
King of lightning

Lightning world's most destructive power. It can kill mortals like nothing. even immortals fear it but I Ye tang is the master of this power. I will become the most powerful villain in this life

Oniruddho_Haider · Fantasía
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12 Chs

chapter 11: 3rd assignment

the final match was between li hao and yang kai. everyone thought that li hao would win but yang kai emerged as a dark horse. he won the final battle. now chan ye, ya tang and yang kai will run for the seat of the heavenly demon. the 3rd assignment was to get the head of a high-ranking righteous clan elder. these elders were all lord or overlord-type experts. so these three will get 3 years each to complete the task. If all three of them get back with heads the one with the highest ranking one will get the seat. So there will be a hard battle. at night ya tang talked with his father about his departure and his father told him to go to the geographical section and get a full map. as his father said he went to the geographical section and got a map. then he went to the armoury to select a spear. there were many types and one caught his eye. it was made from a thunder tiger's bone and tooth. It was great for ya tang. ya tang chooses that. with this, he can perform his technique more fluently. he then went back home and talked to his mother. his mother was both happy and sad. So just like that another 2 days passed. ya tang trained the whole time to get used to his new assignment and learn all about the outside world. ye tangs plan was to lay low for two and a half years and when he is enough powerful he will go for the head. he just needs time. after saying byes ye tang went out in the night. he first needs to pass the demonic forest. there are many types of beasts in it. it was a great place for training. but if one went deep into it he will surely die as there are many powerful ones in it. Thus ye tangs journey started. after some time ye tang reached the forest. He was somewhat scared after seeing the forest at the night. he was thinking about whether to go inside or not. after some time he went in. at first he found some low-tier dog demon. it was easy to kill them. he then understood that he was in the outer region of the forest. he then started to clean the outer region. it was good for him as he could fight many beasts. after some time he heard a noise coming from the middle region. he went to see what it was. he saw a master-tier bull and lion fighting for some kind of herb. after thinking for some time he remembered that it was a 1000-year-old root. which could help anyone condense a great amount of source power. he was tempted and was thinking of a way to get the root.