
King of New Blood

Roan Klaus was set to become a fully-fledged member of the great Deumontae Clan and to be granted the mantle of Roan Klaus Deumontae. But fate had a vile plan for him as the city was sieged, and his home was reduced to ruins. Roan will suffer tribulation after tribulation; and fight tooth and nail to survive in this cruel world. But will he have the mettle to take it all on? Follow Roan Klaus on his ascension path as he hones his craft and awakens the dormant bloodline of a Deumontae.

BeyondBreaking · Fantasía
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4 Chs

A Dreary Night

Roan opened his eyes to his dark ceiling as he watched the glow of candles slowly emanate their waves of soft light. The same he has seen since his birth as the quiet slowly settled in.

He breathed a sigh of burden but would soon be a tad bit excited for today's event.

'Today's the day for the awakening ceremony. The day I become an adult.'

He brought himself up from his bed right in front of the standing mirror with his rosy cheeks grinning as he began to prepare his attire.

He began encroaching his hand feeling the rough cold sensation of the wall as it reached the wardrobe just across the foot of the bed. A catchy tune catches his mind as he unknowingly hums it by accident. Slowly getting annoyed by the situation as he turned his head back to his bed across, slowly analyzing the area right beside to see the cage on his nightstand. It was barely illuminated but Roan knew what was there.

"Kila, you brat, were you singing til the start of the morning again?" No audible noise came as he resisted the full urge to shake the cage just a little. He took to walking as he paced back and forth way too often to this supposed morning. Picking up the handle as he begin reaching back to the side to where the window lay centrally covered by two layers of blinds and drapes. After meticulously untangling the blinds he reached the glass material to see it fogged up and silhouettes walking to and fro illuminated by the smudging light of fires across its frosty spectacles.

It took some force to pry open the window but its view had made it easier to make out the silhouettes becoming figures of actual people and the sounds of life coming back.

"Come back by dusk Kila or you might be locked out before I have the chance to get you in the morning and receive more complaints."

Without a moment's notice, the silent bird broke into a rapid movement to get away from the cage, the fluttering of wings which became so loud had sounded distant as time went on. Each time it could've lived its life in the wilderness but each day it returned.

Roan hoped it knew what he was saying, he did read in the academic books that crows were smart and were capable of doing menial labor to the wizards in the high tower, thus garnering its name as Nature's servant. He returned to his dresser to resume his business.

The door of the dresser almost swung with its hinges off as he picked up his academic attire and began changing.

He discarded his sleeping attire in a swift motion, only to immediately bend down and retrieve it. Actions like folding his collar, tucking in his shirt meticulously, and ensuring his breeches lay flat over his leggings all parts were essential to this process. Every minute detail of his academy routine was etched in Roan's memory. He adhered to this regimen for approximately five years, yet logically, the time he had spent grumbling about it would soon seem like nothing.

"No doubt, this is going to increase the more I move forward."


The aroma of delectable food already wafted in the air just as he finished. The smell came as a shock with different waves that would assault his noise with such fragrances to die for.

His mouth began to salivate as he remembered how good the chef was and knowing what he smelled was one of his favorite farm animals to eat.

Roan reached down the stairs at a record pace and met with the one responsible for making such a great disruption in his life right before he could make a noise.

"Use the wash basin before eating!"

The loudening stern voice alerted him right away.

"Who in this household would care anyway? They won't be back til two months."

A wide man came out as somewhat pale as well but somehow darker with a blackish tint.

He had a stub and a skillet in hand with the jewels presented. He waved it around to alert Roan with such ranges of motion that would generally make somebody fear moving around with violently hot content.

Just after he waved, he exonerated his further expression by placing his hand in a resting position near his chin and raising his head.

"I care, now get ready before this bloody cleaver at ye' head."


Roan headed to the washroom with his clothes in hand as he tossed them toward a bucket near the wash rack. Just as he reached the door, this so-called boss finally received the reward for his ill ventures and received a dozen droplets of grease on his wrist.

"AH %&@^!"

Roan decided to chime in one last time.


The new waves of anger now aimed towards him.

