
King of lightning

Lightning world's most destructive power. It can kill mortals like nothing. even immortals fear it but I Ye tang is the master of this power. I will become the most powerful villain in this life

Oniruddho_Haider · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: First time cultivation

after finishing dinner Ye tang started cultivation. Even as a previous life gangster ye tang didn't have any experience in cultivation but he was in pursuit. he started with the breathing technique " lightning pulse". According to the manual one had to bring out lightning from his heart and made it run through his whole body. First one had to run the element through his vein. there are 10 vain in total. if one was successful in guiding his element through 1st vein one can become a tier 1 martial apprentice. but it was also a challenge. Ye tang started breathing. because of not have a golden finger he had to understand everything himself. ye tang began to cultivate. for the first 3 hours, he couldn't even start his cultivation but after 3 hours he sink into his heart. when he opened his eyes he saw that he was in front of lightning. he knew that he sank into his heart and this was his elemental source. now he needs to guide the element through 1st vain. one had to know that as a person starts aging there will be much waste in vain. Because of a trained body, Ye tang had a well-built body but even so, there was waste in his vain. when he started channeling his element he could fill that there was a blockage in his first vain. he needed to break it to become a tier 1 apprentice. so according to the manual, he started hitting it with his element. according to him after 1 hour it started to loosen up but the blockage was still standing tall as a mountain. After trying many times he became tired and came back to his sense. after waking up he sensed that there was some gray matter on his body and he was stinking like shit. So he took a shower. then he went to his father and told him about his experience. his father was shocked. Even his father the heavenly demon couldn't start cultivation after 3 hours. even the heavenly demon took 6 hours before he could even sense his element and begin to cultivate. But for some reason, he didn't tell ye tang about this matter. just as ye tang was about to leave he turn back and told his father he intend to go to lightning mountain. His father was shocked after hearing it. One had to know that lightning mountain was a dangerous place and also the most suitable place for a lightning element user. His father agreed to his request and gave him permission to go to the mountain But the first order from his father was to take care of his body. they went to the table together for breakfast. while eating he told his mother about his plan. after hearing it his mother first beat up his father for not asking her opinion about this matter. It was a terrifying scene. But after some time his mother also agreed to this proposal.