
King of Heaven's Bride

Princess Sofia gaped at the sight of a white tiger standing in front of her holding out her fallen loom. Her face suddenly turned pale remembering that she had just said her oath. Make a man a husband and a woman as a sister if they are able to carry the loom that fell into the river. Then how about the story of Princess Sofia and Arvando next? Is Princess Sofia willing to accept Arvando, a white tiger, to be her husband?

arie_riyan · Fantasía
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7 Chs

3. Can I do the Same?

"How? Do you believe what I say? Are you trying to deny the truth I have shown you?"

"Yes but . . . but are they going to stray really fast? Maybe there's still plenty of time for us to think about what might happen. I hope mom and dad can get everything ready without a single one being thrown out at all."

Arvando pouted. Actually he was annoyed with Princess Sofia trying to buy time so he wouldn't press her to make a decision for him. Arvndo then tried to get closer to Princess Sofia and looked at the beautiful face of King Valcke's daughter who was still grieving.

"Don't think too much because I already have a way to have you."

"Method? To have me? What way? Tell me because I will think of your way a second time. Arvando, Please tell me that you can leave me now."

Without answering Princess Sofia's request, Arvando finally left the Villa for the Valcke Kingdom. He tried to cause chaos in the kingdom and did as he pleased by destroying all the buildings in the Valcke Kingdom so that the soldiers who knew Arvando's actions were confused to stop the white tiger who adhered to the palace.

"Hey please stop what you're doing Tiger. What you are doing is really very detrimental to the kingdom. Stop it because I'm sure King Valcke will be angry with you and he will throw you into a dungeon full of poisonous snakes."

The threat of soldiers did not make Arvando immediately stop his activities. He continued to rage and rage, frightening everyone in the palace.

Princess Sofia who had just returned from the villa then approached Arvando who was still in the palace courtyard. She crouched in front of Arvando ignoring the soldiers who shouted asking her to get away from the white tiger who was driving. Princess Sofia waved her hand and asked Arvando to sit across from her.

Arvando compiled. He sat looking at Princess Sofia who asked him to be quiet. Princess Sofia stroked Arvando and gently stroked the beast in front of her.\

"Okay. I'm sorry for everything I did to you. I want to accept everything sincerely, on one condition."


Princess Sofia took a deep breath. She knew Arvando wasn't playing around at the moment and she had to be careful with her terms.

"Come before Father and say all you wish. I obey and obey all of Father's orders.'

"Okay." Arvando approached Princess Sofia and stuck his tongue out to lick Princess Sofia's face, making everyone who witnessed it scream in terror.

"I love you, Princess."

Princess Sofia nodded then smiled. Even though she is actually afraid and ashamed of everyone, there is no other choice she can do to save her kingdom.

"Come with me and we will go to your father. That's when you have to reveal all your intentions and goals in coming to this palace. There's no need to tell me who you really are because I'm afraid my stepbrother will snatch you from me and ask for my position."

Arvando smiled when he saw Princess Sofia worried about her half-sister. In his heart he promised to continue to be able to protect Princess Sofia from bad people like the stepsisters mentioned by his future wife.

"Don't worry because I won't be attracted to anyone but you."

Princess Sofia and Arvando went into the palace to face King Gardenio who is currently sitting with his both wives along with Princess Amber, a child who is always jealous of Princess Sofia's success.

"I came to see father."

King Gardenio nodded. He actually felt worried seeing Arvando coming with his son. King Gardenio did not know the true story. He saw how Princess Sofia could paralyze Arvando's power waiting for the beast to reveal the purpose of his arrival to the Valcke Royal Palace.

"Tell dad who he really is, Princess Sofia, why is she rampaging in our kingdom?"

Arvando bowed to the king and his wife. a moment later he glanced at Princess Amber who was sitting looking at him with sharp eyes as if disgusted by the shape.

'I am Arvando Your Majesty."

"You can talk?"

"I am Your Highness."

"Okay. Tell me what is your purpose in coming to my palace and why are you throwing a tantrum like that? Do you know what you will receive when I catch you like now?"

Arvando once again nodded. He was not at all afraid of what might happen to him because he knew that Princess Sofia would definitely defend him.

"I have come to propose to one of His Majesty King Gardenio's daughters. If I could choose, I would ask Princess Amber." Princess Sofia was stunned to hear Arvando mention Princess Amber. She was sure Arvando was joking with her and she was sure in a moment Amber would express her refusal. Seeing Princess Sofia's confusion, Arvando blinked an eye, trying to seduce Princess Sofia.

"I don't want to, Father. I don't want to have a tiger husband like that. I do not want to."

Princess Sofia smiled at Amber's refusal. She looked at Arvando and back at her father.

"You heard for yourself that my daughter, Princess Amber, rejected you, Arvando. What will you do when you hear the rejection from Princess Amber? Are you going to throw a tantrum a second time?"

Arvando shook his head. He knew that King Gardenio had fallen into his trap and he just said the main purpose of his coming was to ask Sofia to be his wife. This time he was sure Sofia would gladly accept him without having to worry his half-sister would take him from Aber.

"If Princess Amber rejects me, I will ask Princess Sofia to take her majesty's place instead. If Princess Sofia doesn't want to accept me as her husband, then I will be forced to destroy this kingdom."

King Gardenio looked at Princess Sofia who was currently sitting quietly across from him. King Gardenio also hoped that Princess Sofia would refuse Arvando's request but the King also doubted if Arvando's proposal was rejected a second time. The white tiger will completely destroy the palace which has been used as the center of government.

"How about it, Sofia? Will you accept Arvando's proposal?"

Princess Sofia smiled. She cupped her hands in front of her chest and tried to ask her father to guess what answer she would give Arvando.

"If Amber's daughter refuses Arvando's request, can I do the same, father? Tell me Do I have the same opportunities as the Princess he has been so proud of?"

King Gardenio was silent then looked at his both wives who were currently also looking at his face waiting for his answer. The king was really confused by Sofia's question to him.