"Shut the hell up!"

A chuckle came out of his mouth as he proceeded to the small cup. All it was filled up was water with some salt as he rinsed his mouth around for about 15 seconds. He spat near the drain on the floor and proceeded to grab something from a linen pouch. After rummaging through a bit, he grabbed a rough brush and a small strong-smelling blend he procured from the trading post down the traffic-ladened street.

The strong smell wasn't a hint anymore as the rosemary was super strong and caused his face to wince.

The smell of the steak grew stronger as the aromas penetrated even the door, causing him to speed up the brushing moment to pick up the same cup to ladle the bucket he procured earlier. He spat out as most as he could and rushed outside to see the food already prepared at the table.

"A neat time for you to show up, just finished setting the table."

He sat down on the wooden chair across the table as Roan also took a seat.

The utensils were already lined out before him to see today's course.

A sizeable steak just about half the size of his forearm, half-already sliced to reveal its cooking to the perfection of medium-rare. A saucer filled up with a deep wine red enticed him with the smells of spice and savouriness of concentrated beef fat.

Across from it was a bowl of stew that also used remnants of the steak, to make a delectable combination of carrots and potatoes, and a sliced loaf of bread for him to dip in either to-die-for concoctions.

Roan browsed through everything to look up to see the most ear-to-ear grin as he closed his eyes waiting for Roan's praise.

"Aw you shouldn't have Alby"

Albert scoffed after hearing the scornful nickname he hated since Roan went into his first year of the academy. But resumed he did as he proceeded to sit down as well.

If you wondered how a large grin could get any wider, Albert proceeded to make it even bigger!

He grabbed the saucer filled with the wonderful sauce to pour on the side of the steak. The waft of smoke caught wind of Roan as he drooled within his mouth, causing his side to grin to reveal even some teeth.

Albert finished up his sentence with a "Dig in!" and moved to go on his business as Roan began chowing down at an insane rate

"Clean yerself after, yer a Deumontae after all."

Just as he finished stuffing his gullet, the flavor came after with such gusto and force. Only a short moan could be let out as his mouth was on fire with the freshness of food and his shortness of breath.

'Thank the gods!'

He was already halfway through his steak when Albert finally returned to the picture from a silent break.

Roan glanced at him as he sat himself down again to reveal a somewhat sad look on his face. Roan was somewhat perceptive to those around him, but he also grew up with Albert to know he was always very expressive with whatever bottled-up emotion.

Albert smiled again with his eyes closed to make a front once more.

He tossed a somewhat crumpled letter out of his pocket and placed it next to his almost-finished steak platter.

"Your father wrote another letter for ye. Just to let you know he cares for you."

He scratches his neck and comes to a small chuckle.

The letter came from a very deep red envelope. The material was luxurious, but the letter itself paled in comparison as it was covered in ink splotches and ripped edges.

His prim and proper father who only cares about results would never write a letter like this, not to mention the contents of what was written.

Roan could only make a short sigh as he placed down his fork to unravel its content though he went through its content from one ear to another.

Each time the letter came, he would count in his head to make it more believable as he shifted his eyes from left to right from the paper.

Just as the right amount of time had passed, he placed the letter down and forced the best smile he could.

"Thank you, Alby for always giving me my father's letters."

"Ah, don't mention it, make sure to eat your food before it freezes."

He spoke with a soft tone and followed it up with his signature infectious chuckle and a head scratch. He didn't care this time when his nickname was mentioned.

Roan heeded his words and continued with the meal when Albert had to leave and empty the wash bucket that Roan brought downstairs.

Roan finished up most of his meal, making sure to save a few morsels of the steak for Kila to feast on if he saw his crow roosting outside.

As he approached the mirror, he had to make sure his appearance was as tidy as can be and knew it was about time.

Practically full of energy with breakfast, Roan was ready to start the day.

He grabbed his bag set before a table in front of the entrance.

"I'm heading off, Albert!"

"I hear ya, I hear ya. See you soon young master!" Albert seemed a bit muffled as he began cleaning his laundry along with Roan's as he set off with the day, entering the bustling street of this Glumhaven.