
Chapter 126: Awakening Part 1

Lady Rose and Evanora hurriedly made their way to the end of the hall where the screams had originated from. After passing the halfway mark, the screams could no longer be heard and only an eerie silence was left, this however didn't deter Lady Rose from proceeding forward.

The closer she and Evanora went the more she too felt the like the air was growing thinner, however she quickly associated this to a drastic change in the mana density of the area. This change left seemingly no effect on the pair as they continued on without hindrance.

"I hear voices." Evanora commented and Lady Rose nodded at her. "Me too, a sort of telepathy maybe? Regardless ignore them." Lady Rose instructed and Evanora agreed and carried on unbothered.

[ ...You....how...how... ]

The echoey voices continued to question but Evanora and Lady Rose ignored them before soon reaching the end of the hall where the crystal like door laid.