. He would follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and embrace the path of the shadowblade. It was a choice that felt right, a culmination of his dedication and the legacy of House Abyss.

After hours of core refinement, Valeron decided to call it a night. He knew that the classes of the next day awaited him, and he needed rest to face the challenges that lay ahead. As he settled into his dorm room, he felt a sense of purpose wash over him. The path of the shadowblade was his destiny, and he was ready to embrace it with all the determination and skill he possessed. With that thought in mind, he drifted into a deep and restful slumber, preparing for the new day and the adventures that awaited in his chosen specialization.